Forum Replies Created
Further information after continuing research.
New files I upload work fine except that they don’t display any icon, just the word “Download” (or whatever I choose) but at least it is a clickable link.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Forum Policy on Mentioning Other PluginsI completely agree with that statement of the policy. It was my impression that the alleged offending post fell into the OK category but I can’t tell now for sure.
It’s nice to know the policy is sane and that it’s so easy to get quick responses to such concerns.
Thank you.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Download Manager] Useless after updateI completely disagree with the idiotic rule that we shouldn’t mention competitive products in all reviews. As as general rule, that works fine. But in this case, this plugin has been rendered unusable and outright damaging to many, many users’ sites. If there’s a plugin out there that would ease my recovery from this disaster, I’d expect www.ads-software.com to be damn sure we could find out about it.
I realize I’m using this plugin for free and I have no right to expect support, but I think even free users deserve working software. I’m faced with the enormous task of re-uploading 200 files for member downloads because of the horribly ill-conceived “upgrade” created by the 2.7 version.
Shaon, I believe you owe us free 2.6 users a more reasonable upgrade solution than any you’ve offered so far, none of which has worked for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Download Manager Disappears, As Do Links! Heolp!So maybe we’ll be forced to find an alternative plugin with some sort of migration capability through which we can recover our now badly damaged sites? It’s now been several weeks since I’ve been able to offer people downloads from the church site I maintain and I’ve hesitated to upload new files while this problem continues to be an issue.
I wonder…are all of us complaining here users of the free version? Did users of the Pro version get better notice, docs, or a more complete migration tool?
@shaon, you can clearly see what a disaster you’ve caused many of your customers here. Can you offer any advice or scripts or other help to avoid us having to disrupt our sites further by changing plugins at this point? I really like your tool and I’d like to keep it, but…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Download Manager Disappears, As Do Links! Heolp!But, Shaon, all of the shortcode file numbers have been changed in the migration. Is there some sort of correspondence between the old wpdm numbers and the new ones, which seem to follow a different pattern altogether? Has anyone written a script to update the newly assigned numbers to match the old ones. Or alternatively to scan the database for the site and auto-replace the codes?
Otherwise, this looks like a massive manual process in which case I’ll be better off reverting to the old version of the plug-in.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Download Manager Disappears, As Do Links! Heolp!OK, I guess I missed the announcement of this major changer in DM’s architecture. Now do I have to find every instance of every one of my wpdm shortcodes on all the pages and posts in my site and manually update them? Please tell me that’s not necessary, that there’s some tool to handle this. Otherwise this is going to consume many hours of work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My Link Order] Display Link Description?I see the description is displaying as a popup on rollover and the settings suggest I can define a character to put between the link and its (presumably) displayed description, but the description does not display automatically.
I have to say Andre’s off-forum support was incredible. He pointed out how to fix what was wrong and then churned out a bunch of code fixes for me so the theme worked as I wanted.
Can’t say enough good things about his responsiveness and helpfulness!
I agree. But I have scoured the style.css file and can find nothing that should affect this object. I’ve also used Firebug to try to isolate the problem but, again, to no avail. All of the class/id refs contact-form 7 puts into place appear to refer to stylesheets on their site and they are all but indecipherable.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Text Field Lengths Being IgnoredYes. It’s Celestial Lite. I just posted a note on their forum there as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Text Field Lengths Being IgnoredNever mind. Sadly and disappointingly, this is a problem with the theme I’m using. A theme in which I’ve invested several hours of custom work that I will now have to throw away.
And I wonder why WordPress can be so frustrating!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Bug in Email of Password to New Registrants FoundI have in fact disabled all plugins to no effect. I have also tried the default theme. This problem must be in the core code because, as you can see from the fragment I provided above, the email is being formatted wrong.
Any ideas where I might fine a developer who would look at this for a fee and fix it? I’m out of ideas and this is really hurting my site badly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Bug in Email of Password to New Registrants FoundCan anyone confirm that this is working for them? I can’t believe that I can post a fairly serious bug report and in two days not get a peep of a response here. Unless I’m the only one with the problem?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post Tag Design in 3.0 is UnfathomableThanks, lesbessant! I don’t know how I managed to forget about “Screen Options”. Perhaps because until this upgrade, the options were always as I had set them way back when I started with WP.
In any case, this fixed the problem nicely. Thanks for your patient reply.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blank Confirmation Email for New SubscribersOK, if nobody’s ever had this problem before, any recommendations on where I might look further for an answer?