Okay, I managed to resolve the issue. Since I don’t know PHP or mySQL I needed to see what should be in wp-config.php to tie WP to the database. So I took the easy way out: I installed a second copy of WP in a different directory and after the install I copied the database info from the new wp-config.php file to my original wp-config.file. Then I used myPHPadmin to drop all the tables in the new database and imported my backup database into it. And login was successful!!! I then ran the velvet blue plugin to search and replace my URL entries. I had a couple of bumps in that and had to edit/save my pages, but the site is now on its new server. This was actually a test for me as I didn’t know if my backup was good unless I knew how to restore it. Now I do. It’s too early for a glass of wine, but maybe I’ll celebrate with an oreo cookie.