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  • Thread Starter dtommy79


    Yes, that was the problem. I guess you should add a check and display a message if a required field is left out.

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    thanks, i’ve found another plugin that can do this.

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    It seems to be working now. Thanks

    Thread Starter dtommy79



    Thread Starter dtommy79



    Thanks for the reply. Here is a link to the video:

    And here is the log:

    2020-11-17T07:25:05+00:00 INFO PayPal Checkout for WooCommerce Version: 4.0.1
    2020-11-17T07:25:05+00:00 INFO WooCommerce Version: 4.7.0
    2020-11-17T07:25:05+00:00 INFO Test Mode: Yes
    2020-11-17T07:25:05+00:00 INFO Endpoint:
    2020-11-17T07:25:05+00:00 INFO Action Name : Get an access token =>
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Get access token Request
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Response Code: 200
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Response Message: OK
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Response Body: Array
        [scope] => openid Braintree:Vault**
        [access_token] => A21AAJl_zVmoU0BihBHQl_3Yn5A23MTSFJgcovczakpOZeZsKQb81gcnTVK3sr1PbHogLYN2wxGz2Dj8B5gecUUAgc7Jm9b-g
        [token_type] => Bearer
        [app_id] => APP-80W284485P519543T
        [expires_in] => 32400
        [nonce] => 2020-11-17T07:25:06ZzTamPMV50Dnsh-Mnkvw-50p72XDOf3JEowvaAedrzmc
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO PayPal Checkout for WooCommerce Version: 4.0.1
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO WooCommerce Version: 4.7.0
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Test Mode: Yes
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Endpoint:
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Action Name : Create order =>
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Request : Array
        [intent] => CAPTURE
        [purchase_units] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [reference_id] => wc_order_r2ZCwa2MBmWhO
                        [amount] => Array
                                [currency_code] => USD
                                [value] => 47.95
                                [breakdown] => Array
                                        [item_total] => Array
                                                [currency_code] => USD
                                                [value] => 37.76
                                        [tax_total] => Array
                                                [currency_code] => USD
                                                [value] => 10.19
                        [items] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [name] => Armor Twist
                                        [quantity] => 1
                                        [unit_amount] => Array
                                                [currency_code] => USD
                                                [value] => 37.76
                        [shipping] => Array
                                [address] => Array
                                        [address_line_1] => Address 13
                                        [admin_area_2] => Budapest
                                        [admin_area_1] => BU
                                        [postal_code] => 1173
                                        [country_code] => HU
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Response Code: 400
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Response Message: Bad Request
    2020-11-17T07:25:06+00:00 INFO Response Body: Array
        [name] => INVALID_REQUEST
        [message] => Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violates schema.
        [debug_id] => a14756567ffcc
        [details] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='wc_order_r2ZCwa2MBmWhO'/amount/breakdown/tax_total/value
                        [value] => 10.1899999999999995026200849679298698902130126953125
                        [location] => body
                        [issue] => INVALID_STRING_LENGTH
                        [description] => The value of a field is either too short or too long.
                [1] => Array
                        [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='wc_order_r2ZCwa2MBmWhO'/amount/breakdown/item_total/value
                        [value] => 37.75999999999999801048033987171947956085205078125
                        [location] => body
                        [issue] => INVALID_STRING_LENGTH
                        [description] => The value of a field is either too short or too long.
                [2] => Array
                        [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='wc_order_r2ZCwa2MBmWhO'/items/0/unit_amount/value
                        [value] => 37.75999999999999801048033987171947956085205078125
                        [location] => body
                        [issue] => INVALID_STRING_LENGTH
                        [description] => The value of a field is either too short or too long.
                [3] => Array
                        [field] => /purchase_units/@reference_id=='wc_order_r2ZCwa2MBmWhO'/amount/value
                        [value] => 47.9500000000000028421709430404007434844970703125
                        [location] => body
                        [issue] => INVALID_STRING_LENGTH
                        [description] => The value of a field is either too short or too long.
        [links] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [href] =>
                        [rel] => information_link
                        [encType] => application/json
    Thread Starter dtommy79


    I don’t use the cart. I only have one product that is redirected to the checkout page skipping the cart.

    The plugin name is “PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway for WooCommerce” not “PayPal Express Cart Checkout Payment Gateway for WooCommerce” or something.

    The whole purpose of the Paypal express checkout is that customers don’t have to leave the website.

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    If you are using the Divi theme this issue was fixed in the latest version 4.0.6

    I have this same problem. Any solution yet?

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    Rendben. K?szi a választ és k?sz?n?m, ha esetleg ez a funkció bekerülne a pluginba.

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    Ha jól látom ez az ?sszes fizetési módnál beállítja az autocomplete-et, igaz? Nálam van k?zvetlen átutalás és csekkes fizetés is, amelyeknél viszont nem kellene az autocomplete.

    A célom az lenne, hogy megszabadulni a K&H-s plugintól és csak a bariont használni bankkártyás fizetésre, de addig nem tudom ezt megtenni amíg a fenti funkciót nem kezeli.

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    Annyival kiegészíteném az el?z? hozzászólásomat, hogy a K&H-s plugin nem alapból m?k?dik így, hanem van benne egy olyan opció, amelyben ki lehet választani, hogy sikeres fizetés esetén milyen állapotba rakja a rendelést. Szerintem a te pluginedbe is jó lenne egy ilyen funkció.

    Az oldalamon nem let?lthet? terméket lehet vásárolni, hanem tartalomhoz hozzáférést. A bankkártyás fizetésnek nálam pont az a lényege, hogy ha ezt a fizetési módot választja akkor fizetés után azonnal hozzáfér a tartalomhoz és nem kell pl napokat várnia a rendelés jóváhagyására mint például csekkes fizetés esetén,

    Thread Starter dtommy79


    Ez nem teljesen igaz, mert párhuzamosan használok egy K&H-s bankkártyás fizetés plugint is és az azon keresztül fizetett rendelések a visszatérés után teljesítettek lesznek automatikusan.

    Thread Starter dtommy79



    Is there an ETA on the fix?


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