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  • Thread Starter dugost


    Thank you for that! I’ll pass this along to my programmer to possibly customize.

    Edit: With your info about the filter, I was able to search for it and find this post with a function that solves the problem. Passing it along it case it helps others. Thank you again!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by dugost. Reason: New info, helpful link
    Thread Starter dugost


    Thank you for your response. I’ll check out that repo and hopefully a change will be made on PayPal’s end soon!

    Thread Starter dugost


    Ok, the page containing the 2 forms is using the original form and its duplicate (not an imported one). I placed the code above into a Code Snippet since I already had that plugin installed. After activating it, the Uncaught TypeError: is not a function error is gone. As is the problem with the second, duplicated form’s multi-select not adding highlights onClick.

    When I disable that snippet, the error and the multi-select highlighting issue return.

    I hope that helps. I have no idea why it exists on a staging site on the same server as the production site with all of the same versions but, hey, web development, right? ??

    Thread Starter dugost


    Quick note: While the page containing the forms on the production site isn’t yet public, testing it for client review had a pleasant surprise. The multi-selects work on both forms even when on the same page, unlike the page on the staging site.

    I don’t know why this is the case when the page on production uses the exact same code as the one on staging but I’m just very glad it works! I exported the code for the original form and its duplicated form (no code edits) then imported both directly into the production site.

    I apologize for wasting your time with this even though the issue on the staging site is still a bit of a mystery.

    Thank you for your patience and time on this!

    Thread Starter dugost


    I right-clicked the page area containing the 2 forms and within the forms themselves, the multi-selects, etc. but didn’t get any sort of visible error. In the Inspector’s Console, the only errors I see are:

    Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
        at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous> (front.multi.min.js?ver=1.14.11:1)
        at Function.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
        at n.fn.init.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
        at e.init_fui (front.multi.min.js?ver=1.14.11:1)
        at e.init_custom_form (front.multi.min.js?ver=1.14.11:1)
        at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (front.multi.min.js?ver=1.14.11:1)
        at Function.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
        at n.fn.init.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
        at e.init (front.multi.min.js?ver=1.14.11:1)
        at new e (front.multi.min.js?ver=1.14.11:1)

    And 3 verbose errors.

    [Violation] 'DOMContentLoaded' handler took 3071ms


    [Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 120ms
    [Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 47ms

    Please let me know if I’m not checking for errors correctly, though.

    As for your other note, I’m glad that issue will be addressed in the next version but your instructions describe a process I’ve already tried.

    With the original form, I did initially use Forminator > Form > Duplicate. The duplicate only had a title change and some edits to some field content. I placed it and its duplicate on the same page, that’s when I first noticed the multi-select issue. So I then imported the original “New Members” form’s code with the modified IDs to use as the alternate “Current Members” form. The problem persisted.

    As I mentioned in my further testing, I created a different form with yes/no radios to display a conditional select like I have in my member form. I then duplicated it and placed it on the same page. The problem didn’t appear for those test forms so it appears to be isolated to the originals I created.

    I didn’t get far enough along with my project since my last post but if I can follow up with a live link today I will. Cheers.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by dugost.
    Thread Starter dugost


    If it’s any help, I did some other tests using fresh forms in Gutenberg shortcode blocks on a different page.

    Forms for Test 1 and Test 2 where they were created separately with matching multi-selects. No problem making selections:

    Forms for Test 1 and Copy of Test 1 so I’m using a duplicate with the same multi-select. Again, no problem making selections:

    To test whether conditional options were the culprit, Test 3 and Copy of Test 3 both reveal their multi-select on “yes”. No problem making selections:

    No change in the issue with my original form and its duplicate when posted to the same page. It is definitely a more complex form than those I created for these tests but I’m at a loss to understand why its multi-select won’t highlight. ???♂?

    Hoping to have a link to the production site later today as I’m sure that will be the most helpful. Thanks for your patience.

    Thread Starter dugost


    Sorry for being unclear. My duplicated form’s fields had the same IDs as the original. I mistakenly assumed these led to a conflict affecting the duplicate’s multi-select. That’s why I asked about editing the import code to assign unique IDs. But, as you say, “Duplicate” avoids conflicting IDs.

    Unfortunately, I have no public link to share right now. If I can move it to a production site today I’ll share the link. For now, I’m testing options to help eliminate culprits.

    With the original form (“New Members”) and its duplicate (“Current Members” with no edited import code), I’ve moved both out of the tabs into the regular page layout. I wanted to make sure the tabs I was using weren’t the issue.

    In this screenshot, you can see the first form highlights my selections in blue but the second still won’t. There’s no visible interaction other than a grey hover state. Selections are registered because aria-invalid is toggled on click and other conditions are being triggered. It’s just that no blue highlight appears to highlight them.

    That page is built with WPBakery, though, so I added both forms to a different page using Gutenberg blocks. I also switched the order of the forms.

    In this screenshot, you can see the issue continues to affect the second form but this time it’s the original (“New Members”). So it’s not a problem isolated to the duplicated form. The page order of the forms is relevant to the problem. When swapping them back to New then Current, the problem affects the second form regardless.

    In case it matters, the multi-selects appear conditionally based on the radio selections above them. Also, by leaving the first form untouched, the issue persists even if selections are made in the second form only.

    Using version 1.14.11 with WordPress 5.5.2.

    Does this shed light on anything? Can I try anything else?

    Thread Starter dugost


    Thank you for the info!

    I went through the form code and changed all of the "id" and "element_id" numbers by adding “10” to them. As conditional rules are in place, I made sure that "element_id" numbers listed after any "conditions" were also changed to match.

    The form seems to be working but any selections made in a Multi-Select aren’t having the forminator-is_checked class added to them. For some reason, the JS works on the original form but not the edited/duplicated one.

    It’s possible this is due to the original form appearing first in the code. Or perhaps it’s because each form is in a separate tab, shown here:

    The New Members form (original) has multiple selections displaying just fine. In the Current Members form (edited duplicate) in the second tab, selections aren’t visible though they are being made. The Inspector shows aria-invalid="false" added to an element when selected and toggling it to aria-invalid="true" when unselected.

    Any idea why this might be happening? The IDs and names for each item in the list are different. The same item in New Members and Current Members have these IDs, respectively:

    NAME select-4[] / ID select-4-field-3-60d4d0e30e68a
    NAME select-104[] / ID select-104-field-3-60d4d0e313912

    But they do share the same value, in case that matters. ???♂?

    Surely people have multiple forms on the same page using multi-selects and they don’t run into this problem. This issue must be specific to using a duplicate form on the same page, even though it’s edited.

    Thread Starter dugost


    Ok, I’ve posted the form export but this won’t have the comment in the CSS.

    I believe the first version saved without any problems and included this:

    .forminator-description-password {font-size: 21px;} /* some comment */

    Later when I had to go back and edit the form’s settings and got the error, I removed that comment from the CSS and it saved just fine.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dugost.

    I’m not sure if this is exactly what you need but you could look into using the Ultimate Member plugin or something similar that would allow for the creation of user-generated and managed profiles. It has an extension for WooCommerce.



    That did the trick, thanks!

    EDIT: This actually ended up hiding the AJAX message appearing on a separate registration form I have so this isn’t the solution. That CSS will hide it for all forms. I’ve removed it and simply used the Page Reload method for the login form.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by dugost. Reason: Created another problem
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by dugost.


    Hi, @jmeyer2485. I’m having the same issue. Can you post the fix you used for disabling the “Thank you for contacting us, we will be in touch shortly” message?

    Thread Starter dugost


    So no one has any recommendations for this? The site uses Meta Slider for one ad placement and will have other ads inserted into the page’s body and sidebar.

    If there’s a good, simple ad plugin out there that ties into Google Analytics I’d be willing to switch over to that. Looking for feedback on what others have used.

    Thread Starter dugost


    Thanks for the speedy reply, RavanH. I feel like a dummy right now. I overlooked a section of my functions file that was loading that old, old version of jQuery. As soon as you pointed that out it immediately clicked for me to go back and check that file.

    With it removed, and even with Nivo Slider activated, your plugin is now working as it should. I’ll be doing some testing and see if I can get Nivo to avoid loading its own jQuery but you steered me in the right direction so thank you so much for your help!



    To be honest, I’m not sure what’s causing it but it could be a conflict with another installed plugin or with the theme itself. You could try turning on other themes or deactivating other plugins one at a time to find the conflict.

    This might be useful:

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