Thanks for the help. My spacing problem is now fixed, but I still have a little problem with the right margin of the checkboxes. Basically the provided code works only on the standard checkboxes, but when I add this code
#fbuilder input[type="checkbox"]{display:none;}
#fbuilder .cff-checkbox-field .dfield label span{background: url("https://img.icons8.com/metro/1600/unchecked-checkbox.png") no-repeat; background-size:20px 20px; padding-left:24px;}
#fbuilder .cff-checkbox-field .dfield label input:checked+span{background-image: url("https://img.icons8.com/metro/1600/checked-checkbox.png");}
the right-margin does not work anymore. I tried to play a bit with it but couldn’t find the good class name to change.