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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show custom posts on archive page organized by category/subcategoryI’ve been looking for this too, any update to a solution?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CKEditor for WordPress] Broken… On WP 3.91titush, its only in the paid version of WP Edit Pro. Which means in order to get the functionality you have to pay for it, which means hes charging for it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CKEditor for WordPress] Broken… On WP 3.91While I appreciate Josh’s efforts to incorporate responsivefilemanager into wpedit, I still have issues with not making this free. What is stopping me from taking the WPEditPro plugin and changing some parameters and making it free? When opening responsivefilemanager in WPEditPro it was edited so the window name to read WP Edit Pro File Manager. Then the filemanager button was then added to some other native buttons which is nice and I commend him for that but not much more was done.
https://www.responsivefilemanager.com/ says:
“Responsive FileManager is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
You are free to use Responsive Filemanager for your personal or non-profit website projects.
You can get the author’s permission to use Responsive Filemanager for commercial websites by making a free donation on below paypal button.
This free donation expresses how much you appreciate my work and how much you want to support the development of the responsive filemanager project.”
It doesn’t say that you can charge directly for this plugin and I will point you to https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
To the point of a lot of tweaking of the source code, there really isnt a whole lot to making responsivefilemanager work. I made it work with minimal changes. 1. In the plugin.js parameters you change where editor.windowManager.open is so that the editor.settings.external_filemanager_path points to your dialog.php in the responsivefilemanager plugin. 2. Register the button so that it shows in tinymce. 3. Change your config.php in responsivefilemanager plugin files so that it points to the folders you want to manage. Thats it, its literally 2 minutes of work if you know what you are doing.
I just feel that moxiemanager was trying to corner the market because no one else was doing the work to make a filemanager. I suppose that is why moxie charges $100 – $800 and thats fine. Responsive File Manager came along and is free and should be native to WordPress so that everyone has it and doesn’t have to pay for plugins for what WordPress should do. If your providing something truly unique that you actually developed and don’t want to make it free then fine charge all you want, until someone comes along and makes a free version. But don’t take something that’s free and change the name and then bundle it up to charge people just because they don’t know how to manipulate some code around. As to you giving the guy $300 bucks, ok I guess I will take your word for it.
I’m not trying to offend you Josh, I’m just trying to say just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. You are doing something that you shouldn’t. Its frustrating to me to see predation happen in whats suppose to be a free framework, because ultimately it holds everything back.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: loop through posts and get the list of all terms for a taxonomyThat worked modified it a little bit.
<?php $array_out = array(); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'role-type'); foreach($terms as $term){ $term_link = get_term_link($term, 'role-type'); $array_out[] = '<a href="'.$term_link.'">'.$term->name.'</a>'; } endwhile; $array_clean = array_unique($array_out); echo ' ' . implode(', ', $array_clean) . '</p>'; } ?>
Now how would one do that same thing but create a list of all the posts hierarchical terms list of another different taxonomy? So loop through all posts and spit out
Parent (a)
Parent (b)
-ChildrenFor a taxonomy but with no duplicates.
Heres what I have so far
<?php $array_out = array(); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $taxonomy = 'workflow-type'; // change this to your taxonomy $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, array( "fields" => "ids" ) ); if( $terms ) { echo '<ul>'; $terms = trim( implode( ',', (array) $terms ), ' ,' ); wp_list_categories( 'title_li=&taxonomy=' . $taxonomy . '&include=' . $terms ); echo '</ul>'; } endwhile; ?>
But it doesnt filter out duplicates and diplays something like this:
Parent (a)
– Child
Parent (a)
– Child
Parent (b)
– Child
Parent (a)
– ChildForum: Plugins
In reply to: [CKEditor for WordPress] Broken… On WP 3.91Moxiemanager has a outrageous price. Not a good option IMO. WPEditPro is more reasonable but you are still taking someone elses open source plugin and charging for it and calling it your own. Which I can’t help disagree with. You dont even credit the actual developer. Both options are bastardizing what it means to be open source. In spite of this I will be creating a free WordPress port plugin and then credit the actual developer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CKEditor for WordPress] Broken… On WP 3.91I got responsivefilemanager to work. I will be posting a plugin myself for it to work within the next week. In short if you feel like messing with it today I did the following.
I added the responsivefilemanager tinymce plugin to /mce/ folder of the tinymce_advanced plugin. Thats /mce/ folder is what we would basically call additional “plugins” for tinymce. In that responsivefilemanager folder you will find a file called plugin.min.js. Edit it and change where editor.windowManager.open({ file points to the dialog.php in the actual “filemanager” folder that you downloaded and installed to your server of albertos plugin.
Then you need to add the button to the tinymce_advanced plugin. In the php and js files of tinymce_advanced I added “responsivefilemanager” where I found the other plugins names that are in /mce/ folder to register the button. Then in tinyce_advanced settings in wordpress I dragged and dropped the icon into the tinymce editor layout. Viola.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CKEditor for WordPress] Broken… On WP 3.91Yes I found that as well but like you said it doesnt work with wordpress yet. I would love to use responsivefilemanager but because of the funky way tinymce framework is in wordpress is its not an easy plugin. You cant just throw it in the tinymce/plugins and initialize it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CKEditor for WordPress] Broken… On WP 3.91I have been searching for a solution high and low for the past week. Moxiemanager is the only solution for a wysiwyg incorporated solution and tinymce is our only option. Im guessing that’s why their price tag is so high. Its rediculous that folder managment is not native to WordPress. I mean come on, its common sense. Why do they not want to incorporate this?