Forum Replies Created
Joost, the 1.2 update is fantastic! Those score graphics are brilliant and I have already used them to fix several posts.
We’ve just sent you a small donation via PayPal ??
That said, I still see the error described above when the visual editor is disabled.
No problem, go ahead.
Uploaded the latest development version, cleared the W3 Total Cache cache, but still see the error when the visual editor is disabled.
Ah! That had me puzzled, because I definitely still do see the error.
Then I figured it out: I have the visual editor disabled. The login I gave you has the visual editor enabled.
Sure enough, when I enabled visual editor (which I never use), the error disappears.
Give it a try.
I tried the development version but had to reinstall 1.1.9
Details in your inbox.
Sure, where do I send the details? Via your site?
First one, keywords: amsterdam, domain name, .amsterdam
Focus keyword: .amsterdamAnalysis:
No heading tags appear in the copy.
No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.Examples:
BTW the analysis also says there are no images in the articles.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Sitemap doesn't existSitemap does not work for me either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] 404 on the xml sitemap urlSame here, sitemap gives a 404. Latest WP install.
I’m not necessarily trying to prevent hot-links. Rather, I am trying to understand what this feature on the Permalinks Settings page actually does:
===Begin Quote===
[] Redirect attachment URL’s to parent post URL.Attachments to posts are stored in the database as posts, this means they’re accessible under their own URL’s if you do not redirect them, enabling this will redirect them to the post they were attached to.
===End Quote===The way I read that, it looks like someone who happens upon this link:
https://dapull.99streets.netdna-cdn.com/i/aa/P1060155.jpgwould be automatically redirected to the post that picture it is attached to:
https://www.dutchamsterdam.nl/1482-budget-cuts-hurt-promotion-of-amsterdam(The domain names are different due to use of a CDN).
That would be a fantastic feature. But if checking the “Redirect attachment URL’s to parent post URL” option does not accomplish this, what does it do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO] Different breadcrumb detailsI agree; wandering around is the best way to see Amsterdam.
Breadcrumbs might just get stolen anyway, just like bikes.
That said… it would be great if one could somehow edit the breadcrumbs trail on a post-by-post basis. Ideally I’d love for a post like this to be under Amsterdam | Winkelstraten | Zeedijk, but it’s probably best to hand-code that at the end of the article.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO] Different breadcrumb detailsConsider it done!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO] Different breadcrumb detailsAlright… if my visitors end up wandering all over Amsterdam I’ll just blame you ??
Love the plugin!