Thanks Joost.
Actually, there may be something wrong with my topics hierarchy. For instance, on the first post the topics on the ‘Edit Post’ page show up as follows:
– Gourmet Etenswaren
1e Constantijn Huygenstraat
Yet in the Categories section that last category is listed under parent ‘Winkelstraten.’
The breadcrumbs on the second example are displayed as:
Home | Amsterdam | Wijs & Zonen, Koffie en Thee
Yet these are the categories that I selected (and the way the show up on the Edit Post screen):
– Eten en Drinken
— Koffie/Theehuis
– Winkelbuurten
— Rosse Buurt (Wallen)
– Winkelstraten
— Zeedijk
Perhaps that’s just too much for a breadcrumbs line…