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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsI would like to make one of these feedback diagrams into a reusable block so that I can easily create new diagrams, however, when I try to define one as a reusable block, I get an error message
“The editor has encountered an unexpected error: attempt recovery, copy post text or copy error.”This happens when I try to make a reusable block from the “table with awesome font arrows” at the bottom of page also happens when I try to make a reusable block from the “table with gift arrows” at the bottom of the same page
I can make a “plain text box” a reusable block.
I think this started ages ago when I deleted a table that I had earlier defined as a reusable block.
I’m not sure if this should be a separate post.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsI’ve tried something different for a two-item feedback loop – and struck a problem.
See the “fascination-knowledge feedback loop” at the bottom of page: loaded images like arrow-left.gif which is under 1 KB.
I could not find how to insert them directly into the table, so I created an image block outside the table and then copied the image block into the table cell.The trouble is that the gif has a white background, but the table has a different background colour. And I do not know what the background colour of the table is. If I knew the table background colour as then perhaps I could edit my gif files.
The awesome fonts may have clockwise icons for all four corners, but they are paid for icons.
Dashicons has a down and left arrow (the carriage return icon). It is a clockwise arrow that I could use on all four corners – if the icon could be rotated. (I could work out how to use Dashicons)
The awesome fonts arrows are working well for 4 item loops and 6 item loops on suggestions welcome
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsHi George
I hope you were able to enjoy your life circles.
I have been experimenting with those awesome fonts arrows at the bottom of page: most important thing for me is to know what goes between the <td> and </td>. Following your code, I think it will neater than I suggested above, i.e.
<td><p><i class=”fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left” style=”font-size:50px;” ></i></p> </td>The name of my site is feedback-reigns so these diagrams and their arrows are important to me, Thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsGeorge, On your above feedback loop diagram, the arrows are just the right size. I looked at the HTML code of this page hoping to see (1) how big you had made the arrows and (2) how you had coded it – but it’s an image. Could you let me know how I could duplicate this? So good. Thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsI got it bigger with
<!– wp:paragraph –>
<p><p style=”font-size:50px;”> <i class=”fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left”></i></p></p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>WordPress put the extra <p> … </p> around the above
I fumbled my way to this. Can it get simpler?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsI’ve just noticed that in your above diagram you have one big arrow. when I use the above code I get small arrows. That will be fine, I can use say three of these to make one right arrow. Is there a way in the html that I can increase the size of these arrows? I’ll try
<font size=”+2″>This is bigger text.</font>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using a table to show feedback loopsHi George
This is totally fantastic. Thanks.
For ages, I just assumed I would have to get by with my ugly use of minus signs etc. I’m so glad I put the question here. I’m amazed that George found out what my theme was and that it supported awesome fonts.
I opened my page in the visual editor.
In my table, where I wanted a left arrow, I typed “left arrow”, so I could find it easily in my html code
Then I opened the code editor and found the table data <td>left arrow</td>
I replaced td>left arrow</td> with
<td><p><i class=”fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left”></i> <i class=”fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left”></i></p> </td>
In the visual editor it looks like there is nothing there, but after saving the page and viewing, there are two left arrows.Perfect
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: what forum for help w using wordpressI have not been clear enough. I went to page shows a forum for:
Installing WP: Not suitable: I am not installing.
Fixing WP: Not suitable: WP is not causing problems.
Developing with WP: I did post this query, and another question about tables, even though it does not seem suitable as I am not a “developer”. I do not develop websites for others, just for myself, and I have a question about a standard WP feature.
Networking WP: Not suitable
Accessibility: not suitable
Localhost installs: Not suitable.
Everything else: This looked promising, but when I looked further, it was not suitable.
Requests and feedback: I do not have a feature request – Oh, what I am doing here is feedback about the difficulty of working out where to post a query.
Alpha Beta: Not suitable.
Themes and plugins: Not relevant.Question: Where should I post? Is the developing with WP the place to posts because I am developing my own website?
Feedback: making this decision should be easy.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] LiteSpeed Forced Caching QuestionsThanks all. Seems that I cannot do it using forced cache. Defeated again!
Now I’m thinking of using a DOS batch file like:
C:\Program Files (x86)>start firefox.exe
Sleep 10
TASKKILL /IM firefox.exe /F
Sleep 5
C:\Program Files (x86)>start firefox.exe
Sleep 10
TASKKILL /IM firefox.exe /For just opening several pages by hand
Even though these options will inflate my site statistics.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] LiteSpeed Forced Caching QuestionsThanks. The question becomes, what does forced caching do?
** Where is this described? I’ve searched in vain.Quote: “Forced Caching: Sometimes, in an effort to make sure that certain pages are always cached, you erroneously force the entire site to be cached. This is not a good idea because you never know when there will be individual exceptions to caching”. this, I understand forced caching does “make sure that certain pages are ALWAYS cached”. This suggests that after a plugin update (which empties the cache), LiteSpeed would then re-load into cache each page in “Forced public cache” so that these pages were ALWAYS cached.
** If I put page1 into the forced cache, what does LiteSpeed do after an update.
Some months ago, a kind person on this forum sent me shell script code using curl. Unfortunately, it blew my Fortran/Pascal/Basic mind – and my hosting service warned me that I could blow my site up too.
Is caching designed only for busy sites, not for quiet sites?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] LiteSpeed Forced Caching QuestionsThere is something important here that I do not understand.
My “public TTL” (Time To Live) is already, as you suggest, 1 week.After I update a plugin, isn’t the whole cache emptied, regardless of TTL? After an update, the first visitor to each of my pages will get slow service and cause LiteSpeed to load that visited page into the cache, so that later visitors to the page get quick service, until the next plugin update. With an update about every 5 days and with few visitors, will not my cache mostly have few pages cached?
After an update, I have visited a page and seen that it does not load from the cache. When I immediately re-visit that page, then the page does load from cache.
Even if the forced cache is “not meant to be used in this way” would using it give my visitors better service, because say 20 of my important pages would be cached all the time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] load cache after purge on quiet site, no crawlerThe puzzle is that when I ran the full analysis of the site, even rarely visited pages seemed to run fast. I thought it had worked – I didn’t know how to test it then. I thought my abbreviated run on my visitor’s page map was why it had not worked after the update. Looks like I was wrong.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] load cache after purge on quiet site, no crawlerHello qtwrk. I ran Xenu and did not get the result I was after. My pages were loading slowly. You have replied talking about curl. Could you elaborate. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] load cache after purge on quiet site, no crawlerI updated a plugin and so purged the cache. Then I ran Xenu as I suggested above. My pages seemed slow to open. I tried to see if the cache had been loaded:
Open chrome
Open developer tools (control + shift + I)
Click on the “network” tab
Refresh site (refresh button or “Fn + F5”)
Click on the top entry in the “name” column, the file name of the page
Under “response headers”
See either Litespeed cache “miss” or “hit”I picked one of my pages in the website menu and opened it. I saw “Litespeed cache miss”. Then I opened the same page again and saw: “Litespeed cache hit”. Same for all the pages I tried. Something is going wrong. Damn.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] load cache after purge on quiet site, no crawlerNow that is a whole universe of new knowledge. Thanks