I havn’t logged in to my site in a few weeks and low and behold, I too can not login in. Site is
when I login in it redirects me back to the wp-login.php with the following url variables: redirect_to=%2F%7Ediscover%2Fwp%2Fwp-admin%2F
1. I checked the site url –it is fine.
2. Deleted password, and recreated
3. setup new ID and password ( with correct hash per codex instructions)
4. Deleted wp-admin directory and root of site and reuploaded with fresh download of wp. verstion 1.5.2?
5. Deleted cookies.
6. Tried new wp-login.php script from codex.
NOTHING IS WORKING. HELP!!!!! It was working a few weeks ago and nothing changed. Is it time to move over to the dreaded MT?
Server info:
Operating system Linux
Kernel version 2.4.29-grsec
Apache version 1.3.33 (Unix)
PHP version 4.3.11
MySQL version 4.0.22-standard
cPanel Build 10.2.0-STABLE 83