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  • Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Thanks Simeon, I’ve gone ahead and opened a support ticket on Siteground.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Just updated to version 107.0.5304.88 of chrome, looks like the issue is fixed on this version! Is anyone else still having problems or should I mark resolved?

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Update 2: I think I finally figured it out after a LOT of deactivating plugins, changing plugin settings, and general troubleshooting.

    It seems that the plugin I was using to deactivate certain plugins in certain areas of my site (to improve site speed) was causing it. I changed those rules to only deactivate plugins for non-logged-in users and the issue seems to be fixed. Will update further if anything changes.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Update: I recreated the issue on a staging site for further inspection.

    As you can see, pages (start here, homepage, about, contact) still work. So do posts for some reason.

    However, archives (for categories, custom taxonomy terms, and custom post types) as well as custom post type posts are all 404.

    Weirdly enough, it took a bit to get it fully broken. At first, some archives weren’t 404ing after an update. Then they would 404, but an additional update would fix everything.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Hey, I don’t have a bug report link as I submitted it through the Help -> Report an Issue button within the Chrome settings. This doesn’t create a public bug report.

    However, I did find this bug report:

    Seems like they’re reporting on a similar issue.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Another update: tested on a different computer with Chrome v104, no issues. Updated to 105 and the issue returns. Have been noticing it on other sites as well besides just my own, though when Query Monitor is active it does make the problem worse. Seems like Chrome just can’t handle it now as its overall performance in this version seems horrible.

    I tried submitting a bug report to Chrome but who knows if those ever get read.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Hey John thanks for responding. I did try switching to the twenty twenty-one theme and the issue still persisted. Tried disabling all other plugins as well.

    One thing I’ve noticed: It seems like the more tabs of my site I have open, the longer it takes for one of my site-specific tabs to close. So as I close each tab, it slowly gets faster one tab at a time, but there’s still a noticeable lag even when closing the last open tab.

    All other tabs (non-site ones) seem to be working fine though, although as you said, I have noticed even they will close slowly at times since the latest Chrome update (on 105). That said, it’s not nearly as bad or noticeable as tabs from my own site.

    It’s very weird as (from what I can remember) this was never an issue for me before yesterday.

    EDIT: Ok, I’m definitely starting to think it’s a Chromium issue. Did a quick test on Firefox and the lag is non-existent. Tabs close instantly even with Query Monitor installed, all plugins activated, theme activated, and 10+ site-specific tabs open. Hopefully they release a new version soon.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Hey @gappiah I’m using custom code to create the meta box.

    Edit: For example, the HTML code for the metabox might look like this:

    <div class="metabox-container"><details>
      <summary>Additional Metabox Data</summary>
        <div class="data-fields">
          <div class="meta-options">
            <label for="some_id">Some ID</label>
            <input id="some_id" name="some_id" value="123">

    With this, trying to drag move or collapse the meta box would cause a memory limit crash for some reason. Oddly enough, if the meta box is already collapsed (e.g. after reloading the page due to it crashing from collapsing it), I can extend it and then re-collapse it as many times as I want without issue.

    The crash only happens when either trying to drag the metabox to a new position, or when trying to collapse it when it’s loaded in as already open.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Hey @kaavyaiyer so I created my Platform post type after setting a custom rewrite slug for the platforms taxonomy to “platform-taxonomy”

    Unfortunately, after creating the platform post type, my platform taxonomy links still all broke and the rewrite slug just stopped working.

    Even weirder and more problematic, the Platform taxonomy terms I’ve created won’t show up on Platform post-type pages.

    Here’s a screenshot to show you what I mean.

    The taxonomy terms show up on their page (see here), so I’m not sure why this is happening.

    Any advice?

    If it makes a difference, I’m using the CPT UI plugin to create the custom taxonomies and post types.

    Here’s the platform taxonomy code:

    function cptui_register_my_taxes_platform() {
    	 * Taxonomy: Platforms.
    	$labels = [
    		"name" => __( "Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"singular_name" => __( "Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"menu_name" => __( "Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"all_items" => __( "All Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"edit_item" => __( "Edit Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"view_item" => __( "View Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"update_item" => __( "Update Platform name", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"add_new_item" => __( "Add new Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"new_item_name" => __( "New Platform name", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"parent_item" => __( "Parent Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"parent_item_colon" => __( "Parent Platform:", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"search_items" => __( "Search Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"popular_items" => __( "Popular Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"separate_items_with_commas" => __( "Separate Platforms with commas", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"add_or_remove_items" => __( "Add or remove Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"choose_from_most_used" => __( "Choose from the most used Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"not_found" => __( "No Platforms found", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"no_terms" => __( "No Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"items_list_navigation" => __( "Platforms list navigation", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"items_list" => __( "Platforms list", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"back_to_items" => __( "Back to Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    	$args = [
    		"label" => __( "Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"labels" => $labels,
    		"public" => true,
    		"publicly_queryable" => true,
    		"hierarchical" => true,
    		"show_ui" => true,
    		"show_in_menu" => true,
    		"show_in_nav_menus" => true,
    		"query_var" => true,
    		"rewrite" => [ 'slug' => 'platform-taxonomy', 'with_front' => true, ],
    		"show_admin_column" => false,
    		"show_in_rest" => true,
    		"show_tagcloud" => false,
    		"rest_base" => "platform",
    		"rest_controller_class" => "WP_REST_Terms_Controller",
    		"show_in_quick_edit" => false,
    		"show_in_graphql" => false,
    	register_taxonomy( "platform", [ "post", "platform" ], $args );
    add_action( 'init', 'cptui_register_my_taxes_platform' );

    And here’s the platforms post type code:

    function cptui_register_my_cpts_platform() {
    	 * Post Type: Platforms.
    	$labels = [
    		"name" => __( "Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"singular_name" => __( "Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"menu_name" => __( "My Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"all_items" => __( "All Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"add_new" => __( "Add new", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"add_new_item" => __( "Add new Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"edit_item" => __( "Edit Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"new_item" => __( "New Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"view_item" => __( "View Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"view_items" => __( "View Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"search_items" => __( "Search Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"not_found" => __( "No Platforms found", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"not_found_in_trash" => __( "No Platforms found in trash", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"parent" => __( "Parent Platform:", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"featured_image" => __( "Featured image for this Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"set_featured_image" => __( "Set featured image for this Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"remove_featured_image" => __( "Remove featured image for this Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"use_featured_image" => __( "Use as featured image for this Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"archives" => __( "Platform archives", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"insert_into_item" => __( "Insert into Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"uploaded_to_this_item" => __( "Upload to this Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"filter_items_list" => __( "Filter Platforms list", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"items_list_navigation" => __( "Platforms list navigation", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"items_list" => __( "Platforms list", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"attributes" => __( "Platforms attributes", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"name_admin_bar" => __( "Platform", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"item_published" => __( "Platform published", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"item_published_privately" => __( "Platform published privately.", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"item_reverted_to_draft" => __( "Platform reverted to draft.", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"item_scheduled" => __( "Platform scheduled", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"item_updated" => __( "Platform updated.", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"parent_item_colon" => __( "Parent Platform:", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    	$args = [
    		"label" => __( "Platforms", "smart-passive-income-pro" ),
    		"labels" => $labels,
    		"description" => "",
    		"public" => true,
    		"publicly_queryable" => true,
    		"show_ui" => true,
    		"show_in_rest" => true,
    		"rest_base" => "",
    		"rest_controller_class" => "WP_REST_Posts_Controller",
    		"has_archive" => false,
    		"show_in_menu" => true,
    		"show_in_nav_menus" => true,
    		"delete_with_user" => false,
    		"exclude_from_search" => false,
    		"capability_type" => "post",
    		"map_meta_cap" => true,
    		"hierarchical" => false,
    		"rewrite" => [ "slug" => "platform", "with_front" => true ],
    		"query_var" => true,
    		"menu_icon" => "dashicons-money-alt",
    		"supports" => [ "title", "editor", "thumbnail", "custom-fields", "post-formats" ],
    		"taxonomies" => [ "category", "country", "payout_option", "platform" ],
    		"show_in_graphql" => false,
    	register_post_type( "platform", $args );
    add_action( 'init', 'cptui_register_my_cpts_platform' );

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Oh shoot my bad, sorry about that!

    Thanks for your quick response either way. That sounds great. I figured out a quick and dirty workaround using CSS and the ::after selector so I’ll just continue using that for now.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    @kaavyaiyer Thanks for your help! Will let you know if I have any issues once I implement this.

    @t_ed Just saw this and thought I’d chime in: plugins like Asset CleanUp Pro and Perfmatters allow you to disable certain plugins/scripts on specific pages. I use Asset CleanUp Pro on my site and it works great.

    Might help you get the results you’re looking for.

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Thanks @kaavyaiyer, that’s really good to know.

    The CPT is going to be more important, but it’s not registered yet. I already registered the taxonomy though.

    If I implement the slug rewrite and then create the custom post type, will that work out smoothly? Or is there a certain order I should do this in?

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    I guess it can be either: Google’s guidelines

    Thread Starter Dylan Houlihan


    Thanks, that fixed some php errors I was getting.

    Only change I had to make in your code was instead of $schema[‘ratingCount’] = $schema[‘aggregateRating’][‘ratingCount’]; it should be $schema[‘ratingCount’] = $schema[‘aggregateRating’][‘reviewCount‘];

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