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Hi, Marcus
Found them there now. Thanks for your help.Hi, aglonwl
Thank you for your fast response. I appreciate it.In fact, my script runs totally independent of wordpress. The program is not written as a part of my wordpress installation and uses SQL SELECT to extract the necessary data, which will then be reformatted to generate the document so I would like to know where to find the data in the database.
Also limiting the number of words in the context would not help because for example our typical event post content looks like:
“We are pleased to announce the fantastic xxx trio is back at TheFantasticVenue with personA on piano, personB on bass, personC on sax. this is a fantastic opportunity to see bla bla…. It is going to be a busy night and so booking is highly recommended. Call 0123455678 or book online https://www.fantasticvenue.com/booking …. “
And in the Excerpt field for this event we would have something like this:
“xxxTrio with personA(piano), personB(bass) and personC(sax).
Booking – phone 0123455678 or online fantasticvenue.com/booking”When I open an existing event edit form, I can see the same Excerpt data showing up on the form, so the Excerpt data must be stored somewhere in the database and linked to each of the post. I looked through the database but I have not found it anywhere…
Hi, Marcus
I’ve just updated EM to 5.2.4 and it is working again now. Fantastic!
Thank you ??Thank you – when would the next update be?
wp version 3.4.1 and the theme is Custom Community Version
These versions have been in use since I had EM and the widget was working. This time only EM was upgraded.Yes, it worked before. I upgraded from
Our latest is that we are officially launching the site at the end of this month and so I can not update the EM to dev version especially if it involves uninstalling the current one and losing all the event/venue data in the database. So I will have to hide the categories/venues menu items for now. Please could you tell me when the next release will be?
The behaviour kuemerle5 has just described is what I have observed too and I agree.
I am tempted to try the dev version but the trouble is, if I installed even the current version, it always fixes the problem. I have uninstalled and re-installed the current version at least 3 or 4 times (you have also seen me doing it once since my first post) and it always works at first. The problem starts when I make some modification, and I have not worked out what triggers the problem ??
Hi, thanks for your messages.
@aglonwl, you mean something like this? (it was in my description above) – but unfortunately, this did not work… )8/ I did another test – I created a new page say, ‘event categories’ and in the text field, I put [categories_list hide_empty=0] and save. If I put this page under Event page, I get the same error. If I put it at the top level, it shows categories list as expected.
Would it be possible to switch to the dev version without uninstalling the current version? (and not to loose the events/location entries)? I am sure it can be done but I am still new to WP, and so I am not sure how. if it is a matter of a few days until the new version to be released, I can wait.
thanks.It is broken again. Today I made this change: Formats/Layouts > Calendar format > Show list on day with single event? > YES, and realised that the Menu links were broken again.
I haven’t been doing much work on this site since my last post and everything was working then. I also went through this to my colleague a few days afterwords and links were working all ok then. Today I came back to start working again, and then first thing I noticed was that lots of the links in calendar widget were broken (a few still worked but most of them were broken). I didn’t check the category and location links on the menu bar at that time, but I went straight to the settings, made the above change, and checked the links in the menu bar when I noticed they were broken again. So I am not 100% sure if my last modification made the links to broke again or it might have been broken at the same time as the calendar widget links (but what made the calendar widget links break? I don’t recall doing anything since last time…). the site URL is https://www.londonjazz.net.
thank you, found them!
I’m still new to WP and so I will read the reference page on get_post_meta too. thank you very much both of you.I had to reset the set up – so the links are currently working again.
What happened was that from the initial setting, I left the search page to point to nothing. When all done, I selected search to Event and this caused the page links settings to alter somehow completely, the Event page lost from the menu (although it existed in the Page setting) and I could not access the page any more from the live site, put Cateories/locations on the top level in the menu (although they were under Event page) but they then pointed to Member page, etc. I checked all the permalink settings, etc but they were set as they should. I could not find how to get back to the setup page to remove search setting, so I had to reset the Event Manager settings so that I can get the event menu appear again.
I have to go through the format again to see if I can keep the links
working…Hi, agelonwl
Thank you so much for responding quickly ??The site is londonjazz.net. You will see that the Categories link under Events is broken.
My permalinks slugs all correspond to the slugs in the main Page settings.
While testing this what I noticed are these:
1/ when the events manager is installed, the following pages are created automatically.
Events is at the top level, Categories, Locations, My Bookings are under Events.2/ When I look at the Events > Settings > Pages > Permalink Slugs, the original set-up is:
Events: events
Locations: locations (NOT events/locations)
Event Categories: events/categories
Event Tags: events/tags3/ These sub menu links broke after I made some changes to Location page format (or it could have been a single event page). I had made most of the changes before I inserted all the events data and at that point the links were still working, but after I put all the events, I wanted to do a bit of cosmetic changes, it broke again. I remember previously, it happened after all the location data were added and I made some mods to the format. Could having a lot of data affect it anyhow???
4/ At this point, the links to both Categories and Locations were broken (and I realise it now that link to Tags is broken too).
5/ When I manually changed the Locations slug (originally it was /locations) to what it is supposed to, i.e. /events/locations, the Locations link started working again.
6/ The other two (Categories, Tags) slugs are correct from the beginning so I could not change there. If I manually change it to /categories just to see what happens, it redirect to /events/categories, etc anyway.
7/ I also noticed that, without changing the Categories slugs setting in EM > settings > pages > permalink slugs page (i.e. keeping /events/categories as it is), but if I just put Categories page in the Pages setting in the main menu to the top level (i.e. so Event and Categories come to the same level). The link still works.
8/ I did another test – I created a new page say, ‘event categories’ and in the text field, I put [categories_list hide_empty=0] and save. If I put this page under Event page, I get the same error. If I put it at the top level, it shows categories list as expected.
A couple of things to note about my site settings:
– I am not using bookings and so I put My Bookings page in the trash so that it won’t show up in the menu.
– I use 1 attribute for Events and 2 for Locations.thanks for your help in advance.