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  • OKsana thank you very much for the correction!!!

    Oksana, it was actually a conflict like you mentioned and I was able to fix it. an this is what I did to fix it

    After doing some research and also reading jquery tutorials, I made some changes to the function of one of the scripts that’s causing the conflict and the issue was resolved. I created a different alias instead of Jquery to use in the rest of the script. The original function is as shown below

    `$(document).ready(function() {

    $(“.tell”).click(function () {

    $(“DIV#tellform”).show(“slide”, { direction: ‘left’ }, 2000);

    $(“.tell”).hide(“”, {} );


    $(“.closer”).click(function () {

    $(“DIV#tellform”).hide(“slide”, { direction: ‘left’ }, 2000);
    $(“.tell”).show(“fade”, {}, 45000);


    And this is how it looks after the changes

    `var j = jQuery.noConflict($);

    j(document).ready(function() {

    j(“.tell”).click(function () {

    j(“DIV#tellform”).show(“slide”, { direction: ‘left’ }, 2000);

    j(“.tell”).hide(“”, {} );


    j(“.closer”).click(function () {

    j(“DIV#tellform”).hide(“slide”, { direction: ‘left’ }, 2000);
    j(“.tell”).show(“fade”, {}, 45000);



    I’m working on a website and after installing the gallery plugin, it pops up when you click on it but without the supposed effect. The link to the gallery in question is Gallery

    It only starts to work properly only when I remove the lines bellow But then some other stuff on the websites stops to work because they need those.

    <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
    Thread Starter Chibueze Okechukwu


    How and where do I do that bro. I appreciate your patients and help

    Thread Starter Chibueze Okechukwu


    here is it bro

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    <h1 data-ft="{"type":1}">FATHER, I am not worthn</h1>
    <p>FATHER, I am not worthy to ask You ANYTHING, but today I NEED YOU! Hear me…have mercy on me…I beg of you! I have NOTHING TO OFFER YOU, but the love in my heart for you. SAVE ME. ***If you don’t have time to write a quick “AMEN”, please LIKE to show support</p>
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    Thread Starter Chibueze Okechukwu


    J here is the source code bro.

    /* Template Name: Front Page
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        <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
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      <h4>Featured Business</h4>
      <p><strong>Wright Consulting & Training, Inc.</strong></p>
      <p>If your company has any computer service needs, we can  answer the call with prompt efficiency.
      <p>We can repair PC’s, install computer networks, troubleshoot  problems, protect you from hackers, design web pages and anything else your  computer systems may need to keep them running smoothly.
      <p>Why Wright Consulting & Training, Inc.?? 25 years of experience…</p>
      <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><a href="Wrightwildwood brochure.pdf">? more</a></p>
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    <?php get_footer(); ?>' \\
    Thread Starter Chibueze Okechukwu


    J I’m still working on it locally. I didn’t post any java for my theme and this is my first theme. How do we solve this, since it’s not live yet?

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