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  • Plugin problems? Not really… unless you have a plugin that “hacks” your SEFs… which I don’t really see used in the urls.

    FOUND IT!!!

    Your links are messed up… looking at a tag-link, I saw it points to this:;width:200px;background-color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Arial;border:1pxsolid#FFFFFF;text-align:center;/camaro

    It’s the first F from the color code messing it up.

    Sollution: Make sure you use a fresh install of wordpress and make sure your theme files are still ok!

    Where does it come from -> Sometimes files get corrupted when a site goes down (eg electricity failure, hd error etc.) which can produce these errors.

    Btw.: all your links show this divstyle=_height:200px;width:200px;background-color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Arial;border:1pxsolid#FFFFFF;text-align:center; which simply does not belong there. So it might well be that you’ll have to manually check and correct the database too. Good thing is: it’s always the same snippet (read: the same piece of code) that has to be searched and removed.

    You should be fine in half an hour if you work quick.

    Erm, you noticed that that “about” page works without an error, didn’t you? Hmmm, maybe check the “path configurations” in your admin settings again…

    If you need a direction, ask yourself: “where in the world does the server get that F from… since that’s the thing that’s messing up wordpress”.

    Personally, I would bet 2 cents and a dime it’s the .htaccess or the wp-config.php since those are the first and most logical places where a webserver script could get the “F” in the user-request from.

    You did read my comments, didn’t you? The error you are “updating your post” about is still the same as before. Nothing changed the last 15 minutes… stop talking and start digging.

    Yeah, post a book of CSS code and expect us all to read it. ??

    First up, you’ve seen that “code” button telling you that you can format your code… so use it the next time… please!

    And 2nd, this kind of question would belong here: since it’s clearly a design question related to xhtml/css and not really a “How-To and Troubleshooting” thingy.

    Dive into the database and manually repair the issue by removine the and %22 parts… or simply reboot your website with a clean install (which could make you cry if you’ve got good posts up – so think before you click the next buttons).

    Just dived into the classes.php sourcecode and I can confirm: this definitly has to do with a request wordpress is getting from the server when you try to load a page. Be sure to check that “.htaccess”…

    If it’s not in there, a last thing I can think of is that the “base server directory” aka “absolute root” that wordpress stores into MySQL has been messed up somehow during your breakdown. (eg: a local disk has been swapped and drive letters on the server changed). That would mess up file locations and/or rewrites…

    Since your wp-admin section still loads, try to login and check the permalinks and other paths that are configured within the admin settings area.

    Well, I can’t look at your MySQL database or server files, but what I can say is that /hermes/web04/b2163/blu.krhalmekangas/ is your so-called root directory (the main directory your website resides in) and wp-includes/classes.php is the file (called upon wordpress initialisation at each page call) that receives a faulty parameter from somewhere.

    My 2 cents: check the “wp-config.php” to see if there are brackets or something missing somewhere. Also, take a short look into your “.htaccess” to see it there’s nothing in there messing up requests.

    Anything else – you’ll need a wordpress doctor from the dev-crew or something. (Or someone that is willing and able to push your server into a clean install).

    Hope at least this helps you somehow. :/

    Also, please note that Google does crawl the complete internet. So don’t expect it to even take a look at your website more than twice a month… unless your domain name is of course. LOL

    Erm, forgot to tell you…

    add this:


    to the END (read: at the bottom) of your “header.php” file. Should cut down on those validation errors massively.

    Ok, keeping it small and dirty:

    1) google and read loads of html + css tutorials
    2) see #1
    3) see #1 and yes, use a “google sitemap.xml plugin” to help indexing
    4) there are some plugins in the wordpress repository that do that

    Quickly looking at your website I can only say: it breaks almost everywhere. Clean up your code and problems will go away!

    Some hints:

    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="">

    should be

    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />

    and remove these (partly wrong) tags:

    <style tyle="text/css">
     <script type="text/javascript">

    Actually, you’ve got a problem in your head.php, since I see that the closing head tag and the starting body tags are missing too.

    Add this:


    Missing this could be one of those havoc-causing thingies…

    Hope that helps you along your way? ??

    For WP 2.9.1, you can add the following PHP code to your “functions.php” file in your active theme directory:

    function add_twitter_contactmethod( $contactmethods ) {
      return $contactmethods;

    Works like a charm… and actually removes the fields in a clean and neat way.

    Hope that helps? ??

    For WP 2.9.1, you can add the following PHP code to your “functions.php” file in your active theme directory:

    function add_twitter_contactmethod( $contactmethods ) {
      return $contactmethods;

    Works like a charm… and actually removes the fields instead of just “hiding” them using javascript.

    Hope that helps? ??

    I’ve got a rather simple, yet logical request:

    Seperate the content from the design.

    Let the theme decide if it really needs all those auto-generated classes and ids. I simply hate it when I’ve got a good core, a lovely design but spend weeks to clean up and strip out the stuff wordpress spits out.

    The pros would be:
    – any doctype could be chosen.
    – cleaner and smaller code.

    People will probably kill me for mentioning this… but there are thousands of bloggers that just don’t dig “transitional” and rather use xhtml1.1 strict or even html5!

    Too much work? No! You allready got a dozen or more functions allowing pre- and post-injection. Streamline them and add a tweak here and ther to allow a boolean. That would be all.

    If you need a helping hand to take care of that, contact me. I’m a php/mysql pro with time on my side! I could also clean up the code where needed while I’m at it… just talk to me. I’m not only a friendly person, I’m also “useable”. ??

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