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  • Hmmm… you should take a look at the sourcecode in your webbrowser.
    Most browsers offer this through the right-click menu.

    It could well be that you are using a CSS CLASS or ID that collides with the wp-postratings CLASSes or IDs; meaning: maybe an ID or CLASS used by the plugin is exactly the same as the one you use to format the main thumbnails.

    You could drop the “robots-meta” plugin all together by using conditional wordpress tags in your header.

    Here is an example that will allow indexing the main index page (aka home page) as well as single posts and pages or the category archives:

    if((is_home() && is_front_page() && !is_paged()) || is_single() || is_page() || is_category()) {
    <meta name="robots" content="noodp,noydir" />
    } else {
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,noarchive,noodp,noydir" />

    You’ll find ample information about those ‘is_page()’ and ‘is_category()’ etc. here at!

    Maybe that helps you out?

    Can you give us an example of the errors you get?
    That will surely help us all to identify the problem for you.

    You should have first checked the plugin site for information about that issue before claiming a plugin is dead! As it seems, you were just too lazy to dig into your problem by taking a look at the Plugin Homepage.

    But, to make it easy for you… here’s the sollution that I herewith bluntly quote from the Plugin Homepage:

    This is a known issue, for which there is unfortunately no good workaround. If you add a suffix to your permalink structure (such as .html) you can fix this issue. For example, try %category%/%postname%.html — I realize this is not ideal, but there is no good solution for this issue.

    So, just make sure your “permalinks” use a file-extention and not a backslash and you’re settled.

    Case closed.

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