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  • Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    Ciao, grazie per il messaggio! Nella versione free del plugin non è possibile gestire i costi in base all’età dei bambini, ci dispiace. Questo è invece possibile con la versione Pro di VikBooking.

    Infatti, mediante l’uso delle Opzioni/Extra, è possibile creare dei servizi solo per i bambini, oppure di configurare dei costi da applicare alla camera in base all’età dei bambini, dove è consentito inserire manualmente le varie fasce di età ed il relativo costo. Questo perché il modello prezzi “OBP” (Occupancy Based Pricing – Prezzi in base all’occupazione) include solamente gli adulti come da standard OTA. I bambini possono pagare decisamente in base all’età, ma mediante dei costi aggiuntivi in quanto esclusi appunto dalle regole OBP.

    Inoltre, per ogni listing (tipologia di camera o appartamento) è possibile specificare la capienza in termini di adulti, bambini e ospiti totali (adulti + bambini). Nel caso in cui un appartamento non dovesse accettare bambini, è sufficiente lavorare sul campo della capienza impostando a 0 il numero massimo di bambini. Sarebbe poi ovviamente necessario informare i propri ospiti che i bambini sono considerati tali fino ad una determinata età, dopodiché dovranno essere conteggiati come adulti.

    Ci auguriamo che questo sia d’aiuto!

    Il team di VikWP

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    The system will automatically notify the administrator and the user whenever a rental order is created or confirmed (paid) through the front-end booking process. The status applied to each rental order is given by the payments configured, but this only applies to the Pro/commercial version of the plugin, while the free version will always set the rental orders to “Confirmed” because no payment methods are available by default.

    From the configuration page you can choose if the confirmation email should be sent only when the status becomes “Confirmed”, hence when there are no payment methods configured or when for example a credit card transaction succeeds, or also when the status is “Pending” (Stand-by).

    Instead, rental orders that get created, modified or confirmed through the wp-admin section of the plugin will never notify the users automatically. However, you are going to find several functions to re-send the confirmation email to the customer or to send a custom email message.

    Moreover, for each vehicle it is possible to define additional administrator email addresses to be notified in case of bookings, and by using the “Conditional Text Rules” you can eventually have more addresses notified in case specific criteria (conditions) are met.

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    Thanks for contacting us. If you are talking about the availability calendars displayed in the car details page, then you can either set the “Number of months to show” to 0 from the “Views and Layout” tab of the Configuration page, or you can hide them via CSS by adding some custom rules either to your Theme or to the apposite CSS file for customization available in the Configuration page.

    Instead, if you are referring to the datepicker calendars to start the booking process, then the booking form will be displayed as long as rentals are enabled from the very first setting in the Configuration page.

    We hope this helps!
    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    Thanks for your message. The home page of our official demo website is using a widget/block of type “VikBooking Search Form”. This can be easily published on any pages of your website, either by using your preferred page-builder plugin or by using the apposite Gutenberg block of this type.

    Please notice that all widgets/blocks require some Shortcodes to be configured, either through the apposite wp-admin page in VikBooking, or by using the Gutenberg native block of type “VikBooking Shortcode” when you create a new page through WordPress.

    Moreover, Shortcodes should never be used in the home page of your website, but rather on any other page with a URL slug/alias (i.e. /book-now). For the home page you can use widgets/blocks just like how we did in the official demo website of VikBooking, and from the settings of the widget/block, you choose the “page” from the list of existing VikBooking Shortcodes, that will determine the action of the form in that case, hence the landing page URL where the booking process will start (i.e. /book-now).

    We hope this helps!

    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    Thanks for your question. We completely understand what you are looking for, and this feature is indeed available with VikBooking thanks to the shared calendars configuration.

    Basically, you should configure 3 room types in VikBooking, one representing the whole property (the entire home/apartment), and two representing the individual apartments. By using the shared calendars feature, you can share the availability of the “entire apartment” with the two individual apartments. This way, by booking the “entire apartment”, the “apartment A” and “apartment B” would be unavailable on the same dates. On the other side, by booking the “apartment A”, the system will occupy the “entire apartment” as well as the “apartment A”, but the “apartment B” would still be available.

    We would like to highlight the fact that this feature is also available with the free version of VikBooking, but for those who use our full solution comprehensive of VikBooking Pro and our E4jConnect Channel Manager service, it would also be possible to configure this type of listings with shared calendars on OTAs like or Airbnb, which would be connected through APIs.

    We hope this answers to your question!

    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    Thanks for your messages. The relations between a vehicle and the categories are optional, and you can eventually select multiple or all categories.

    Categories can be used as a filter for the search results page of the booking process, or as a filter in the pages (Shortcodes) of type “Cars List”, for eventually displaying only the cars that belong to a specific category. Please notice that selecting no categories for a vehicle will exclude it from the results in case a specific category ID is chosen from the filters.

    Moreover, inquiries can be submitted from the pages (Shortcodes) of type “Car Details” (as long as the apposite parameter is enabled for your vehicle). Instead, if you wish to receive rental orders with pending status, then it’s sufficient to publish and configure a payment method that will not automatically confirm the orders, nor will it start a credit card transaction. The best option in this case is to use the driver for the “Bank Transfer” and to give it a name like “Request quotation/approval”.

    Regarding the 10% deposit through Stripe or any other payment plugin: you can indeed activate this option from the configuration settings of VikRentCar. The setting “Pay entire amount” should be disabled so that you can define a 10% deposit to confirm the rental order. Additionally, if the configuration setting “Allow multiple payments for the same order” is disabled, then the remaining/outstanding balance will have to be paid at the desk just like as you need it. Alternatively, users would be able to place a new payment for the outstanding balance.

    We suggest getting in touch with our team through our website should you have any additional questions related to payments, especially because these features are only available in the Pro/commercial version of the plugin, and so we would not want to off-topic on this forum.

    Thank you!
    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    We are sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with our plugin and support. As you were informed through our support ticketing platform, there are no open or unresolved bugs with our plugin, and bugs should not be confused with missing features. If you had found a bug that led to plugin errors, then our programmers would have definitely fixed it, but this was not the case.

    Moreover, the indexing issues you are facing are caused by missing Shortcodes of type “Item Details” so that every rental item will get its own and canonical URL.

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    Thanks for your message. We understand the situation, and the front-end booking details page is always the same for when the very first payment is required to confirm the reservation, as well as for when the booking status is “Confirmed”, but an outstanding balance is left to be paid.

    However, depending on what payment methods have been configured on your website with VikBooking, if you only require a deposit to be paid to confirm the reservations, either an absolute or percent value, then guests should get a confirmation message and email right after placing the first valid payment. The remaining balance will be automatically calculated by the system, and it will be payable from the same booking details page, but the reservation status will be confirmed.

    It may be possible that your current payment method is not actually requiring a credit card transaction, and so the booking status may not be confirmed. This is why we do not suggest to enable the deposit option if you use offline payment solutions like the Bank Transfer.

    We invite you to get in touch with our team through our website should you have any questions. Also, payment methods are only available in the Pro/commercial version of the plugin, and so we wouldn’t want to go off-topic on this forum.

    Thank you!
    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    That’s probably because when booking a car from its details page, the search results step/page gets skipped, and the user is taken directly to the page where Options/Extras and Rate Plans (types of price/insurance) can be selected.

    For the moment promotions and discounts are only highlighted in the search results page, otherwise the final cost will be displayed. However, the step after the search results, the one where Options/Extras and the type of rental cost or insurance can be selected, will still display the rental costs with an apposite CSS class to highlight a discount.

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    Thanks for your message. We understand the situation, and the pages “Cars List” and “Car Details” do not take any rental dates as input, and so for this reason any discounts applied through promotions or seasonal rates will not be reflected.

    Without knowing the rental dates, hence the duration of rent, it is technically impossible for the system to highlight certain discounts or promotions. However, as you’ve also noticed, this does apply in the search results page, so after having chosen the rental dates.

    We invite you to get in touch with our team through our website for any other questions related to seasonal rates, discounts or promotions, as these are features that are only available in the Pro/commercial version of the plugin. This is mainly to avoid going off-topic on this forum. Thank you!

    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    VikRentCar will install its own database tables and will not rely on any third-party plugins, including WooCommerce.

    Ours is a stand-alone plugin that follows the WordPress standards, and there is no integration with WooCommerce.

    We hope this helps!
    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    Unfortunately, at the moment, it is not possible to use the auto-scroll animation in some pages only. If you need to use the auto-scroll only when the booking process has started, I recommend you to publish the VikRestaurants Search widget instead of directly using the Reservation Form shortcode.

    This way the search widget won’t be affected by the auto-scroll, which will be properly used for all the next pages instead. Bear in mind that the search widget does basically the same things of the reservation form shortcode.

    Since you disabled the auto-scroll, you should re-enable it by deleting the previously inserted value. This is the SQL code that you should execute:

    DELETE FROM {wp}_vikrestaurants_config WHERE param = 'animatepages';
    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    VikRestaurants forces an auto-scroll whenever the beginning of a shortcode is not immediately visible within the page. It is possible to safely disable the animation of the pages by inserting a new record within the configuration database table of VikRestaurants.

    Therefore you should access your database panel (such as SQL adminer or PhpMyAdmin) and launch the following SQL Insert command.

    INSERT INTO {wp}_vikrestaurants_config (param, setting) VALUES ('animatepages', 0);

    Don’t forget to replace {wp} with the real prefix used by your database.

    After launching the query, VikRestaurants should stop using the auto-scroll on all the pages.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by e4jvikwp. Reason: Bad format used for SQL escaping backtick
    Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    Thanks for your message. That’s indeed supported by VikBooking, but it requires to define some “Closing dates” from the first tab of the Configuration page.

    By doing so, the datepicker calendars will automatically start from the very next available date. This is useful for guests that will immediately see the first available calendar month-day, but it means that you will be required to define the closing dates for every year.

    For example, we are now in October, and since your property is open from April to September, you should define a range of closing dates from October 1st 2024 till March 31st 2025. This way, the first available month in the datepicker calendars will be April 2025. Shortcodes or widgets/blocks such as the “Search Form” will definitely apply such settings.

    We hope this helps!
    The VikWP Team

    Plugin Author e4jvikwp


    If the settings of the widget “Search Form” in your home page do not display any option under the “Page” drop-down menu, then it means there are no active Shortcodes configured in the main plugin VikRentCar.

    You can create Shortcodes and add them to pages in two different ways:

    1. By using the Gutenberg apposite block type called “VikRentCar Shortcode” that will let you create and add a Shortcode to a new page.
    2. By using the apposite wp-admin section of VikRentCar. You will find the “Shortcodes” button in the top toolbar of the page Dashboard. From this page you can create a new Shortcode, and then manually assign it to a page by using the apposite red button.

    Once you will have configured some Shortcodes, the settings of your home-page widget will let you choose a valid option from the drop-down menu, and the form action will work correctly.

    Please notice that we suggest creating at least 3 types of Shortcodes in VikRentCar: Search Form, Cars List and Order Details. This will ensure all URL routing functions will work correctly.

    The VikWP Team

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