Ward Graham
Forum Replies Created
rollback working on another site sorry something else going on there…
wp rollback not showing previous versions. where might I dload 2.0.4. TY!
YES!! working TY!
PHP Version 7.0.30
WP version 4.9.6
Theme Atahualpa Version: 3.7.24
404page – your smart custom 404 error page
Akismet Anti-Spam
All In One Schema Rich Snippets
CloudFlare Flexible SSL
Contact Form 7
Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly)
Display Posts Shortcode
Ditty News Ticker
Email Subscribers & Newsletters
EWWW Image Optimizer
Facebook Reviews Widget
Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
Google Authenticator
Google Reviews Widget
Insert PHP
Jetpack by WordPress.com
Local Search SEO Contact Page
Menu Items Visibility Control
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Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening
Theme My Login
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UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
WassUp Real Time Analytics
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Wordfence Security
WP Fastest Cache
WP Featherlight
WP Responsive Menu
WP Rollback
WP Statistics
Yoast SEOI rolled back to previous version (6.2.10) of WF and it does not show a plugin update is needed. When I update to 6.3 it again shows as a plugin updated is needed. I have a dev/mirror site with PHP 5.3.3, Apache/2.2.15 same plugins, theme etc no issue.
Issue is on server with PHP 7.0.14, Apache/2.4.6
TY!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Reviews Block for Google] SSL / HTTP for plugin imagesfound it. cleared the PHP opcode cache. Sorry I did not think of that earlier.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Reviews Block for Google] SSL / HTTP for plugin imagesWhere is the plugin loading this variable from: GPR_PLUGIN_URL ? I can then use phpmyadmin to look at the specific DB entry. doing a blind search and replace is not a comfortable option as you may understand.
$avatar_img = GPR_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/assets/images/mystery-man.png’;
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Reviews Block for Google] SSL / HTTP for plugin imagesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Reviews Block for Google] SSL / HTTP for plugin imagesHi,
I have this same issue. I recently moved my site using dev.domain.com then changed the name under general settings, DNS etc. now the mistry link sources the image from dev.domain.com rather than www. Seems like the plugin is caching. I cannot find dev.domain.com anywhere in the DB when I search via phpmyadmin. I removed and reinstalled the plugin restarted apache, cleared php cache, removed any caching/minifying plugin, tried a new API key. Even used wget to pull site locally to eliminate any client/CDN caching. in short the plugin seems to be using a FQDN from some source instead of using local links. Hope this helps. TY!I have same problem after update, changed owner and group of directory to deactivate plugin and site came back.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Basic Contact Form] name and email field labels not displayingAh! got it.. Thank you! That was easy and now a bit perplexed on what I may have done to lose the fields. Sorry to bother you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Basic Contact Form] name and email field labels not displayingI created a test page so I can re-enable my contact form please see
https://www.brightonhoney.com/test-contact-page/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Basic Contact Form] name and email field labels not displayingHi Jeff,
I got back around to this as some folks complained about the google captcha. I disabled a bunch of suspect plugins but essentially nothing has changed, same and no mods perhaps minor update to the footer. I will leave it up if you want to take a look. TY!