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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New community blog – anyone can postOk, what you are describing is what the page looks like before the javascript moves the sidebar over to the right.
My guess is that either you are not letting the page load completely before you leave, or you have javascript turned off.
I have been thinking about comming up with a non JS method of getting the sidebar situated in a way that works for all browsers. Maybe I’ll move that up the priority list.
Thanks for your input.
ErwinForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New community blog – anyone can postThat’s odd. I’m running FF on WinXP and the site looks fine. Other people have commented it looks ok on their FF installs. The only other person who has reported problems was running version 1.0 or 1.1 (can’t remember right now).
Please let me know, what version and in what environment are you running Firefox?
ErwinForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Feedback request: dragotown.comIn your #navcol definition, change this:
_margin-right: -4%;
to this:
_margin-right: 0;
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Feedback request: dragotown.comHello,
for whatever reason, on my IE 6.0 on WinXP, about 1/3 of the sidebar text is off the page and hovering over the background.
It looks ok in Firefox. The left edge of the sidebar is more to the left in FF than in IE.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New community blog – anyone can postHey, that’s a good idea. I think I’ve seen plugins for polling or voting, but if not, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to implement…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My solution for custom permalinks without mod_rewriteI’ve posted the details of the feed and trackback support here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My solution for custom permalinks without mod_rewriteKludge, you say? Well, unfortunately I have to agree. I’m hoping someone with more expertise can clean it up a little.
As I understand it, WordPress and Yahoo have some kind of cross-promotion going on, so it’s frustrating that Yahoo has not addressed this issue, either by enabling mod_rewrite, or implementing some kind of workaround. (I have enabled their “customizable permalinks” plugin, but obviously if that had worked, I wouldn’t be writing this)
I am (not so) secretly hoping Yahoo will pick up on this idea, and maybe use it as a basis for their workaround to make custom permalinks work – assuming they are dead set against enabling mod_rewrite. In the meantime, I hope this post will help others in my predicament.
– Just a long winded way of saying I’m open to suggestions on how to improve this mechanism
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PERMALINK Problem on WordPress 2.0I’ve added support for feeds and trackbacks. As a consequence, I changed my post URLs from /name-of-post.php to /name-of-post/, so the above link to the post is obsolete. The new link is
I will detail the changes in a new blog post on my site tomorrow, but in essence I had to create /feed/ subdirectories under each category, plus /feed/ and /trackback/ folders under the new post folders, and I added a couple of sections of code to redirect.php.
This solution is not all that elegant, I end up with a bunch folders and sub folders for every post. At least, they are all copies of each other, except for the folder name, so creating new ones is not a big deal. And, I have custom permalinks without mod_rewrite. Yay…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My solution for custom permalinks without mod_rewriteI’ve added support for feeds and trackbacks. As a consequence, I changed my post URLs from /name-of-post.php to /name-of-post/, so the above link to the post is obsolete. The new link is
I will detail the changes in a new blog post on my site tomorrow, but in essence I had to create /feed/ subdirectories under each category, plus /feed/ and /trackback/ folders under the new post folders, and I added a couple of sections of code to redirect.php.
This solution is not all that elegant, I end up with a bunch folders and sub folders for every post. At least, they are all copies of each other, except for the folder name, so creating new ones is not a big deal. And, I have custom permalinks without mod_rewrite. Yay…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My solution for custom permalinks without mod_rewriteOops, I just noticed the solution is not complete, in that it doesn’t handle category feed URLs, or post comment feeds. I’ll update my blog entry when I’ve got that done. Sorry.
And, if you’e running an older browser, try the RSS feed:
https://austinmash.com/blog/?feed=rss2Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: PERMALINK Problem on WordPress 2.0I’ve implemented custom permalinks on my Yahoo hosted blog, without using mod_rewrite or .htaccess, which Yahoo does not support.
I created a physical folder strucure for archives and categories, plus name-of-post.php style permalinks, which automatically perform redirects back to the blog root index.php file by way of a new, generic redirect.php file.
Details here:
https://austinmash.com/blog/finally-got-my-custom-wordpress-permalinks-working.phpWarning: this site may not load properly in Firefox < 1.5. You can use a different browser, or try the rss feed:
https://austinmash.com/blog/?feed=rss2Also, I just discovered I also need to handle category RSS feed URLs, and individual post comment feeds as well. So, I’ll be updating that post when I’ve got that done.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My solution for custom permalinks without mod_rewriteHi!
I am running Firefox on Win XP, and the post looks fine. Please let me know what environment you are using.Anyway, if you could read the post, I do explain that I do not want to switch hosts, and that I saw so much frustration with this issue in my research, I thought it might be worthwhile to try to come up with a solution, that at least partially works (the limitations are also in the post).
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Photoblog ThemeIt’s a beautiful site, no doubt. One weirdness, when I mouseover the logo at the upper left, it just flashes, and nothing changes. So, it is kinda annoying. I am using IE 6 on Win XP.
Other than that, great job!
https://austinmash.comForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: MySpace – how close can WP get?As I understand it, for $40/month, they enable multi-user community blogs and sites.
They are built on the open-source Drupal project. I have no affiliation with either, I just saw them at SxSW in Austin this week.