Ok – thanks Nick! ??
I added this to my functions file, refreshed the permalinks, cleared the cache and the slugs are still showing up the same. Clearly some part of it is wrong ?? Any hints? Thanks so much!
//* Genesis author-pro plugin change permalinks to gfm-press
add_filter( 'genesis_author_pro_archive_slug', 'custom_author_pro_archive_slug' );
function custom_author_pro_archive_slug() {
return '/gfm-press/books';
add_filter( 'genesis_author_pro_author_slug', 'custom_author_pro_author_slug' );
function custom_author_pro_author_slug() {
return '/gfm-press/book-author';
add_filter( 'genesis_author_pro_book_slug', 'custom_author_pro_book_slug' );
function custom_author_pro_book_slug() {
return '/gfm-press/book';
add_filter( 'genesis_author_pro_series_slug', 'custom_author_pro_series_slug' );
function custom_author_pro_series_slug() {
return '/gfm-press/series';
add_filter( 'genesis_author_pro_tag_slug', 'custom_author_pro_tag_slug' );
function custom_author_pro_tag_slug() {
return '/gfm-press/book-tag';