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  • Thread Starter earther


    Yes, I am using IE (please don’t tar and feather me). Here’s a screenshot of the error

    Another little bug is that the dark background of the RH column breaks badly on longer posts. It’s pretty unstable.

    Thread Starter earther


    The final word on this glitch.

    Turned out the mystery was not quite solved as of my last post so here’s a follow-up FYI . . .

    After the characters were removed the files were in DOS not UNIX format. Not the best solution.

    So the Mac server admin did a little research and tweaking and upgraded his ftp server in the process. But the files were still doing weird – but different – things. He posted on a Mac list, as was told that if I upload the UNIX files in binary, the line breaks should remain intact. That so goes against instinct but it seems to work. The UNIX line breaks remain undisturbed ftping either way and the validator isn’t choking anymore. Go figure . . .

    This simplifies my life and it is much better to have UNIX instead of DOS files.

    Thread Starter earther


    UPDATE: I might be using the previous_post_link/next_post_link post titles after all to give the search engine something to catch. The main posts will still be listed by date, however.

    I would still be interested in how my original request was accomplished but it’s not a high priority if you don’t have the time. Someone else might find it useful in the future though . . .

    Thread Starter earther


    You’ve come to the rescue again, Kafkaesqui! Thanks so much. I look forward to seeing the mod in action.

    It looks like you got things fixed but I thought I’d add my .02.

    Try <br style=”clear: both” /> or better yet add a clearer div to your css:

    Then add this after your photos that are overlapping text:

    <div class=”clear”> </div>

    Thread Starter earther


    Thanks, Kafkaesqui. You’ve been very helpful. I just downloaded the Mac compatible files to replace the ones with the [] since they seem to work locally. Is there any reason why that’s a bad idea?

    Thread Starter earther


    Thanks for helping to clear things up.

    Yes, I ftp in ASCII but the [] were not converted. Could the conversion utilities be used on my destop files or would it have to be run on the receiving end? Sorry if that’s a no-brainer question.

    The converted files seem to work just fine with xampp – I downloaded the ones for the theme that I created and no prob. It’s a PITA to have to keep track of Mac compliant and non-compliant files though.

    BTW, I was told that the .tar.gz files were compatible when they were unzipped on the Mac. Go figure . . .

    Thread Starter earther


    Go figure . . . I just checked out a test installation I did on another server. It validates perfectly with the evil characters. This makes me think it’s a server configuration issue. Does that sound logical?

    Thread Starter earther


    OK. I just did a fresh .zip download, extracted and can see the problem characters in Notepad (but not in NoteTab). Why are they there? I just did a straight ‘extract all’. Running XP Pro SP2 patches up-to-date. Do I need to edit configuration somewhere?

    At least I got the sidebar prob fixed . . .

    Thread Starter earther


    Yes, the evil characters are gone but it was not my doing. My friend, the server admin, did a search and replace without my even asking!

    But that does not answer the question of how they got there in the first place or how I can prevent it from happening again.

    Now I see that the sidebar the isn’t where it’s supposed to be in FF! It was working here a while ago so don’t know what happened. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. *bawls*

    Back to the drawing board . . .

    Thread Starter earther


    I use NoteTab – Have for years and my code has always validated. This is really bumming me out. Bed time . . .

    Thread Starter earther


    Thanks so much for the link. ??

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