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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Go Daddy InstallGlowlite, I’m a certified technician and I’ve worked as tech support for a local ISP as well, I am NOT uninformed.
Let me give you people an example of my experiences with GoDaddy support:I was trying to get set up as an account exec for a friends site so I can manage his domain, he added me as account exec but nothing happened. So I called GoDaddy (this is actually the third issue in a month I had to call about, and nobody could help me with the first two either) and asked them a simple question: “How do I use the Account Exec feature?”
The response was, “Um, um, I’m not really familiar with that, can I put you on hold?”
Well I was used to this response because EVERY TIME I CALL, they are “not familiar with that” and they put me on hold.
So I said ok, no problem, I’ll hold.
—–Break in the story—–
By the way, in the beginning of the month, all of a sudden PHP stopped working on all my hosting accounts, so I checked my scripts (which hadn’t been changed but I checked them anyway, then I took my files and put them on another server with another company that I have an account with and they worked fine…so I knew it was not a problem on my end. So I called GoDadddy: “The PHP isn’t working on all my sites, can you check it?” The response: “Um, um, can I put you on hold?” “Sure, no problem.” I was on hold for 20 MINUTES!! Then finally I hung up and called back. The second rep I talked to said that there was a note on my account written by the first rep that said the PHP was checked and nothing was wrong and the problem was with the customer’s script! The rep wrote all that and he never picked the phone back up to tell me! Then the second rep kept argueing with me telling me that my scripts are wrong and he can’t support that. I told him that my scripts are fine and they are currently working on another server and they had been working for months on the GoDaddy server and no changes had been made. But he wouldn’t budge and he wouldn’t believe that this could be any other problem other than MY scripts were wrong. Long story short, there WAS a problem with their PHP, there was a lag in their system, and that’s why the form mail scripts on my sites wouldn’t send.
—-Back to the story—-
So the rep comes back and he starts explaining to me how to set up an account exec. I tell him, “But I already told you that I was setup already, I just need to know how to use it. “He says, “Oh, ok, I’m gonna have to put you on hold again.” Let me just say that this is not a unique example, almost EVERY rep I’ve talked to has done this. So he comes back and he tells me that the owner of the account has to go to domain groups and assign roles and set the permissions so since the owner is my friend and he gave me the login to his account, I go ahead and do this on the phone with the rep. So that done, he says now it should show up in my list of domains. Not. So he says, it will take up to 24 hours, so I say ok, thank you. Bye. Its now 72 hours later and it still hasn’t shown up.
Earlier in the month, I had a domain transferred to my account. When this happened, the website went to a parked godaddy page and since it was ‘pending change’ I couldnt go in and change the forwarding, so I called godaddy to ask how long it would be until I could change that. The rep that answered sounded drunk, the phone fell or something when he picked it up. Then when I asked my question, he got all pissy and rude and said, “You can go change it right now, what are you talking about?” I said, “No I can’t, when I …” But he cut me off and said , “Just select the domain and go to forwarding and change the settings.” very rude like I was stupid or something. I said, “Yes, I KNOW HOW to do it, but when I try, it says that it’s pending an account change (I already told him this but I am used to it, because I always have to repeat things at least twice to godaddy reps). So he said, “Oh.” Pause. “Well, it will take up to 24 hours.” I said thanks, bye.
Ladydelaluna, webmail WAS NOT working in my region, the mail would come through Outlook but I couldn’t access it through webmail, every time I tried to go to the webmail page it would freeze, I spent another 20 minutes on the phone with GoDaddy over this issue, he told me to type a number of things in the address bar (all of which I had already done before I even called), one of them was “[email protected]” I said, “Don’t you mean “webmail.mydomain.com” I’ve never seen the @ symbol writen in the address bar to access a URL?” He said, “Wait, um, oh yeah, that must be it.” Eventually, I was told that I would have to call my ISP and they can’t help me… although the godaddy webmail page was the ONLY page I couldn’t access.
GoDaddy is one of the largest in the world because they are cheap and they have a good advertising department, that is all.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Go Daddy InstallThe first way of typing it is the right one – mysql61.secureserver.net, but you should double-check the number (61) because it changes everytime you create a new database. And for goodness sakes, dont ever trust what a godaddy rep tells you because 50% of the time it won’t be correct.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Go Daddy InstallBy the way, has anybody tried to go to the GoDaddy Webmail page lately? Its been down for 2 days!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Go Daddy InstallI have been using GoDaddy for a year now and I have never had an issue that COULD be handled with a simple phone call. Their customer service REALLY SUCKS, nobody knows what they are doing! Its like they just pulled a bunch of guys off the street to answer phone calls and told them to bullshit as much as possible and ….oh yeah…dont forget to send them a customer survey!
And forget about using MySQL on GoDaddy, you can’t do anything from a script, there is no authorization for anything.
So anyway, I figured out how to use databases with PHP and make the form and the page I wanted to…how u ask? I went to Borders and got a book. Thats how! LOL. The only thing I havent figured out how to do is to print out data from the table in different colors.
But yeah, I have to agree with Pezastic on the godaddy issue….I’ve had it….so pezastic…who do you recommend for hosting?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Go Daddy InstallACTUALLY– I need more than that.
I am REALLY confused.
MY original purpose was to set up a page on my website where a visitor can type some text into a form, and that text would be added to another page on the site and the entries would accumulate and be displayed in alternate colors.
So I learned a little PHP and I was able to make the form and have it displayed on another (php) page, however, it was a one-time thing and it would not be saved. I asked a friend about it and she said that she thinks I need a database.
So I am trying to learn about how to make a database. I was able to set up a database on my godaddy site pretty easily, HOWEVER, I can not figure out what all the options are and what to do to make a table, I tried making a simple table to display the datetime, and I referenced it in a php file, however all I got when I opened the php page was a blank page. So I didn’t make the table correctly I think because the php file seemed ok.
So now I am looking at WordPress, and to be honest, I don’t even really understand what WordPress does.
I am severely confused and could use some help if anybody out there is feeling like they are in a charitable mood.
Maybe I shouldn’t be bothering with this at all because my area is really design, not programming, but this is going to torture me until I can figure it out. You people must know the feeling! Help!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Go Daddy InstallCan somebody list the steps, step by step, for an absolute newbie on how to set up WordPress on a Linux platform with GoDaddy, and I mean “step by step” for a newbie!
And how to use it after its set up?