I was with the same problem, and I solved this way.
In the file seofacebook.php, around line 437, I added an
if( !(is_product()) )
to all this lines:
$postUrl = get_permalink($postId);
# Only insert Facebook Comments if App ID and Secret is set
if (!empty($this->options['app']) && !empty($this->options['secret']) )
echo "<div id=\"fbSEOComments\" style=\"width:{$this->options['width']}\">";
echo "<h3>" . __('Leave a Reply', 'virtue') . "</h3>";
self::fbAddComment($postUrl, $postId, $comments);
echo "</div>";
else // If no application ID or application secret are set ask the user to set one
return $comments;
Then, I replaced the line 219, by this:
if ( isset($this->options['hideComments']) && !(is_product()) )