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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin:NextGEN Gallery] Select part of the photo for thumbnailHere is the WordPress help file on this, just follow it and do it on the nggallery.php file instead of your config file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin:NextGEN Gallery] Select part of the photo for thumbnailGeez people, I think I’ve figured out the solution!!!
Same problem as above, everything just went haywire and I was getting all of these Cannot Modify Header messages. It was always in the nggallery.php file. I’d deactivate plugins, tons of error messages, just a big fat mess. Then I’d think I would get it fixed, get rid of the error messages and then the problem of no left image, per exposia’s screen shot. I’m on Mac and Firefox 3.6.3, btw.
What fixed it (reading lots of threads here and kind of putting everything together):
1. Go to the nggallery.php file in the nextgen plugin folder.
2. Open that with whatever you use to edit files (I use page spinner) that doesn’t add a bunch of crap. I guess Notepad in Windows.
3. Go to the bottom of the file and the end is:
4. Use your arrow keys to see if there are blank spaces beyond that, if so, use backspace and get rid of them.Now this part is weird, but I ran into it here, regarding a messed up config file (and it’s in the WordPress help files)
5. Put your cursor between the question mark and whatever that other thing is called. I’ll use a dollar sign to mark where cursor should be:
6. Press your DELETE button, not the backspace, but find DELETE. It’s going to delete that pointy thing. Hold it FIFTEEN seconds. Then type the pointy thing:
Sorry, don’t know what that’s called.
Then save your file (I save directly back to my FTP, but do it however you do it)
Apparently somehow a space is being put in between those two characters and is mucks it all up. I did this and like magic, I can now edit thumbs again, and all those horrible error messages are gone.
This sounds a LOT more complicated than it is. Once you get to the file and do the delete thing, it’s quick and painless.
Hope this helps somebody…I’ve been tearing my hair out all afternoon.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I get rid of media posts?Thanks Otto, I’ll give that a try. I do have a couple of plugins that might not be compatible.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I get rid of media posts?Well, after lots of searching, it seems this has something to do with permalinks. But I fiddled and changed my permalinks and never could get it to stop making posts out of media files (vid/audio, jpgs)
After much messing around, I’ve come up with a workaround for anyone else who has this problem. It’s not very good, but beats having posts with nothing but a picture (that is already in a post).
I made a new category called pix, did an exclude in the list categories on the sidebar so it doesn’t show up. I would make a goof post, choose pix as the category, add the file. It would still show up under my default category listing page.
1. Change default cat to pix, do the goof post, add the file.
2. Change default back to my preferred cat (this is optional, but easier for me)
3. Do my post, add the file from the media library. Done.
It still shows up as an individual, extra post in the pix category, but since I hid that via exclude, nobody but me knows it’s there. If Google finds it, I don’t care.
Since I rarely add images or media files to my posts, this cumbersome workaround is the best option for me. For someone who uses a lot of media files, it would drive you to insanity.
I also tried keeping my default cat, and doing a goof post putting it into pix category, but it still would put the picture post in my default listing. There was no way to change it.
This sounds kind of complicated, and I guess it is, but it’s the best I could do. It’s easier than manually uploading a file via FTP, then doing all the image/thumbnail code by hand.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Strange error on “edit post”I updated the info on Adhesive so people know they really should not be using that with 2.1.
In the meantime, I found an updated version by Lester Chan at:
Fantastic plugin so far! My prayers are answered all in one swoop. Fixed my WP problems and then found another plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Navigation Links have disappeared since upgradeI updated the info on Adhesive so people know they really should not be using that with 2.1.
In the meantime, I found an updated version by Lester Chan at:
Fantastic plugin so far! My prayers are answered all in one swoop. Fixed my WP problems and then found another plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Navigation Links have disappeared since upgradeSolved after a lot of work.
The problem was the plugin “Adhesive.” It does say on the 2.1 plugins page that Adhesive doesn’t fully work with 2.1, but it only mentions that the sticky option is missing. It doesn’t mention that it mucks up several things.
Tis a shame…I really used that plugin a lot.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Strange error on “edit post”Solved after a lot of work.
The problem was the plugin “Adhesive.” It does say on the 2.1 plugins page that Adhesive doesn’t fully work with 2.1, but it only mentions that the sticky option is missing. It doesn’t mention that it mucks up several things.
Tis a shame…I really used that plugin a lot.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posting happens, but I recieve an error..I have the same problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Really need help – Next Page link not workingI’m having similar problems, though not exactly. I upgraded to 2.1.2 and the next/previous links have disappeared entirely. I’ve tried switching to the default and classic themes to see if there’s something in the theme but there’s not.
My server’s PHP and MySQL are the right versions. I use the apache rewrite and permalinks. If I manually type in the stuff is there. Just think next and previous links don’t show up. They’re in the code, and I’ve tinkered around with the various choices of code found in the template tag support docs.
Nothing works. I could really use some help figuring this out.
Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Specific Pre Written Articles: Implementation?I wanted to add information here and say a big thank you to those who participated in this thread. You benefited me beyond measure!
I have a huge website that’s been around for a decade. It was straight html and was laid out in tables. (Started long before CSS was around.) I decided to switch to a CMS to make it easier to maintain (it grew out of control and at times would take over my life), and to allow some others to help add materials. None of them knew how to write HTML, so it needed to be fairly intuitive
I searched and searched, but couldn’t find one that had any method of importing all the old stuff. So I chose a nice system, and began the horrible process of putting the several hundred articles in by hand. Open the file, copy the article, go to the CMS manager, paste, then sort it all out…it was awful. I’d do ten articles, then become absolutely overwhelmed at how much was left, and what a huge job this was going to be. I’d been at it for over six months, copy/pasting by hand as I had time, then feeling so overwhelmed. I thought I’d be at it for two years before I’d ever finish.
In the meantime, I set up an unrelated blog, and decided to go with Word Press. Started really loving WP and getting to know it. And then happened upon this thread.
I tinkered around, and it seemed that this just might work and I’d be able to import this stuff using the above method.
I’m here to tell you that not only did it work, it worked beautifully and the import job was done within a week….and was just plain FUN. My computer did almost all the work, and Word Press is working exactly in the way I’d hoped. It’s just glorious!!!
So I wanted to share the exact steps I used in hope of helping someone else who might wander into this thread, someone who has a huge site they want to convert.
Here’s how I imported almost all of the articles:
I spent quite a bit of time setting up my WP site in advance, getting things the way I wanted, and making sure my categories were in order.
I did sections at a time, and my old articles were all categorized, so I went by category. The old articles also had code to output print-friendly, and the merge program may have found that helpful. I don’t know. All I know is that it all worked beautifully.
1. I found a program called Amber Text Merger to merge my html pages into a plain text document. I use Mac, but it worked just fine using Virtual PC. It’s an easy program to use, and you choose/import the files, then output as an ANSI txt file. I imported 20-30 files at a time, just to play it safe in case there was a problem. (There never was) There’s a trial version of this software, but for a big job, it’s well worth the price of 19.95! I can’t emphasize enough how fantastic this piece of software was, and how crucial in this job.
So: Add files (choose html assuming you have html files), then Save As txt.
2. Take the merged txt file, and you’ll need to add Kafkaesqui’s stuff here. If using the trial version of Amber, you’ll have to do find/replace and strip out the Trial Version words. Then, at the top is a list of the files, remove that, and each imported article has the word “Top” in it. (To send you back to the top, but there’s no link). The word Top also has a bunch of extra lines in it, and this is what I used as my “find” to find and replace with the Movable Type code. I used Mac OS X’s automator to do most of the find/replace stuff. So find Top (and some of those lines), replace with:
TITLE: title
AUTHOR: admin
DATE: 08/17/2006 12:00:00
STATUS: publish
BODY:Then I did manually go through each one and copy/pasted (or actually cut/pasted) the headline/title from article to replace “title”
Note that I also changed ALLOW PINGS to PING STATUS because that worked. I did this all on WP version 2.0.3 (which I’ve now upgraded to 2.0.4), and I’m assuming Allow Pings was for an older version. That command set all the pings to no.
3. Then I copied the whole document into MSWord and ran a VB script to change the times. I won’t post that code here to save space, but I’ve got it if anyone wants it and can send via email. That went through and set each consecutive post to a second later. I’m not sure how important it was to have every imported post with a different time, but I didn’t want to take any chances.
4. Then copied the text back to my text document. (Don’t use Word to do the import, as it adds extra code…use Notepad, or for Mac…I use Page Spinner because I like it, but you could use TextEdit or BBEdit, etc.) Saved as a .txt document and I’m done.
5. The really fun and cool part. Go to import in the WP Dashboard, choose Movable Type and import….and there were all my imported posts. BEAUTIFUL!!!
Then I just went through everything to make sure it all worked, and it really did.
The only negative: Using Amber, it did not save any of my links in the pages. So I did have to insert links manually, but would have had to do it anyway since most of my links are internal and were being changed up due to the move to WP.
Hope this post isn’t too complex and can help someone in a position similar to mine. If something doesn’t make sense and I can help in any way, email me.
Thanks to everyone in this thread!!! If it hadn’t been for you, I’d still be trying to do it all by hand and feeling frustrated.
Yay for Kaf and WordPress!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to optimize my WordPress for S.E’s ?Hey Joey Dee, that does make sense. Thanks!
Now I’ll just leave “category” there and stop putzing around with that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to optimize my WordPress for S.E’s ?Hey doodlebee, is there any difference if you do your permalinks like:
or replace category with a keyword like:
I’m just curious if it makes any difference. The info you posted above was quite helpful and very direct.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pretty Permalinks – trying to get rid of index.phpErp, figured it out.
Under options, where it says set blog address, I had it set as because I wanted to leave my .shtml page very basic because I’ve got good google rankings on it. (So they’d come to index.shtml, get a blurb about the site that ranks well, then click on into index.php to get started with the site)
I can fix that with some tinkering.
Thanks for your help, Yosemite. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pretty Permalinks – trying to get rid of index.phpThat’s exactly what I did, and I’ve got the index.php. I also tried some of the other tags, and no matter what I choose, I end up with /index.php/pretty-link-name