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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Popup] How to get this to work with WPBakery?Hi, the temporary blog page for now is the page where I have used the modal-ready id wrapped in a div, so all I want is when I click on the post then the post opens up in a popup box. At the moment it just loads in a normal page. When I go to view page source it shows the id is there, see example below:
<div id="modal-ready"><div id="vc_row-5d9bcf27eba3c" class="vc_row wpb_row vc_row-fluid"><div class="wpb_column vc_column_container vc_col-sm-12"><div class="vc_column-inner "><div class="wpb_wrapper"><div class="preloader"><div class="preloader-spin"></div></div> <div class="portfolio-preloader-wrapper"> <div data-per-page="3" data-portfolio-uid="804fcfa" class="portfolio news-grid no-padding portfolio-pagination-normal portfolio-style-justified background-style-transparent title-style-light hover-zooming-blur item-animation-fade-in title-on-page version-default columns-3" data-hover="zooming-blur" > <div class=""> <div class="row" style="margin: -21px;"> <div class="portfolio-set clearfix" data-max-row-height="380"> <div class="portfolio-item pgop col-md-4 col-xs-4 item-animations-not-inited post-hide-categories post-hide-date show-caption-border post-1 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-pgop" style="padding: 21px;" data-default-sort="0" data-sort-date="1567746203"> <div class="wrap clearfix"> <div class="image post-1 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-pgop"> <div class="image-inner"> <picture> <img src="https://www.collectivegraphics.com.au/sites/pgop/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/transparent-thegem-portfolio-justified.png" width="844" height="767" class="attachment-thegem-portfolio-justified" alt="Life Balance: What goes up, must come down… (but will go up again!)" /> </picture> <div class="post-featured-content"><a href="https://www.collectivegraphics.com.au/sites/pgop/life-balance/"> <picture>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Popup] How to get this to work with WPBakery?Hi, even with ID, this makes no difference to the outcome.
Many thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Popup] How to get this to work with WPBakery?Hi , thanks for your response but I’ve tried to add this at every possible element i.e. the row, coloumn. I also tried to wrap it around the code as shown below:
‘<div class=”modal-ready”>[vc_row][vc_column][gem_news_grid news_grid_layout=”3x” news_grid_gaps_size=”42″ news_grid_hover=”zooming-blur” loading_animation=”fade-in” news_grid_items_per_page=”3″ news_grid_hide_date=”1″ news_grid_hide_categories=”1″ news_grid_hide_author_avatar=”1″ news_grid_hide_author=”1″ news_grid_hide_comments=”1″ news_grid_likes=”1″ metro_max_row_height=”380″][/vc_column][/vc_row]</div>’
Also with no joy! My temp blog page is here: https://www.collectivegraphics.com.au/sites/pgop/blog-test/ if this helps uncover why it’s not working!
Many thanks
Hi that CSS code fixed it… just needed to change to margin-right to 16px… Thanks, will review plugin now
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom menu shows unstyled before reading CSSSeemed to have fixed it with
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".topmenuextra").delay(300).fadeIn(); }); </script>
At the top of my header… Now I’m not sure if this is the best solution, but it seems to work!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom menu shows unstyled before reading CSSThis is all done via CSS. I don’t know Javascript so most of what you said does not make much sense to me? All I’ve done is add a custom menu and assigned it to the header
wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'top', 'container_class' => 'topmenuextra') );
Then style it with topmenuextra. I have a page loader and it occasionally appears before it reads the page loader !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Variations no longer add to cartThanks a lot for your help, will try the fix
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: localhost site running very slow on a XAMPP installationThanks for your response… I’ll try this on my next project
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Second wordpress site on same IIS7 server failNo problem, the issue was that having a second install in my main wordpress installation… following instructions on this tutorial page fixed it https://geefamily.net/2010/08/22/wordpress-and-subdomains
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Second wordpress site on same IIS7 server failNot a fix but the issue seem to be transferring files from localhost to my server… Just had to start fresh and install directly onto server and retransfer the files via FTP… This seem to fix it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Remove high price in variable pricing displayGot it working! no need to respond, thx
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: localhost site running very slow on a XAMPP installationI didn’t change anything for MAMP, it gave me 8888 as a port so was different to my 8080 with XAMPP so no conflicts, I was able to upload my database to phymyadmin correctly but then it just wouldn’t connect… I’ve completed loads of wordpress sites on XAMPP so I know how to get them to work… A quick goggle search suggest I’m not the only one with this issue with WAMP. For now I’ve just decided to skip the localhost for this particular job… Ive spent 4 hours today trying to solve this… I have just set up dreamweaver to auto upload saved files to my online server and will just work through this!
All this happened because I upgraded my XAMPP.. annoying!
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: localhost site running very slow on a XAMPP installationUnfortunately this didn’t work for me… same delay… It’s only on front end, admin runs how it should!! Tried MAMP also and cant seem to get this to even work with the database even when I know all the settings are correct… I may have to just deal with the delay unless there are any other possible solutions?
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: localhost site running very slow on a XAMPP installationI’m on my imac when it runs slow, when running on my windows server it runs how it should (about 2sec delay apposed to 10 with my mac) However I could give MAMP a go as a point of difference!!
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: localhost site running very slow on a XAMPP installationNo I didn’t make any tweaks to the last… I only updated as I got an error importing the database that I began on my windows version of XAMPP as it was running on a newer SQL… I will try what you suggested thx! The database is very minimal, its a small basic site!