Check PHP’s error log and make sure the GD library is enabled, if so make sure that “file_uploads” are enabled (file_uploads = On
) and the “upload_max_filesize” is set high (upload_max_filesize = 1024M
). If you make any changes, restart Apache so they take effect, which I go over below.
However, there is a bit of an untraceable error in here having to do with PHP’s “memory_limit” setting. I noticed the error in the preview image of the watermark. Located in “Options” > “Watermark” is where you can replicate this ( Error Image ).
(Note: Contact your hosting provider for help if you use shared hosting and/or don’t have access to the shell)
- Edit your “php.ini” file (php settings) and increase the “memory_limit” setting to whatever you are comfortable with. I changed mine to
memory_limit = 2048M
since I have a lot of memory to spare.
- Restart Apache so the changes take effect (For LAMP either “service httpd restart” or “/etc/init.d/apache2 restart” depending on OS)
- Re-upload the images and everything should be fine.
Hopefully that helps! Good luck!