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  • Thread Starter edvanture


    Hi @mikemayhem3030 , @lastsplash ,

    we′ve managed it now that the new modern template works again for us.

    We are looking forward for the fix with the alignement of the table headers.

    Just wondering if you know, how its possible to implement a blocked footer on each page for .pdf?

    We already have one implemented but its only shown on the last page. In the head it′s like this:

    footer {
        position: fixed;
        bottom: 0.1cm; 
        left: 1.0cm; 
        right: 1.0cm;
        font-size: 7pt;

    But for example the table and totals touches this footer, if there is no next page because the content is just to long and slips in the footer, but not generates a new page.

    Thanks for this good support !

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hi @mikemayhem3030 ,

    thank you for the infos. I tried to change the font size over:


    this works, but the Invoice Item Titel, not bold written anymore and Invoice Item Description changes the same.

    We are also wondering how this changes happened, because we are using a child theme and the own local .html-Template (old Version), with local fonts.

    Is it secured, that the new “modern” version stays in future or do you make changes in this file to fix current problems.

    For us it wouldn′t be practicable to edit/check our template after every update.

    Our input and improvement for the fixed version would be:

    • Table Head; description (stays left), quanitity (all middled), price and amount (right oriented)
    • The grey background (table) for subtotal and total, should be as long as needed
    • if its possible integrate a page transfer / page number if there a two pages or more



    Thread Starter edvanture



    the funny thing is, that we already use our own template since a long time.
    The layout looked perfectly until the new update to 6.5.1.
    The rollback doesn′t change the layout back?
    Where there general settings for the invoice pdf.-template made?

    As I can not find the line where to change, the font-size, family and alignment the for:
    Invoice Table Head
    Invoice Item Titel
    Invoice Item Description

    Could you tell me in which section I can change this?

    Is it also possible to change the table look for the subtotal, tax and total section, that its not the fully width?

    Big thanks in advance for your support!

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello @lastsplash ,

    thank you for the fast replay. No we stayed on 6.4.4 until now

    At your screenshot you can see that the quantity is not middled anymore.

    *Also that the total is a full line and not only the this framed total-amount.

    The item is not big and the item description is not italic.

    Is it possible to set the alignment, table head, item/item description layout in the invoice pdf template?
    As there is no change when I do a rollback from 6.5.1 to 6.4.4. (* only this)

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello @instareza ,

    OceanWP is still not loading completly. The OceanWP logo is still running in the middle of the window but it′s working to customize the invoice template. So only an optical issue…

    Thx for the break fix an the manuel invoice number.

    Two other optimizations:

    On the invoice head you build up the fields from the woocoommerce general settings. (adress of the company) correct? After the postcode there is shown:
    “countrycode” – “statecode”
    That double doesn′t look nice. I would suggest just to take “country” fully advertised.

    Is it possible for the footer to get a table with up to four columns?
    (for example; for company name/adress | CEO, contact details | tax, number, bank number, ….)
    alternatively a picture upload would also work.

    Thread Starter edvanture


    thank your for the fixes, OceanWP is now showing the invoice template. But its not loading completly.

    There seem to be a few double <br/>-mistakes at the delivery adresse, as they get shown on the document.

    If you need further informations please let us know.

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello Karen,

    it is the invoice-pdf.html template we change over the theme-editor ?? only depending the layout, like a header, footer sizes and colours.

    This still works, but the fonts and size in the item table stays basic since the update and item name and discription has the same font and size altough it is set different via the .html, which works perfectly with the older version.

    We have downgradet again to 6.4.0 and this works. So there should be a problem with 6.4.1

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello @gaurav,

    if you enable the shipping and discount, it always gets showed on the invoice. Also when there is no amount calculated/typed in.

    Wouldn`t it make more sense when it′s only showed if there ist a amount higher than 0,00 €.

    For example:
    Often we don′t give a discount but the row is nevertheless showed. The costumer could think, oh no discount for me, which could be prevent with this logic.

    Thread Starter edvanture


    @bluejay77 thank you for the information and your support!

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello Stef,
    could you please contact the German Polygot Team to get this done.
    Like a recommendation from you as the devoloper?
    We’ve already asked for this permissions but got no access by now.

    Concerning to the bug; I don’t know which details you need more?
    I have already uploaded the file you can see in the first post and marked the status with X which changed colour and label. For example “Unbezahlt” (orange) and “Unpaid” (grey) should look the same, as they have the same meaning.

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello JS,
    thats correct and still known. We had many suggestions to translate the plugin and help to improve the German rate.

    The big problem is that its taking to long to get suggestions approved. No one of the confirmed Editors is currently really active into translation.

    If there is a solutions we are willing to support this, but without the necessary permissons it is really hard to see quick success.

    Independently of this there has to be also a change because of the colours as you can see in the screenshot? (the status is constantly grey now)

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hello JS,

    thank you for the fast reply. The invoice is generated basicly with JetpackCRM no other extensions used.

    The Status gets set in the invoice Editor. As shown in the picture all works, but colours and text are different by now.

    Thread Starter edvanture


    Hi @cena,

    I’m not sure what you mean by ‘delivery address’ in this context. Do you mean the main address you can assign to a Contact by default, or something else?

    We changed the invoice-pdf.html head in two columns.
    On the left there is shown the regular ##INVOICE-CUSTOMER-INFO##.
    Now we would like to get on the right the delivery adress, same as can be used singly in the quote templates with ##CONTACT-SECADDR1## , ##CONTACT-SECPOSTCODE## ##CONTACT-SECCITY##.

    Is it possible to get integrate this general html invoice placeholder for the whole sec-adress?

    Would you let us know how you’re adding German to CRM? Are you just using this translation? I’d like to test this properly.

    We are using the general wordpress settings -> German , not the formal version. I assume the crm takes over this setting?

    This problem is also given, if you use a ##CONTACT-XY_DATETIME_STR## into the quote templates. It’s then shown like: 9. March 2023 1:00, but should be like 9. M?rz 2023 1:00. Further it doesn’t make sense to show a time, as there is no possibilty to choose a time in the calendar.

    Where are you using the placeholders? In CRM emails, or somewhere else?

    At the moment we are using the placeholders especially for the quote templates.

    Thanks for your help again!


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