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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [List category posts] outputs only 10 recordsfound itself, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to disable prettyPhotoall I understood, it was necessary to write classes, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to disable prettyPhotoin records and categories not working prettyphoto
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to disable prettyPhotoI tried about 10 plug-ins, and they do not work with woocommerce ((
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to disable prettyPhotoI installed “colorbox plus lightbox”, it works everywhere except woocommerce/product
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to disable prettyPhotohow to remove rel=”prettyphoto”? even when the function is disabled lightbox, rel=”prettyphoto” present
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to disable prettyPhotosorry, I found himself
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] how to change your payment method in order?I found myself, thank you
well, now I try to more fully express their thoughts ??
Problems –
1) for which the seller is available for the console? The seller should not see what template I use, how many posts on my site, wordpress news Editor Profile seller has a point – banner and logo, when you try to add a picture file opens the library in which to create a gallery – Gallery item should not be available yuyt seller In the admin Seller shall not be points – “Editor Disable the visual editor”, “The top panel shows the top bar when viewing the site”, “Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation More information.”, “Additional opportunities possible.” These items do not work for the seller and should not be displayed seller If the administrator changes the language for yourself, change the interface language, and for the seller and the seller because the administrator and can be of different nationalities.
Example: I’m from Russia, the seller of America. If I put in the admin Russian language, the seller in the admin will also be Russian language.Questions –
5) how to remove the field for the seller – address, city, etc. and how to remove the item from the delivery of dashboards and in the admin? (That’s all I do not need as the products are electronic) Payments can be set up automatically without prompting sellers?
7) how to make the seller to only certain types of files could spread?
8) in the admin panel, you can view (download for verification) attached vendor file?
9) How to ask for sellers limitations in price (lowest and highest possible value prices) where you can set the default for all vendors?
ps Perhaps this question to the developers woocommerce plugin10) how to get the information in the administrator console that any goods or prodaets pending verification?
thanks you for the help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] a problem with the product categoriesmay have the solution to hide from URL prefixes?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] digital goodsимею в виду – при создании товара эта галочка уже должна стоять
I mean – when you create a product that has a check mark should be
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] digital goodsthank you ??
чтобы флажки поумолчанию были поставлены, это нужно уже в самом пхп коде 0 изменить на 1? или есть возможность из админ панели сделать?
to defaul flags were set, it is necessary to have in the php code, change the 0 to 1? or there is a possibility of the admin panel do?
Как задать для продавцов определенные ограничения в цене (наименьшее и наибольшее возможное значение цены)?
How to ask for sellers limitations in price (lowest and highest possible value prices)?