Eero Hermlin
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Close button difficult to clickHi
Seems that in your site <h2> element (containing a image and text “Headline Here”) goes over to close button. To avoid that, try to add somewhere into your site theme stylesheet following row:
.dgd_stb_box_close { z-index: 2 }I think this will help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Stop scrollbox from showing after successful subscribeHi
I now think the reason of MailChimp malfunctioning is that you have two instances of MailChimp submission forms in your site: one inside of page text and another inside scrollbox. You shouldn’t have 2 html elements with identical id in one and the same page. MailChimp javascript seems to recognize always the first one, and therefore submit on second form makes wrong action.
Maybe you can try so that you remove that first form.
About #5 – for me your example opens in Chrome. You should clear cookies of your Chrome.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] What does the "Enable Widget Area" option do?Hi
In Appearance -> Widgets menu you have option “Scrollbox” as one of the widgets area. Using this Checkbox you can choose, which of your scrollboxes exactly is used for showing widget (you can have unlimited number of scrollboxes and they can be used for different purpose).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Cookie life-time functionYes, that’s correct.
Additionally you can enable “Tab” and put some bigger delay to popup frequency. In this case after user has closed from “x”, tiny tab will be shown all the time till the next time comes. Tab content field accepts also html, so it can be a image for example.
Also please note that there’s also setting “Close box permanently for subscribed user”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] 404 on style.cssIf you see that amount of the requests to non-existing url is not decreasing over the time and problem still exists, please let me know, and I will look it over once again.
And comment about using Caching and minification tools:
- It is generally good to re-run minification after any plugin (what possbily contains any javascript) update. It’s not only about our plugin but all plugins out there.
- If you define new scrollbox, it would be good idea to purge cache after you have finalized it. Otherwise this new scrollbox will appear only to new pages and posts created after the scrollbox, because existing pages are already cached without scrollbox.
- It is not very widely known, but most cache tools show to (logged in) Admin user pages without any caching, but to all others same pages are shown from cache. Sometimes this might create great amount of confusion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Breaks pagination on my static home pageCan you please provide link to your page, I want to see how your pagination looks like? What settings exactly you use for pagination?
As scrollbox defines custom page type (scrollbox is basically custom type of page shown on top of regular pages), then the problem may be also so that some of your existing plugins does not tolerate custom page types at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] scroll to element not workingWith element triggering is important to know that it triggers if element starts to show.
So if you want to trigger scrollbox AFTER some element, e.g. when element is fully visible, then you must set triggering instead to the element what comes next. In some cases it might require adding special element to the theme for that (like <div class=”my_scroll_triggering_element”></div>).
Scrollbox plugin measures page length, screen size and positions of elements in screen once after page html and scripts are initially loaded. If something changes the page layout after that, (mostly like advertisements, special animations or effects what are also loaded dynamically after page load, sometimes also images for what width and height parameters are not set) this initial % might change a bit.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Stop scrollbox from showing after successful subscribeRemoving this row:
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script><script type='text/javascript'>(function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true);</script>
cannot be considered “small tweak” because this causes your submits to go into new page!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] scroll to element not workingHi
Element field uses jQuery selector syntax. What element exactly you want to use for triggering?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Cookie life-time functionThis parameter is now renamed to “Popup frequency.”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] How can I link the plugin to Feedburner?PS: Feedburner’s form looks better in Scrollbox if you remove
style=”border:1px solid #ccc;padding:3px;text-align:center;”
parameter from <form tag. As Scrollbox already and anyway has some frame/boundaries, it is just not needed.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Sorry, you must reload this page!So, adding to MailChimp was working before, but stopped working after upgrade?
Are you using MailChimp own subscription form or some MailChimp plugin shortcode?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] How can I link the plugin to Feedburner?I think you should just create new scrollbox, open in Text (HTML) mode, delete all existing content and replace it with Feedburner subscription form (obtained as explained here
Additionally you must in Scrollbox admin screen clear out the field “Send submitted values to email”: if this field is empty, then Scrollbox does not attempt to do it’s own e-mail registering action, but follows the third party form settings.
And I think then you are good to go? As Scrollbox can’t understand or see, was third party form submission successful or not, it will continue opening also for subscribed users. But if you will take into use “Permanent Tab” (available from version 2.2.0) option, then it shouldn’t be a problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Stop scrollbox from showing after successful subscribeThing is that you are currently using either “Naked” or “Super Slim” version of MailChimp Embedded form, but instead you should use “Classic” version.
Those first two will always open response in new page. So if you want that response would appear inside Scrollbox, you must use “Classic”, there’s no other way I’m afraid. If it doesn’t have desired look then you can override MailChimp styles by adding style parameters to MailChimp html elements.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] [Feature Suggestion] Global cookie optionThanks for good idea, now it is done and released (in version 2.2.0)