Eero Hermlin
Forum Replies Created
This error was still caused by scrollbox plugin. It will be fixed in next version (2.1.2). I plan to publish that during next two days.
At the moment i don’t think it’s our plugin or plugin install mistake. Instead I think that code what you got from Mailchimp does not always work correctly – probably it’s supposed to add those DIV elements automatically, but for some reason fails to do so in your page. So those must be added manually.
I will investigate it a bit by myself and if I don’t figure it out then I will ask you for WP admin access.
Hi – I answered you in the another topic.
Does that plugin have Ajax submission option?
Yes, I will definitely think about that. Thanks for the hint!
Also, you need to add element with id=”mce-error-response”
<div id="mce-error-response"></div>
to display possible errors to user (“you entered invalid e-mail”, “you are already subscribed” etc).
This error is very specific to your site, but here’s answer: together with that piece of MC javascript code what you use, there must be an html element with id=’mce-success-response’ somewhere inside the scrollbox. Like that:
<div id="mce-success-response"></div>
Namely, this MailChimp script what your are using, looks for that element for displaying feedback, but as it does not exist currently, message is not shown either. I wonder, how such mistake happened. Are you using some MailChimp plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] just updated and scroll box has disappearedIt goes somehow like this:
1) If you are not already using your own custom theme what you can modify, generate new Child Theme. Check those tutorials about that:
(+ Google)2) Paste into your newly created theme style.css file those lines and properties from plugin theme css file what you want to change. Make your amendments and add !important keyword (see my previous example). If you use “I’m using my own theme” option, you must put there everything (not only changed properties) and without “important” keyword. Now you can change everything. You need some understanding about css and html to go in this way.
3) Now you have your own custom css file what is not affected by plugins or themes or wordpress updates, and where you can put all your modifications.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Integration with Jetpack Blog Subscription ShortcordeWhen using any 3rd party submission form, “Actions after form submission”>”Send submitted values to email” field must be empty.
Can I have link to your website?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Scrollbox Not AppearingMost probably the reason is that when you are using Cache tools, then old pages are cached without scroll triggered boxes. Therefore boxes will appear only to new pages. Another option would be emptying (purging) cache after scroll triggered boxes are defined and tested.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Scrollbox not appearingI guess the reason being somehow that SEO plugin what makes those nice urls. But I will look into our plugin code what could be done.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Cookie does not appear to be workingkshapiro, can you give link to your site so I could look?
If you use some 3rd party submission form provider then please note that currently options in “Actions after form submission” and “Auto close” section will work only with plugin own submission form and when “Actions after form submission”->”Send submitted values to email” is filled.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] just updated and scroll box has disappearedUpgrade from 1.4 to 2+ version had to upgrade automatically also Scrollbox. I’m really sorry if that was not happening. Myself I havent been able to recreate such situation and so I cannot comment what was the reason or in what conditions it happens.
By creating multiple-boxes version 2.0 we had to replace existing id-based CSS definitions with class-based definitions. Reason for that is that there’s impossible to use Id’s for styles when there can be more than one scrollbox per page, each having own theme. In addition to styles we had to keep in mind also javascript scripting needs. Unfortunately existing logic was too much focused to only one scrollbox per site. So there was some negative impact for sites where customized styles were used, but this we couldn’t avoid.
Such major change in CSS definitions will not happen in foreseeable future.
Adding or changing files or folders under plugin folder is wrong way to do anything for any plugin, because in this case either (1) upgrades will become impossible or (2) your changes will get lost after upgrade. It’s nothing specific to this plugin, but general rule when working with WP. There’s another way how such change could be done. If you don’t want to use completely your own theme definitions but just change some of existing plugin theme styles, then best way to achieve that is with overwriting it in some of your site theme css files with !important keyword. Example: for changing submit button border, text color and/or background color needs adding of following block into some of your theme css file:
input.stb-submit { color: #cf641e !important; border: 2px solid black !important; background-color: #f5faed !important; }
If you have several boxes, all using same theme, but you need to change button at just one of them, then you should take into use that box div container id.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Box has stopped appearingI looked at your page and for me it appears.
Please note that you have setting: scroll 50% + additional delay 5 sec. It means, that after scrolling 50% box waits 5 more seconds before appearing.
If you want only time delay triggering then you must put scroll setting to 0% and additional time delay to 5 sec.
If you want make it so that triggers what happens first, 50% scroll OR 5 sec time delay, then this is not available.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scroll Triggered Box] Disable popup timer?I think we don’t have problem here. Basically there are two options about you might worry, I’ll explain them:
“Where and how to trigger?”>”Additional time delay:” – this one adds time delay only to triggering (opening) the box. It does not affect closing box.
“Auto close”>”Hide box automatically after it has been visible for” – this one has option “no auto close”, in which case box stays open till user either (1) makes submission or (2) closes it from “x”.