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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2 or 3 column categories in sidebarThanks for your help t31os_. It seems this new block of code has the same problem as the previous. It offsets the columns even when there is an even number in both (10 list items spread over two columns is formatted as 6 and 4 rather than 5 and 5). It has something to do with the rounding up function, because when I remove it, the columns are distributed properly. Is it necessary we include Ceil()? It works without it just fine.
I’m going to keep tinkering and see what happens. Thanks again!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2 or 3 column categories in sidebarOkay, it appears as though I have found a solution. Whether it’s correct – I don’t know (my php skills are somewhat underdeveloped). It does work however. The one downside is that a 3rd empty unordered list is being spit out after the two that are actually requested. That and the rouge closing li tag is still there.
To solve my problem with the uneven columns I simply changed this:
// How many pages to show per list (round up total divided by 2) $pages_per_list = ceil($results_total / 2);
To this:
// How many pages to show per list (round up total divided by 2) $pages_per_list = $results_total / 2;
If what I’m doing is very bad, or if anyone can tell me how to eliminate the rogue unordered list and closing list item tag I’d appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2 or 3 column categories in sidebarFirst off I want to thank you t31os_ for providing this code. It has been of huge assistance to me in achieving the desired formatting on my current project. I’ve appropriated your code to work with the wp_list_pages tag. It works wonderfully, the only snag I’ve encountered is that the columns won’t balance out when there are an equal number of items in the lists.
For example, I have two columns displaying a total of 10 list items. For some odd reason, instead of balancing out with 5 and 5, it displays as 6 and 4. I’ve played with the code to try and fix the problem to no avail. When looking in the output source code I noticed that there is an extra /li before the final /ul closing tag. I suspect this may be causing the problem, but can’t figure out how to remove that unnecessary closing /li tag.
Here is my code:
<?php // Grab the pages $get_pages = wp_list_pages( 'echo=0&title_li=&child_of=28&sort_column=post_title' ); // Split into array items $pages_array = explode('</li>',$get_pages); // Amount of page items (count of items in array) $results_total = count($pages_array); // How many pages to show per list (round up total divided by 3) $pages_per_list = ceil($results_total / 2); // Counter number for tagging onto each list $list_number = 1; // Set the pages result counter to zero $result_number = 0; ?> <ul id="cat-col-<?php echo $list_number; ?>"> <?php foreach($pages_array as $pages) { $result_number++; if($result_number % $pages_per_list == 0) { $list_number++; echo $pages.'</li> </ul> <ul id="cat-col-'.$list_number.'">'; } else { echo $pages.'</li>'; } } ?> </ul>
Here is what the output looks like for the second column (the column displaying 4 items) when I view source:
<ul id="cat-col-2"> <li class="page_item page-item-14"><a href="https://localhost:8888/harris/advertising/music/test-advertising-1/" title="G – Test">G – Test</a></li> <li class="page_item page-item-55"><a href="https://localhost:8888/harris/advertising/music/h-test/" title="H – Test">H – Test</a></li> <li class="page_item page-item-57"><a href="https://localhost:8888/harris/advertising/music/i-test/" title="I – Test">I – Test</a></li> <li class="page_item page-item-59"><a href="https://localhost:8888/harris/advertising/music/j-test/" title="J – Test">J – Test</a></li> </li> </ul>
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Excluding Multiple Pages with (exclude_tree)jtimar,
All you have to do is include Tim’s block of code in your template the same way you would the regular
<?php wp_list_pages();?>
tag.It would look like this:
<?php $parent_pages_to_exclude = array(31,33,18,74); foreach($parent_pages_to_exclude as $parent_page_to_exclude) { if ($page_exclusions) { $page_exclusions .= ',' . $parent_page_to_exclude; } else { $page_exclusions = $parent_page_to_exclude; } $descendants = get_pages('child_of=' . $parent_page_to_exclude); foreach($descendants as $descendant) { $page_exclusions .= ',' . $descendant->ID; } } wp_list_pages('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&exclude=' . $page_exclusions); ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.7 wp_list_pages Exclude Broken?Hi Rafff. I tried your code but it doesn’t seem to register all the arguments in my exclude_tree. For example here is my code:
<?php wp_list_pages('exclude_tree=3,7,9,2&title_li='); ?>
It’s only removing 3, while 7,9 and 2 are still visible. This is important functionality – does anyone know if the folks at WordPress are working on an official fix?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Post Thumnail]Does anyone know if there is a way to stop the plugin from optimizing the images? I’d love to use this (nice and simple for clients) but even when I set the jpeg quality parameter to 100 the final images quality is still compromised.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP-Menu] Feature Requests / SupportHi Scott,
I’m trying to implement some of the options made available in the plugin, namely adding a link to my homepage.
I’ve tried variations on the show_home and home_path with no success. What’s throwing me are the arguments. For instance, if I was to us show_home it would be like:
First off, is 1 like a boolean value of true or false? Then with the home_path, is that to be the name of my page used for the homepage, or should it be the complete url to my homepage? Is home_link required?
Apologies for the green questions. I think your plugin is great. Perhaps including a couple of examples in your readme will better explain these implementation issues.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to highlight current post?Found a solution. See this thread:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Highlighting current post title in get_posts listBrilliant! Thanks for the code. You saved my ass.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to highlight current post?I’ve also been digging around for a solution to this problem. Found tons of tutorials on how to do this with a page menu you generate yourself, but nothing helpful for setting a class for current posts. Any help is appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP-Menu] Feature Requests / SupportThis plugin is amazing. Exactly what I’ve been looking for. Where can I donate some cash for your efforts?