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  • I know this is months old, but I had the exact same issue and found out that this lack of translation is caused by Wordfence plugin as it does not support translation at all. I had to trasnlate the plugin core to fix this. Thumbs down for Wordfence.

    Thread Starter egpc


    Nevermind, it did work! I just had forgotten to create a default search template inside my theme, I basically made a copy of kbe_search.php and renamed it to search.php. I also had to change the hidden input field inside the function kbe_search_form() from:

    <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="kbe_knowledgebase" />


    <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="post" />

    I did not edit the plugin directly, instead I used remove_action within my themes functions.php and readded the modified function to wp_head using the following code:

    remove_action( 'wp_head', 'st_add_live_search' );
    function perguntas_st_add_live_search() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                var kbe = jQuery('#live-search #s').val();
                jQuery('#live-search #s').liveSearch({url: '<?php echo home_url(); ?>/?ajax=on&post_type=post&s='});

    And I added my serach form directly to my header:

    <div id="live-search">
        <div class="kbe_search_field">
            <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="clearfix" action="<?php echo home_url( '/' ); ?>" autocomplete="off">
                <input type="text" onfocus="if (this.value == '<?php _e("Search Articles...", "kbe") ?>') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '')  {this.value = '<?php _e("Search Articles...", "kbe") ?>';}" value="<?php _e("Search Articles...", "kbe") ?>" name="s" id="s" />
                <!--<ul id="kbe_search_dropdown"></ul>-->
                <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="post" />

    All working as I intended it to ??

    Thanks again for the nice plugin!

    Thread Starter egpc


    Uma pergunta n?o relacionada, você tem ou sabe de algum plugin para integra??o do Itau Shopline ? Obg

    Thread Starter egpc


    filhodacleide, bastou atualizar para vers?o mais nova do wordpress e funcionou ??

    Valeu Claudio!

    Thread Starter egpc


    Alguma sugest?o de configura??o no servidor? Porque o SSL ta configurado certo.

    Obrigado pela ajuda e pelo ótimo plugin.

    Thread Starter egpc


    Tem mais esse erro que vi no error.log :

    Missing argument 3 for WC_Cielo_API::curl_settings()

    if you do a single query and use css and php conditions to check each post you can then assign it to either left or right column. If you need it in different queries however, for example for different div selectors, then you need to use something else or do some nasty hacks to the plugin. I have it on different divs and positions, but I had to use some custom coding. The plugin by itself does not support multiple instances. Find me on if you need help. Cheers

    i got it to work by merging posts, the problem i had was i needed exactly 2 posts from one cat and then 4 from another. Merging posts worked for me.

    $result = new WP_Query();

    // start putting the contents in the new object
    $result->posts = array_merge( $materias->posts, $backstage->posts );

    // here you might wanna apply some sort of sorting on $result->posts

    // we also need to set post count correctly so as to enable the looping
    $result->post_count = count( $result->posts );

    I also need help getting infinite scroll to work on two columns (left and right), wondering if it will work with two different queries? Currently i can get it to work for just one of the columns.




    i’ve seen this happen on a site i work at. Any ideas what it is? What causes it and most importantly, how to fix it? It happens on every page, then a while later everything works again. If i restore a previous mysql database, everything works again, but the error eventually comes back. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    well for starters, the function is_page_template should be called the following way when checking for specific page templates:

    if (is_page_template(‘template-form-lightbox.php’)) {

    Is it possible to just have a img link to the imdb picture and not store it on my server? That would be much better, i think.

    i am having the same exact problem. Everything used to work fine, but i think after i installed better wp security plugin, it changed something and now it wont display any images on any movie. My cache and image dir is writable.

    It scrapes all the other information fine (movie name, actors, plot, etc) but no image shows up, instead i always get the “no pictures available” gif. I tried uninstalling the wp security plugin but that didnt fix it. I also noticed an error that shows up on some of my other pages:

    Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /var/www/vhosts/…

    Does that have anything to do with why the images arent showing up?

    Thanks for the attention and thanks for the great plugin.

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