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Hallo ellexxx,
wo genau ist das Problem?
Die Share-Buttons (Twitter, G+ und Facebook) werden erst Aktiv gesetzt, wenn der Besucher diese durch den Button Aktiviert.Dies sieht die Orginal Quelle des jQuery Social-Share-Privacy Scripts ebenfalls vor.
Du kannst alle Grafiken über die CSS und den Plugin einstellungen durch eigene ?ndern, so das es eine bessere übersicht kommt.
Hello Andreas,
the plugin should still appear in 1.1.3 and respond to problems with other JavaScript code.
Did the “jquery.socialshareprivacy.js” adapted and all $ characters with “jQuery” replaced. Various other JavaScript code, I’ve tried the connection without problems. Among other other plugins Facebook ran smoothly after that.
I hope therefore that all errors are now eliminated and in the next version then new features can be implemented.
Sorry for my bad english. Google Translate says hello
Hi Andreas,
because you have right of course. In a network with several blogs of course that is not good. Maybe you can even e-mail me to send to [email protected] a list of the plugins used on the network.
I will try tonight even if it is appended with the JS code of you problems.
But I can already find themselves this morning, the other JS code does not work because, like jQuery Lightbox. ‘ll Feel the ground tonight in the tooth and still hope to be able to import an update.I’ll get back here as soon as it is something new
Hi Andrew,
was tested the plugin in my (https://fkblog.de) and in the blog of a known legal. Both blogs have run various plugins, and we could not detect any problems.
Should there be an incompatibility with another plugin, I would like to try this with the WP Share Social Privacy plugin to get around.
Would be super if you are from you at times you gradually could disable all plugins to see which plugin it is guilty or you can send me an e-mail to [email protected] with a list of the plugins you use, then I test like it myself.
Hello Andreas,
I apologize already for my bad English.
I use in my blog also for the meta tags Facebook without getting problems with the plugin. I leave this issue but only for Facebook.
Can you give me maybe the URL call to your blog where you’ve installed the plugin?