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  • Thread Starter Michael


    This issue is slightly moot. We realized that the function that adds the users to the Approved list on every site upon plugin activation kept timing out (300+ sites). We adjusted the timeout, then deactivated and reactivated the Authorizer plugin. The super admin users finally got automatically added as “WordPress multisite users” to the Approved Users list, so the pending users issue for super admins was no longer a problem.

    Although we did notice that when a new user was made a super admin, she was not automatically added to the list of pre-approved users across all of the sites in the multisite network, bringing us back to the same problem.

    I have the same issue.

    I have installed and activated version 1.1 of the Background Update Tester plugin under WordPress 4.6 multisite, but I cannot find the Updates → Update Tester link or the Dashboard → Update Tester screen.

    Thank you, @kometschuh

    I did not realize the parse error that I posted was a known issue.

    We had a similar error with a site. After updating to the latest version of category-posts, the site went down with the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/content/t/e/n/tennenbaumt/html/wp-content/plugins/category-posts/cat-posts.php on line 58

    Downgrading to version 4.1.5 of the Category Posts Widget fixed the problem.

    Thank you, Jim.

    As soon as I turned off Pods Frontier Auto Template, I reloaded the affected page, and all fields rendered normally.

    I recently noticed the same thing.

    I have a content type called “sessions.” I have a custom template to display each session
    with the title, authors, content, session number, and time.

    All fields, except for post title and post content are duplicated in the rendered display.

    I updated this morning to Pods 2.5.5. I don’t think this was a problem last week, when I was running Pods 2.5.4.

    Thread Starter Michael


    Never mind. It was a caching issue. This one was our APC cache layer.

    Lesson learned — after a upgrade, make sure every layer of cache is cleared (nginx, APC, etc.)

    Thread Starter Michael


    Jeremy, I forgot to mention that this is a multisite network, and from what I understand, only super administrators in a multisite network can paste in raw iframe code and not have it be stripped out on save.

    For now, I deployed the SZ Google plugin, which I will activate on individual sites on a case by case basis.

    I think I have a similar issue.

    I have a multisite network. As soon as the User Role Editor plugin is activated, Administrators can no longer view other Administrators in the user list. They cannot even see themselves in the list. Super Administrators can still see all of the users.

    This became an issue today when a site Administrator complained that he could no longer see a particular user in the list. I had just promoted that user from Editor to Administrator the day before.

    I even tried checking the Multisite –> “Allow non super administrators to create, edit, and delete users” option, but the administrators were still hidden.

    Is this a custom capability that can be added through the URE GUI? Or does it have to be patched?

    I am guessing this change was made in MailPoet version 2.6.12? I upgraded from 2.6.11 to 2.6.13 earlier this week, and this evening I got an email from someone in our communications office that the margins in their weekly Thursday newsletter were stripped out.

    For example, the custom template they created has an inline margin-top of 1em on the .wysija_text_container div tag. All inline styles were stripped from this tag and a few other tags.

    I confirmed this behavior. I created a new newsletter based on their custom template, previewed the email, and it was fine. As soon as I “Saved Changes” to the newsletter, the preview lost its inline styles.

    I reverted back to 2.6.12, and the behavior was the same.

    I reverted back to 2.6.11 and did the same test, and everything was fine. I reapplied the template to the newsletter that is going out tomorrow morning, and the formatting was normal again.

    I recently upgraded to WordPress 3.9.1 from version 3.8.1, and I experienced the same issue that rlaflamme describes with WP Glossary

    My guess would be that the method for adding custom buttons to the editor toolbar completely changed when WordPress core upgraded to TinyMCE 4 from TinyMCE 3.

    Hopefully, we will hear something from the plugin author soon.

    Thread Starter Michael



    I completely forgot about this one. Because the site owner in question chose to turn off Photon, I was going to create a test case before submitting a support ticket…

    …and here it is a month later.

    If you cannot quickly reproduce the problem in your environment, let me know, and I can go ahead and try to reproduce the scenario on a test site. The key was having an published post from a previous month and making edits in a later month.

    We are still using WordPress 3.8.3 because we cannot upgrade to 3.9 until the semester is over and written work is graded. Jetpack is 2.9.3.


    Thread Starter Michael


    I submitted this problem to the Jetpack “Contact Support” page, but I wanted to provide additional information, just in case others encountered this issue before a patch is released.

    This morning I had time to confirm the problem mentioned above on a local test server.

    The problem is, indeed, the Email sharing button. However, the problem is not immediately evident if a user is logged into the site. When a user (or bot) is not logged in, the Email button has a “Your Name” and “Your Email Address” field, in addition to the “Send to Email Address” field.

    There is no apparent character limit on the “Your Name” field. A spammer could use that field to pre-pend an entire email message to the “[Your Email Address] thinks you may be interested in the following post:” part of the message.

    Also there does not appear to be a throttle on the amount of times this form can be used, which means that it might be used in a mass email spam attack or, potentially, a DDOS attack.

    Thread Starter Michael


    I wanted to add a note to this thread that once I responded via the linked contact form in the previous message, using the same account that had connected Jetpack to on the professor’s site, a Happiness Engineer was able to remove the blog followers from the previous semester.


    Thread Starter Michael


    I upgraded to 1.0.2, and disabling the shortcode option will be good workaround. Thank you for the fix.

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