Greeting Miyoshi-san
i can solved why the image not showing
when i use this code :
$gambar=$captcha_instance->generate_image( $prefix, $word );
this is will generate image and word, the problem is, location of the file is in
“plugin directory url” /tmp
when i use contact form 7 the location is in “/wp-content/upload/wpcf7_captcha/”
i use this code for get the image :
$alamat=plugin_dir_url( $file ) .”really-simple-captcha/tmp/”;
and for show it
“<img class=”wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-captchac wpcf7-captcha-captcha-744″
src=”<?php echo $alamat. $gambar; ?>”
alt=”” width=”72″ height=”24″>”
its working good!
by the way, why i use my own code its , i need really simple captcha for my own form to load my custom data in WP web.
thank you very much