El Pollo
Forum Replies Created
Yesss!! seem the problem was the size of thumbnail, was 150×150, i resized to 250×250 and aparently problem solved!!!
Thanks a lot for fast response terrytsang!!!
Very gratefull with your cooperationNOT SOLVED!!!
Take a look to this link:
https://dpicoshop.com/shop/brillantes-y-tachas/adorno-realizado-con-cristales-y-tachas-5/I’m going crazy!!! HI HI
Hi Terrisang, have tried a lot options, and im boried (hi hi), no luck for the momment, now im active you plugin if you wanna take a look to my homepage is:
Go to any item and see what is happening, sorry for my english, im writing for Spain.
Thanks a lot for you patience and cooperation to solve this problem.Hi again, today the warning i get is:
Facebook CDN not allowed for og:image.
Provided og:image URL, https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/167880_103590516385474_2794398_n.jpg?oh=0bb16c065833e3c500b1c741f680f2bc&oe=5570A8C0&__gda__=1437083757_9a7e505400685f7d9ed557106faeaccb, is disallowed because it points to the Facebook CDN.Anybody can helpme to solve this?
Thanks in advance.Hi to all,when debugging one specific page of our site via FAcebook tool
https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/the 2 warnings I get all the time:
Object at URL ‘https://dpicoshop.com/acceder-a-la-tienda/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘10204237557514890’ for property ‘fb:admins’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.
Object Invalid Value Object at URL ‘https://dpicoshop.com/acceder-a-la-tienda/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘10204237557514890’ for property ‘fb:admins’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.
Anybody can helpe to solve this? I’m totally novice on code, please explain as easy you can
Thanks in advance, hope your news.
My home page is https://dpicoshop.com