Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsDear kimabaghdasaryan, I tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin but is the same an notice that in the section add images galeries I found the same gallery created in the UNINSTALLED version. Whi the images and gallery where not deleted? Iam sorry but is creating real problem this issue
thank you and have anice day
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsDear kimabaghdasaryan, whi the post is marked as resoved??
I am still whith the problam of te difference between two identiacal installation of WP Photo Gallery release 1.5.14
Please let me knowthank you and have anice day
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsDear kimabaghdasaryan,here the difference but the release in both the installation is 1.5.14:
In the version running on Maffiettiproject.it hI see thee choice written as the capture here: Theme dark or ligh.
https://demo3.brunotominetti.com/httpwwwmaffiettiproject-edit-galley.jpg and hase zoom effect
……………………………………………………….In the version running on demo3.brunotominetti.com I see thee choice written as Theme1 or Theme 2 the capture here:
https://demo3.brunotominetti.com/demo3-edit-gallery.jpg and this hase the correct view “scale”
I’m very sorry but I will have the choice Theme1 and Theme 2 with scale effect
Thannk You a lot
have a nice day
BrunoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsDear kimabaghdasaryan, perfect: I want the scale effect so I can use it for further projects, You will know that I like so much WP Gallery, it is long time I use it and I think is the better gallery for Word Press.
Even baecause it is compatible whit WP 5.0.3 that I am planning to explore before pass it in production sites;
thank You very much and have a wonderful day too day tooBruno
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsHI, kimabaghdasaryan, I am sorry but it does not change.
Thank you, have a nice day too
BrunoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsHi, yes, sorry for the similary naming of the pages; i want the effect in
https://www.maffiettiproject.it/progetto-uno/ trigger same in the page
Thank You and have a nice day too!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photo Gallery by 10Web - Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery] hover on thumbnailsI am sorry, I pasted two times the same text…:-(
Hi EnFi, may be your post where send to me for errror
have a nice day
BrunoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Ultra] font century gothic not displayng on mobileHi Andrew, thanks for your quick answer and the tip for the css; I will try with alternative fonts.
Any way thanks a lot even for the very good theme: clean, solid and customizable.
BrunoForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New Installation impossible set italian languageHI, tahnk you for the quick answer; I istalled WordPress, I saw the english dashboard, then I opened settings/general to change the language on the select menu “language” in the select I see ITALIANO but it is in english, changing in Franch or Spanish i get correctly the cahnges. When I swich to Italiano again it return on english. ???
Thank you in advance
HI, i tried in another installation, same problem, desolated
https://www.giovannibonaspetti.it/prova8/Hi, I insertetd the css code but it still very different from:
https://demo3.brunotominetti.com/prodotti/ see other examples:
I really would like to use your plugin, i know it from long times and I think the best photo gallery WP plugin but it is creating troubles. Even here:
Hi, I am sorry, I asked a confuse question, this is the precedent
issue https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/lightbox-info-content/#post-10425120
Thank you, have a nice day tooHi, I removed the css code!
Thank you, have a nice day tooHI, I partially solved the issue changing the css property in tag .bwg_image_info assignig to it text-align center; but the layout of the lightbox still differnet from the one of the first link.
Thanks again