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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Sharing Plugin - Sassy Social Share] Whatsapp Button not WorkingHi, no.
Same problem here, even when using it on a phone with Android, the button is linking to web.whatsapp.com
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Image Sizes] Cant change image size for regenerationI partially solved the problem by entering this code in functions.php
add_theme_support( ‘woocommerce’, array(
‘thumbnail_image_width’ => 150,
‘single_image_width’ => 322,
) );Replace 150 & 322 by your desired sizes. This just solves the regeneration part, but you can’t set woocommerce image sizes with the plugin anymore.
Hi, yes I did, I even think that maybe that’s the problem
Thx, resolved !!! Your plugin is by far the best ajax filter !
I didnt realize reading the documentation that I needed to use the Taxonomy Custom Label. That’s the only thing that I think could be better.Maybe there’s a way that you could use the wpml_object_id_filter function to get the id of each taxonomy title label in the current language and then use that to get the corresponding taxonomy name automatically, even without using the Taxonomy Custom Label for translations to work.
Thx !!!
Hi Joaco, didnt solve it, as I understand it’s woocommerce normal behavior for pending orders :S
also, If someone chooses to pay with rapipago or pagofácil, should the status change to processing once they go and pay or when they place the order ? I mean, when you pay with rapipago, you receive a number and then you go and pay in cash using that number… the new order email is sent when they go and pay in cash ?
Ok, now I get it. Also, it’s not a complete fix, because every time I log again to my site, the new order emails are sent again.
I guess the culprit is mod_security, what should I say to my hosting support ?Hi Claudio,
It suddenly started working. I dont have Ithemes or Cloudfare. I have mod_security but I dont think that was the problem, since I didnt change anything about it.
What I did is including the following code in functions.php, a solution that I found searching in google. Maybe you can include it as an option in the plugin.
add_action( ‘woocommerce_thankyou’, ‘order_email_workaround’ );function order_email_workaround ($order_id) {
global $woocommerce;
$mailer = $woocommerce->mailer();
// Email customer with order-processing receipt
$email = $mailer->emails[‘WC_Email_Customer_Processing_Order’];
$email->trigger( $order_id );
// Email admin with new order email
$email = $mailer->emails[‘WC_Email_New_Order’];
$email->trigger( $order_id );
}add_action( ‘woocommerce_payment_complete’, ‘order_complete_email_workaround’ );
function order_complete_email_workaround ($order_id) {
global $woocommerce;
$mailer = $woocommerce->mailer();
$email = $mailer->emails[‘WC_Email_Customer_Completed_order’];
$email->trigger( $order_id );
//////////////////////////////////Si, creo que ya lo tengo configurado correctamente en el woocommerce.
En settings – email tengo clickeado el enviar cuando hay una nueva orden
Solo me ocurre pagando con rapipago y pagofácil con el plugin de mercadopago