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  • Everything is OK.
    I change Metabox.php without comments

        class aam_Control_Object_Metabox extends aam_Control_Object {
                const UID = 'metabox';
                   private $_option = array();
        public function filterFrontend($sidebar_widgets) {
        global $wp_registered_widgets;
        if (is_array($wp_registered_widgets)) {
         foreach ($wp_registered_widgets as $id => $data) {
          if (is_object($data['callback'][0])) {
          $callback = get_class($data['callback'][0]);
           } elseif (is_string($data['callback'][0])) {
              $callback = $data['callback'][0];
                        if ($this->has('widgets', $callback)) {
                                             unset($wp_registered_widgets[$id]);                }            }        }        return $sidebar_widgets;    } public function filterBackend($screen, $post = null) {global $wp_meta_boxes; if (is_array($wp_meta_boxes)) { foreach ($wp_meta_boxes as $screen_id => $zones) { if ($screen == $screen_id) { foreach ($zones as $zone => $priorities) { foreach ($priorities as $priority => $metaboxes) { foreach ($metaboxes as $metabox => $data) { if ($this->has($screen_id, $metabox)) {remove_meta_box($metabox, $screen_id, $zone);                                }                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }    } public function save($metaboxes = null) {if (is_array($metaboxes)) { $this->getSubject()->updateOption($metaboxes, self::UID);
                                              $this->getSubject()->setFlag(aam_Control_Subject::FLAG_MODIFIED);        }    }
                                              public function cacheObject(){        return true;    } public function getUID() {        return self::UID;    }
                                                public function setOption($option) {        $this->_option = (is_array($option) ? $option : array());    }
                                                  public function getOption() {
                                                    return $this->_option;    }
                                                      public function has($group, $metabox) {
                                                       $response = false;
                                                        if (isset($this->_option[$group][$metabox])) { $response = (intval($this->_option[$group][$metabox]) ? true : false);
                                                          return $response;    }}

    Hello, Same Problem with WordPress 4.1.1 FR
    I tried solutions with the new compilation of metabox.php (I found on this forum) but without succes.

    Thread Starter elstudio


    I Found

    .wc-gallery .gallery-caption {
    	margin: 0;
    	/* -webkit-transition: opacity 400ms ease; */
    	/* transition:         opacity 400ms ease; */
    	/* -ms-word-break: break-all;
    	word-break: break-all; */
    	/* Non standard for webkit */
    	word-break: break-word;
    /*	-webkit-hyphens: auto;
    	-moz-hyphens: auto;
    	hyphens: auto;*

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