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  • Thread Starter elusive2k



    I have tried multiple things but it seems to come down to that the issue is caused just by W3 Total Cache.
    When I deactivate this plugin, your plugin is working.

    I did a lot of debugging with this plugin, and I now I have got it working including W3TC.
    Because this site was highly optimized we also choose the option in W3TC -> Minify -> HTML & XML -> (to turn on) Inline JS Minification.
    When I unchecked this option and purged all caches everything was working as it should.

    I would like to ask you to have a look at this so we can use the functionality Inline JS Minification as well.

    For now thanks for all your efforts, and by the way, we have bought your plugin, it is great to have my custom taxonomies also filterable in the store.

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter elusive2k



    Okay, so what can I/we do about that?

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter elusive2k



    Thanks for you answer.

    I have added: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/js/front.js
    Into W3TC as ‘Cache exception list’ of the Pagina Cache.
    Into W3TC as ‘Never minify the following JS files’ of the Minify
    Into AutOptimize as ‘Sluit deze scripts uit van optimalisering’ (wich translates to: Exclude these scripts from optimalization)

    I have cleared all caches and CTRL+F5 the site in a new incognito window but still the same issue & console errors appaer.

    Thread Starter elusive2k


    Thanks for you response, I did find the option now and tested this, but this did not make any difference.
    About the fbq/facebook I could not find where this is being added nor which plugin is causing this.
    We would like to buy the premium version of your plugin but it is supposed to work ofcourse, could you please have a look at this.
    If you could send me the paths/scripts I should add as an exclusion for autoptimize and/or w3tc.

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter elusive2k



    Thanks for you fast response, i did found this option another post in this forum.
    I do not seem to have this option available in the product filter plugin.

    About the fbq error that seems to be the facebook connector, but i can not disable this for now.

    Hoping to hear from you, if you really think facebook is the issue here i will have to check upon our customer before i disable this.

    Kind regards,


    Check out my solution, I have posted this on:

    Please fix this issue on update

    Beste Digi360,

    Ik heb zojuist deze plugin geinstalleerd op WordPress 4.9.
    Deze wou niet activeren i.v.m. een fatale fout die werd veroorzaakt, op een lagere wordpress versie zou dit tot een HTTP 500 error leiden.
    Nu heb ik een beetje gedebugt en het probleem lijkt te zitten in de file: wp-content/plugins/daisycon/includes/database.php
    Dit probleem is te verhelpen door alle code in database.php te vervangen voor onderstaande code:

    /* Daisycon prijsvergelijkers
     * File: database.php
     * To create the database for the plugin and to update the tables if necessary.
    global $wpdb;
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'daisycon_tools';
    if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table_name}'") != $table_name)
    	$defaultTablePrefix = $wpdb->prefix.'daisycon_tools';
    	// Categories table
    	$sql_mediaid = "
    		CREATE TABLE ".$defaultTablePrefix." (
    			media_id int(11) NOT NULL
    		) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;";
            require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
            dbDelta( $sql_mediaid );

    EDIT: deze plugin zorgt overigens voor de foutmelding in PHPMyAdmin “Token does not match”, ik kan de table niet legen of verwijderen die wordt aangemaakt door database.php

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by elusive2k.
    Thread Starter elusive2k


    Thanks for your fast response.
    And my apologies for not be looking at the settings option in the plugins menu, I did found it now and set it to white and it looks so much better, though I cant wait for your update to be able to set it to transparent and set the quality higher.

    Keep up the great work (Y) and thanks again.

    Thread Starter elusive2k


    Oh I see, but thanks for explaining, I didn’t know about that, I will add those codes to my child theme’s functions.php so it’s safe for a future update, wich I hope you will do at some point. Again thank you very much for your fast response.

    Thread Starter elusive2k


    I have just checked out your demo/stresstest with a 1000 images, but I’m experiencing the same issues as on
    in Internet Explorer it all lazy loads fine and performance is great, but in chrome it’s not loading, or at least its A LOT slower then on I.E.? that’s just weird.. since I.E. used to $#@! :/ please fix this issue

    I’ve also tried to start chrome with the parameters: –disk-cache-dir=null
    This was to prevent te Browser Caching you were talking about, still I’ve had the same result that it only loads when clicking near.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by elusive2k.
    Thread Starter elusive2k


    p.s.: It doesn’t happen to all images, it does show the images wich are directly visible on the homepage according to the viewport height. But as I need to scroll down to see more content on the same homepage it doesn’t show up images.
    I did some more debugging on it and when I enter the website and then directly press F5 (refresh) it does show all pictures when scrolling down.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by elusive2k.
    Thread Starter elusive2k


    Thanks for your reply.

    I do have to mention that I have also activated W3TC plugin on this site, with browser caching enabled. Also there is a CDN active and more of those peformance tricks wich involves caching using W3TotalCache, besides that I have also activated the Database Query Cache and added a lot of caching trough .htaccess (wich also includes images).

    I am talking about this website: :as it happens on the front page, when I scroll down on that page, those lower images won’t load untill I click on some part of the webpage.

    I am looking forward to any hear any possible solution about this issue.

    Thanks so far

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by elusive2k.
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