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  • Thread Starter elxafil


    I am talking about the slug of the parent page, it loads the WordPress generated one instead of the custom one I defined which is what I want. I should not have to change the page title to update the permalink as well.

    Thread Starter elxafil


    Pretty poor support.

    Thread Starter elxafil


    It seems clearing Chromes cached files resolved it? Strange…

    Thread Starter elxafil


    Update: The problem seems to only persist on Google Chrome and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t.

    Thread Starter elxafil


    @t-p any ideas?

    Thread Starter elxafil


    Actually, when I load it with the Google Chrome console open it works but when I load it without the console open it doesn’t work?

    Thread Starter elxafil


    Fixed, for some reason it only does it on the pages area of the Dashboard but adding define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); below define('DB_HOST' fixed it.

    Thread Starter elxafil


    So just did some testing, the Visual Editor works fine on posts but on pages it has the problem.

    Thread Starter elxafil


    Thread Starter elxafil


    ### WordPress ###
    Version: 4.9.1
    Language: en_US
    Permalink structure: /news/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
    Is this site using HTTPS?: No
    Can anyone register on this site?: Yes
    Default comment status: open
    Is this a multisite?: No
    User Count: 19
    Communication with is reachable
    Create loopback requests: The loopback request to your site completed successfully.
    ### Active theme ###
    Name: Blockode Network
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Randamonium
    Author website:
    Parent theme: Not a child theme
    Supported theme features: automatic-feed-links, post-thumbnails, menus, post-formats, custom-background, html5, title-tag, woocommerce, infinite-scroll, widgets, editor-style
    ### Other themes (3) ###
    Twenty Fifteen (twentyfifteen): version 1.9 by the WordPress team
    Twenty Seventeen (twentyseventeen): version 1.4 by the WordPress team
    Twenty Sixteen (twentysixteen): version 1.4 by the WordPress team
    ### Active Plugins (30) ###
    Activity Reactions For Buddypress: version 1.0.22 by Paramveer Singh for Arete IT Private Limited
    Admin Menu Editor: version 1.8.1 by Janis Elsts
    bbPress: version 2.5.14 by The bbPress Community
    bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab: version 1.0.1 by Jared Atchison
    bbPress User Ranks: version 1.0.1 by Pre55
    Better Font Awesome: version 1.7.1 by Mickey Kay
    BuddyBoss Media: version 3.2.2 by BuddyBoss
    BuddyBoss Wall: version 1.3.2 by BuddyBoss
    BuddyPress: version 2.9.2 by The BuddyPress Community
    BuddyPress Edit Activity: version 1.0.8 by BuddyBoss
    Disable Comments: version 1.7.1 by Samir Shah
    Disable User Gravatar: version 2.2 by Marcus Sykes
    Health Check: version 0.7.0 by The community
    Members: version 2.0.2 by Justin Tadlock
    Members - Role Hierarchy: version 1.0.0 by Justin Tadlock
    Minotar: version 1.6 by <a href="">Luke Strickland</a> and <a href="">Joel Bergroth</a>
    Nav Menu Roles: version 1.9.1 by Kathy Darling
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin: version 2.6.0 by SiteOrigin
    Page Links To: version 2.9.9 by Mark Jaquith
    Postman SMTP: version 1.7.2 by Jason Hendriks
    Remove Dashboard Access: version 1.1.3 by Drew Jaynes (DrewAPicture)
    Remove WPMU Dashboard Notification Nag: version 1.3.0 by Paul Hirst
    Restrict Content by Role: version 3.5.6 by Make Do <[email protected]>
    Simple Full Screen Background Image: version 1.2 by Pippin Williamson
    Simple Page Ordering: version 2.2.4 by Jake Goldman, 10up
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: version 1.11.2 by SiteOrigin
    Theme My Login: version 6.4.9 by Jeff Farthing
    Ultimate Branding: version 1.8.2 by WPMU DEV
    Ultimate Coming Soon Page: version 1.16.1 by John Turner
    Username Changer: version 3.1.3 by Daniel J Griffiths
    ### Inactive Plugins (3) ###
    Akismet Anti-Spam: version 4.0.1 by Automattic
    Easy Pricing Tables by Fatcat Apps: version 2.3.10 by Fatcat Apps
    WooCommerce: version 3.2.6 by Automattic
    ### Server ###
    Server architecture: Linux 2.6.32-642.15.1.el6.x86_64 x86_64
    PHP Version: 5.6.31 (Supports 64bit values)
    PHP SAPI: apache2handler
    PHP max input variables: 1000
    PHP time limit: 30
    PHP memory limit: 256M
    Upload max filesize: 240M
    PHP post max size: 8M
    cURL Version: 7.19.7 NSS/3.21 Basic ECC
    SUHOSIN installed: No
    Is the Imagick library available: No
    ### Database ###
    Extension: mysqli
    Server version: 5.6.37
    Client version: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $
    Database prefix: site_
    ### WordPress constants ###
    ABSPATH: /var/www/blockode/
    WP_HOME: Undefined
    WP_SITEURL: Undefined
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: Disabled
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP_CACHE: Disabled
    COMPRESS_CSS: Undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: Undefined
    ### Filesystem permissions ###
    The main WordPress directory: Not writable
    The wp-content directory: Writable
    The uploads directory: Writable
    The plugins directory: Writable
    The themes directory: Writable
    Thread Starter elxafil


    Just tried both of those, still having the same problems.

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