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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Link Fehler und Mailvorlage ?ndernZur Mailvorlage: Ich fürchte, die ist irgendwo im Code versteckt.
Allerdings ?ffnet der “Mail-Link” ja das auf Deinem Computer vorhandene Mail-Programm und zeigt den vorbereiteten Text an. Wenn man das schon sieht, dann kann man auch “schnell” ?? mit irgendeinem vorbereiteten Hotkey den englischen Text mit einem deutschen überschreiben ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Link Fehler und Mailvorlage ?ndernHi Kasuar,
wenn es in manchen Browsern klappt, in anderen aber nicht, dann liegt es vermutlich an diesen “anderen Browsern” – oder daran, wie und ob der/die TesterIn im Browser angemeldet ist.
(1) Man kann in Edge alle Redirects abschalten (Settings->Permissions->PopUps and Redirects). Ich selbst habe kein Windows hier, aber das würde ich als erstes ausprobieren. Falls Du dort mit eingeschalteten Redirects erfolgreich bist, dann weisst Du, dass es am Browser liegt und Du auf Serverseite nichts daran ?ndern kannst.
(2) Andererseits kommt die Meldung “no permission to access this resource” vom Apache Server. Das legt nahe, dass m?glicherweise der redirect_to link nicht eingesehen werden kann mit der Berechtigung, die Du dem tempor?ren Benutzer gegeben hast. Wenn Du (z.B. als admin) so einen Link in einem Browser ausprobierst, in dem Du als admin angemeldet bist, dann merkst Du das vielleicht gar nicht (weil der admin alles sehen darf). Deshalb immer in einem Browser probieren, in dem Du gerade nicht als Benutzer in Eurem System angemeldet bist.
Die Berechtigung für den Tempor?ren Benutzer kannst Du bei der Anlage des Benutzers durch eine Rolle festlegen. Du musst dafür sorgen, dass diese Rolle auch wirklich auf den redirect_to Link zugreifen kann.
Viel Glück damit!- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by emanaku.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Time basedHi, yes that is possible.
When you install the plugin and create a temporary user, the “Expiry” options are divided in three groups: The upper options “After Access” give the user a timespan after first login.
Be aware, that the time is only “checked”, when there is an interaction with the WordPress system of your website!
Example: You have a temporary user for one hour after access. The user is only allowed to read exactly one page (you can arrange this by using a special user role and redirecting this role on log-in to that web page).
If the user starts reading the page, but is not clicking elsewhere, the user can read the page for hours, because the WordPress system has no chance to check if the user is still valid.
Besides that it is working really great, and I use it since months now….
Good luck!!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Multiple Accounts with same EMailLook, @thobau , you want to do sth which this plugin is not made for, violating the recommendations of the WordPress Core team.
If you cannot program it yourself, then you might want to look for somebody who can do it. But it surely is not right to complain about the support for the plugin.
I cannot debug your system from here. And I cannot spend more time on it, neither – sorry.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Multiple Accounts with same EMailIt is hard to tell from a distance, why this does not work.
If this would happen to me, I would debug the class-wp-temporary-login-withoug-password-admin.php after the line
$user = Wp_Temporary_Login_Without_Password_Common::create_new_user( $data );
where the$user['error']
should have a value, which could tell you, why the user creation does not work.
??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Multiple Accounts with same EMailHi Tom,
the solution I described in
works for me perfectly, and I have used it many, many times by now.
It looks like you are using now the plugin “Multiple accounts”.
Maybe with this plugin and the commenting of the code which I described in the other thread it could work for you together.
Good Luck!Hi mrossw, I do elearning in many settings for a long time.
I do not think that you will be happy using TLWP to give students access to online materials, because it is not made for this use case. And with time your ideas, what else could be done, will grow – and then TLWP is definitely not the right plugin for you any more.If you want to do “real elearning” (courses, certificates, quizzes), then sooner or later you need an LMS (like LearnDash, Lifter LMS or others).
If you just want to provide a couple of materials (pdf’s, videos, instructions in a WP post etc.), then you might be better off with a membership plugin.TLWP is just for temporary access to a WordPress installation – usually for developers and helps admins to simplify the process of granting access.
All the best!
Emanáku.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Different deadline(1) make sure you have the line
'timestamp' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 15 ;
right in your functions.php
(2) reload your page with the Temporary Logins
(3) make a new Temporary Login – choose the 15 minutes after access
(4) should work ??
Worked for me in many cases….Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Different deadlineHow can you see the 24 hours?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Different deadlineOk, sorry. I forgot the “return $options” at the end. Here is the correct version:
add_filter( 'tlwp_expiry_options', 'my_tlwp_expiry_option', 10, 1); function my_tlwp_expiry_option( $options ) { $options['15_minutes_after_access'] = array( 'label' => __('15 Minutes after Access', 'text-domain'), 'group' => 'after_access', 'group_name' => __( 'After Access', 'temporary-login-without-password' ), 'expiry_label' => __( '15 Minutes after access', 'text-domain' ), 'timestamp' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 15 , 'order' => 1 // dropdown options will be sort with this number ); return $options; }
Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Different deadlineHi marcorroma,
in your functions.php (in your theme) you can add sth like this:
add_filter( 'tlwp_expiry_options', 'my_tlwp_expiry_option', 10, 1); function my_tlwp_expiry_option( $options ) { $options['15_minutes_after_access'] = array( 'label' => __('15 Minutes after Access', 'text-domain'), 'group' => 'after_access', 'group_name' => __( 'After Access', 'temporary-login-without-password' ), 'expiry_label' => __( '15 Minutes after access', 'text-domain' ), 'timestamp' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 15 , 'order' => 1 // dropdown options will be sort with this number ); }
Just be aware, that the time the user is in the system is only checked, when there is a change of the page/post the user is on.
If the user is on one page, just reading it or watching a video on that page, they can do that for hours, because the page does not check the permission for the user “automatically”.Good luck!
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by emanaku.
Hi, I am using this plugin for a similar case. You can create a Temporary Login with an expiry of “24 hours after access” for each one of your users. Then the user can start, when they want, and after the first usage of the login they have 24 hours to see your video – afterwards access is blocked.
Good luck!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Tempr]orary login without passwordHi Tom, I have a similar problem.
WordPress does not want you to use the same email more than once.
To circumvent this, in made a small change in the TLWP plugin. In the file
in the function
public function create_user()
I commented out these lines:// } elseif ( ! empty( $data['user_email'] ) && email_exists( $data['user_email'] ) ) { // emanaku allow tmp logins for same person // $result['message'] = 'email_is_in_use';
This removes the check of TLWP if the email exists.
Now I can create as many temporary logins with the same email address as I want to.
Caveat: When the plugin updates, your change gets lost!Good luck!
Emanáku.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slides & Presentations] LongevityI have the same question ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Temporary Login Without Password] Relative expiration time spanoh, wow!
Looking forward to!
Thank you!