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  • You know, I rechecked my sources and I stand corrected.

    The <hr> tag itself was not deprecated (there was discussion for it to be, once upon a time, and HTML5 ended up re-purposing it and gave it a slightly different purpose), but the inline styling like noshade etc is no longer acceptable and therefore, would throw up the Validation errors.

    In HTML5, <hr> now has functional meaning – it can indicate a pause in the flow of a document, for example like you said, but as such, probably should not be used as an underlining element.

    As such, I still maintain that for true underlining rather than the literal breaking of a post/series of thoughts into segments, styling with CSS using either the underline ability or border ability is still probably best.

    And yes, what you demonstrated would be a good way (aside from using the <hr>) to automatically add a visual line spacer after the header.

    I guess what it boils down to is what purpose is the line being used for, right? To underline, to separate content, or what?

    Thanks for asking questions; helped me to clear some things, too, and sorry for the confusion. ??


    Hi there! ??

    If you are talking about receiving new user registration information, in your General Settings, you will see this:

    This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification.

    as a comment related to the email address specified on that page.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: My own login page.

    Hi there! ??

    Yes, if you make a direct edit to the Core files, the changes will be overwritten when an update happens because updates are updates to the Core files of WordPress.

    Have you looked at this page here:

    on ways to make edits and customize the login page using plugins or functions and such?

    This might help you to make the changes you want while still keeping the Core update-ready.

    Hi there! ??

    The first thing to do is check what Theme you are using (Appearance -> Themes) and see if it natively supports something like a rotating image gallery the second thing to do is check your Plugins (Plugins -> Installed Plugins) to see if it is a plugin that is adding that functionality.

    Additionally, check your Admin menu to see if there are any options for such a feature.

    Hi again! ??

    Yes, most likely a theme issue.

    It seems like your theme isn’t coded to output both the Site Title and the Site Description/tagline in the <title></title> region of the head in the header.php file.

    For example, on my Theme, I am using this:

    * Print the <title> tag based on what is being viewed.
    global $page, $paged;
    wp_title( '|', true, 'right' );
    // Add the blog name.
    bloginfo( 'name' );
    // Add the blog description for the home/front page.
    $site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );
    if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) )
    echo " | $site_description";
    // Add a page number if necessary:
    if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 )
    echo ' | ' . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'aithan' ), max( $paged, $page ) );

    to output the relevant information.


    The reason your menu/navigational information is showing up in Search results is because your main page doesn’t have any ‘readable content’ that a Search Engine would use to output an additional description.

    You have images on your site (do you have completed alt and title tags for all of your images?), but Search Engines can’t really translate them into a ‘description’.

    This is why the Search Engine chose to use your navigational menu to output as a description. A description needs words and your site has no words aside from your menu.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Change Link To

    Hi there! ??

    Unfortunately, to my understanding and knowledge, there isn’t a native way to do this. There might be a plugin, though, that can help you in converting/changing all of your image file links.

    Unfortunately since I myself haven’t used any such plugins, I do not know for sure.

    Perhaps something like this?

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: SVG Support

    auniquename, I can understand your position; as experienced site administrators, we know we can trust our own content and if something goes wrong, then mea culpa and we go to fix it.

    Basically, we are willing to take responsibility ourselves if we are given the functionality/feature.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to features on WordPress, additional functionalities/features are viewed on a user-wide basis in terms of is ‘such and such functionality or feature safe to use for MOST users, etc’ and as such, there is a lot of additional considering that goes into something like this.

    As advanced users (meaning, we do actual site administration which includes keeping our websites safe), this sort of thing probably comes off as redundant and unnecessary or something that is holding back progress and development, but for other users who are not as familiar, NOT opening the can that is possibly full of worms is the ‘better’ overall choice when evaluating on a whole.

    When 3. – I forget what – came out with automatic updates, there was quite a discussion on this related to having a feature (like automatic updates) be automatically included (and turned on) or not and one of the biggest takeaway points that was made was that in terms of security and safety, better to be careful than to be sorry.

    If WordPress was dedicated only to the tech-savvy, then this wouldn’t be quite as big of a concern, but the end-user-only base (those who use WordPress to do simple blogging or the like but don’t really administer a site and probably have nothing to do with their servers or install settings etc) is quite large and so consideration has to factor in that, too.

    I know this probably isn’t an answer you’re hoping for, but it is honestly given and based on what I have read and participated in terms of discussion within the WordPress Core community re: things to do (or not do) when it involves security (like automatic WordPress updates).

    That said, I am unsure if it has been communicated to you previously, but if you are handy with coding and have a good working knowledge of the WordPress core files, you ARE welcome to make your own personal adjustments if you need to as this is the beauty of open source.

    ‘Patch’ your own files as it were. ??

    Granted, it may mean that future upgrades will need to be ‘patched’ again if the feature you want isn’t included, but it IS a way to get what you need if the feature desired doesn’t make it to Core.

    Hi there!

    Have you tried this?

    .postid-254 .entry-summary {
        margin-top: -506px !important;
        margin-left: 331px;
        padding-bottom: 191px;

    The .postid-254 targets the specific page you’re talking about via body classes.

    Yes, there ought to be. ??

    In your 3.9 install, in the Widgets section, there is an option to add a Custom Menu to your Sidebar.

    To create this Custom Menu, go to Appearance then Menus and then on the Menus page, select create a new menu.

    Add what you want to add to this menu and then save it (make sure it is not selected to be a Primary menu).

    Go back to that Widgets page and add in that Custom Menu and it -should- show up in the sidebar area.

    Hi there!

    Looks like there’s one to me (viewing the source code), but I’m using Firefox.

    <div id="page" class="hfeed site">

    I used Internet Explorer and I see what you mean.

    I can see -something- there, but it’s like an invisible character and can’t be pasted into this text area.

    Did you edit the theme at all? Does swapping themes get rid of this problem?

    I recently built a new theme for myself and I’m not having issues with the body class generating itself.

    Hi there! ??

    Let me see if I can explain what is happening.

    Google (I looked you up using Google) and other Search Engines will pull into its tagline/site description one of a few different possibilities.

    1) A meta description in the head of your site.

    This is the older way to do this. It works, but unless scripted to change according to each page on a dynamic site, it will likely be static.

    You do not have this on your site.

    2) If you do not have a meta description attached to your site or some other form of description that a search engine can process as a description, it will try to process the page itself and any relevant text.

    As your website’s only text is in the header and footer, the search engine pulls that as your site description/tagline because it is the only relevant thing it can process.

    About the Site Title not showing up correctly, this is potentially due to a caching issue with the search engine.

    Does your install show the correct website name? Does your theme? Do both of them agree on what your website title is called?

    Hope this information helps some.

    Hi there again!

    Admittedly, I’m kind of stumped.

    I tried to replicate the issue on my own install using a fairly barebones theme (without any in-house custom functions and without any plugins save for the Developer plugin) and couldn’t; I embedded two different songs from Bandcamp and Soundcloud and was successful.

    Some people have reported issues with using the Visual Editor since the last change to 3.9. It might be possible – for whatever reason – that using the Visual Editor perhaps strips out some necessary coding tags or some such.

    When you turn off Visual Editor and attempt to embed videos that way, does it work?

    Edit: Additionally, do you have any caching plugins? If you do, does disabling it/them do anything?

    Hi there! ??

    I’m not sure how much help I can be on this issue, but I’ll try.

    1) Can you link to your website with an example post of the two supposedly different sound clips all linking to the same clip?

    2) After embedding the two different audio tracks, have you checked the source code to make sure there aren’t any code errors within that post?

    I am wondering if maybe the first embed’s code wasn’t properly closed and so when you did the next one, the first code leaked into the second one.

    3) Have you ever had trouble embedding different clips in a single post before?

    Sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to reaffirm my stance that a piece at a time is probably best and say that what you’re doing is a positive step in the right direction. ??

    I also wanted to apologize for partially misunderstanding what you said re: ‘wasting time’.

    When I first started out, I was equally concerned about accidentally doing things wrong, too, or doing something wrong and being unable to backtrack to fix it.

    The bad news is, I definitely made some mistakes. The better news is, it was all a great learning experience and it taught me so much in the end.

    Best of luck on everything!

    Hi there,

    You can still access the WordPress admin from that panel you linked to.

    Log in and look through the Posts and Pages to view the content on the site.

    Another way to do this would be to access the database related to this site, but you would have to go through your company’s system administrator (person who handled this original install and webhosting details) if you don’t have this information handy.

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