Forum Replies Created
Yes, many other plugins using the /wp-admin/admin.php?page= work and do not redirect. For example, MyReviewPlugin and WP Survey And Quiz Tool both are installed, use that convention, and do not redirect.
On the opensourcecms.com site it looks like I’m not able to install plugins into the demo, unfortunately, so I can’t test it there. However, I did test the plugin on another site of mine (WordPress is also installed in a subdirectory there), and it does work.
So it seems I’ve narrowed the problem down to either a conflict with another plugin, or perhaps something specific with that particular web host or even permalink configuration. Might there be any known conflicts with other plugins?
Thanks again.
Sorry – I get the same redirect using the link above. If it matters, I have WordPress installed in a subfolder (https://mysite.com/folder rather than https://mysite.com)… Thanks for your help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to Import from GoDaddy’s Quick BlogCastI think I found a solution to this for more than 100 posts!
Log into your GoDaddy account, go to Quick Blogcast, Manage Account. Select “Export Entries” from the “Manage Blog” menu. Select which things you’d like to export (entries, categories, comments, trackbacks) and hit “Export.” Note: for mine I only chose entries, so I can’t vouch for the success of exporting anything else. This will produce a plain text file.
Then log into WordPress (I’m using 2.9), go to Tools > Import, and select “Movable Type and TypePad”. Upload the text file you got from the GoDaddy export. It may prompt you to either create a new WordPress user for the imported posts or attribute them to an existing user, your choice. It should report along the way the success or failure of importing each piece of info. It worked smoothly for me with 400-some posts.
Now, the weird part. I found when I clicked “Posts” it reported that there were my 400-some posts there, however, I couldn’t view any of them! I checked my database and determined that the reason is that all of the imported posts had a status of “published”, not “publish”! I used this piece of MySQL on my database to correct this:
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_status = REPLACE (post_status, 'published', 'publish');
All of the posts then showed up in the Dashboard! Hope this works for others.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: full-page calendar and EC 3.1 Beta pluginNot sure if anyone is still watching this thread, but I think I have something that will help. I also recently upgraded Event Calendar to 3.1 and was using the full page hack from the thread mentioned. The following instructions will make events on a day in the calendar separated by
tags as in the original hack.- Open the file day.php inside the eventcalendar3 folder. At the end, insert the following code between lines 50 and 51:
function get_titles_hr() { return implode('<hr />',$this->titles); }
- Then, open template-functions.php, also in the eventcalendar3 folder. Change line 237 from this:
echo ">$date->day_num</a>";
to this:
echo ">$date->day_num<hr />".$calendar_days[$day_id]->get_titles_hr()."</a>";
Hope this helps someone!
- Open the file day.php inside the eventcalendar3 folder. At the end, insert the following code between lines 50 and 51: