Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] How do I change the slider images?Hi, there is no folder. Carousel is generated from the posts and displays featured image of the post.
The images that say ‘innovation, cloud’ etc. are just placeholders for quick scaffolding, you can turn them off under Xtend > Placeholder.js
Marking as resolved, let me know if you have further questions.
Ok, the warnings has been fixed and update has been submitted; you can download the latest from SVN https://www.ads-software.com/themes/download/bootstrap-ultimate.1.4.4.zip or wait for the update to be approved if you want.
You can read the update details here : https://eodepo.com/wordpress/themes/bootstrap-ultimate/bsul-1-4-4-update/
Or play with demo here: https://eodepo.com/wp/demo/bootstrap-ul/Please change your earlier vote accordingly and be a little more considerate next time.
Marking as resolved, let me know if you have further questions.I guess you were asking about “carousel” sliders, I went on to your site but you’ve changed the theme it seems. So marking as resolved, let me know if you have further questions
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] many parametersAlso I think I found the reason of those errors see : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/strict-standards-declaration-of-should-be-compatible-with#post-4757071
Like mentioned there, adding an $id=0 to the mentioned lines should fix the error.
function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth, $args ) {
function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth, $args, $id=0 ) {
I’ll test the theme entirely in php 5.4 and fix any warnings in the next release.
And next time post any support requests to support forums
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] many parametersEven so, it’s not fair to rate 1 star for PHP warnings. Like I said, we can not possibly test it under every condition and all themes / plugins are bound to have some warnings here and there.
So I have to ask you to read the links esmi posted and change your rating to a fair one.I’ve only tested the theme in PHP 5.3.x, I will check it in 5.4 and fix those warnings in the next release. But they shouldnt prevent it from functioning. How can you not “navigate in the menu” can you expand on that ?
For now you can:
1- Disable warnings temprorarily.
2- Go to theme settings > “Customize” tab and turn OFF “Custom markup”.
That will disable the custom menu walker and you should be fine.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Add Post Custom Options to Custom Post TypeHi, yes you have to change two lines in bootstrap-ultimate/inc/eo/admin-custom-fields.php to add your custom post type, lets say ‘book’ type:
Near line 78:function eo_add_custom_box() { $screens = array( 'post','page','book' );
Near line 107:
if ( ( get_post_type() == 'post' || get_post_type() == 'page' ) || ( !get_post_type() || get_post_type() == 'book' ) ) {
Try to make use of child themes (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes) in order not to lose your file edits with updates.
Thank you for using the theme, feel free to rate & review if you like the theme. Marking as resolved, let me know if you’ve further questions.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] many parametersI cant possibly test the theme with every wp or php version, there are bound to be some errors on some. I was planning on doing some extensive tests though.
But, does any of those errors prevent your system working, cause a crash or something ? If not -which I believe is the case-, I dont think a 1 star is a fair review.Can you post the error messages together with your wp & php version so that I can fix them ? Also like I said, please change your vote into a more reasonable one
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Personally I dont use child themes much. I’ve tried and confirmed the problem, it has been fixed and update has been submitted.
Please note that I’ve made it so that both parent & child theme will use the same option set. I thought it would make more sense if your options were synced. But you can always use the ‘backup & restore’ function to create option templates.
You can download it from SVN: https://www.ads-software.com/themes/download/bootstrap-ultimate.
Marking as resolved, let me know if you’ve further questions. Thank you for using the theme, your feedback is appreciated. If you find it useful consider to rate&review on: https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/theme-reviews/bootstrap-ultimate
Technical mumbo jumbo: Admin panel (Option Framework)’s of_get_option was not working for some reason. I dont know if actually does work for others themes that use the same framework . But I worked around it since most of the theme relied upon $eo_options global instead of the of_get_option function. As a side note; I am pretty sure everything should work just fine; but i did a quick search & replace to replace that of_get function. I hope it did not effect something else, I’ve browsed here and there but did not run into any problems. Let me know if you find any.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] awesome themeThank you for using the theme and your kind review. All feedback helps greatly.
Btw, what did you mean with “giant letters” ? The place holder text like “the cloud” or the Drop caps, the first giant letter.
If the former is the case; maybe i should really disable that placeholder text for the images (most people ask about it). I thought it would be nice to have ‘something’ rather than nothing in place of designated img places, especially in the start up phase.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Very nice themeYes, I’m well aware of the lack of documentation. I’ve added some quick tips in the about section for frequently used ones but I have to sit down and write a full doc some time.
I also know the code is pretty messy, I have that in mind too; to clean up debug lines and explain every function with comments.But the theme is pretty new (2 months old) and I’ve started it from scratch, so currently other things are in higher priority; like fixing bugs and adding new features. The good news is most of the planned features are almost done, so in the upcoming weeks the updates should be less frequent and everything would be more solid with each one. I expect a fully built & reliable release roughly somewhere betwen v1.5 – 2 ( March – May)
Thank you for using the theme, all feedback helps greatly
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Custom CSS Not TakingI have to check that, never tried using it by actually creating a WP child theme.
On a side note; the theme has its own sub (child) file function eo_get_template_part() which currently reads from module files (carousel,highlight etc.) from ./child/default/inc/modules file; so for example if there’s a copy of carousel.php child\default\inc\modules\carousel.php that one is read instead of the ./inc/modules/carousel.php
However i havent used that function for other includes just yet.But like i said; you should better use override.css file for css overrides, it’s loaded at the very end of the </head> so it overwrites everything else (base files, child themes, inline custom css etc)
Or you can remove the data sanitization from textarea like explained aboveForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Custom CSS Not TakingRight. Thanks for noticing this, it seems its a known issue already (https://wptheming.com/2011/05/options-framework-0-6/).
I guess i will just remove all kinds of sanitization for
‘s.If you do not want to wait for next version; just open your ./inc/_admin-init.php and add the below lines to the end of the file:
// Remove all sanitization for textareas add_action('admin_init','optionscheck_change_santiziation', 100); function optionscheck_change_santiziation() { remove_filter( 'of_sanitize_textarea', 'of_sanitize_textarea' ); add_filter( 'of_sanitize_textarea', 'custom_sanitize_textarea' ); } function custom_sanitize_textarea($input) { return $input; }
PS: For such css customizations personally I’d recommend using the override.css file. Just turn on the Override.css option ON under Dev tab and add all you css overrides in /rsc/css/override.css file.
Marking as resolved, report back if you have further questions. Thanks for your feedback
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Header WidgetYou can always add your widget areas in header. In the next versions i might make header areas widgetized also add the ability to change their widths. Latter is more likely.
The span of the content can be changed from theme settings, but by default it spans 9 on desktop view. You can match it by changing around line 97 in header.php :<?php ( $eo_options['nav_select_menu'] == "1" ) ? $tw_col_cl = 'col-sm-7 col-md-7 col-lg-8' : $tw_col_cl = 'col-sm-9 col-md-7 col-lg-8'; ?>
it’s logo-nav-search > 2-8-2 . so if you increase nav to 9 you have to lower the logo or search to 1, the cols have to match 12.
I recommend you do not make changed to themes header.php in order not to lose your changes with future updates. Use a child theme or custom header(https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Custom_Headers)
Marking as resolved, report back if you have further questions, thanks for using the theme, rate & review if you like it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Large featured image in postGreat, again thank you for using the theme, your feedback helps a lot to fix bugs or add new features.
Feel free to rate & review here : https://www.ads-software.com/themes/bootstrap-ultimate
Good luck with your projects.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Large featured image in postOh, you’re right. I forgot to make the changes in content-single file. Fixed that. and also added two more options;
1- Choose different sizes for featIMG in loop / single mode.
2- In addition to inline – block added another display option for featIMG; ‘hybrid‘, which displays inline in loops & block on single mode.Thanks for the feedback, it’s been very helpful. You can check the online demo with the latest changes: https://eodepo.com/wp/demo/bootstrap-ul/uncategorized/an-example-with-an-attached-picture/
Submitted the changed version to WP dir. You can wait for it to be approved or download from SVN.