Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [EG-Attachments]applying filter the_contentThe plugin isn ot working out of the loop, because it needs the field ID (post id), in order to get attachments.
In the shortcode, I get the post id, then I use get_children with this id to get attachments. With your method, we have only the post content.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom format not working on eg-attachmentsHi,
I made some tests with the version 1.9.2. All seems ok. For example, with this custom format, a new window is opened when I click on the link:
<li><a href="%GUID%" title="%TITLE%" target="_blank">%TITLE%</a></li>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Series] [Plugin: EG-Series] Pages in series ?Bonjour Tom,
J’ai identifie le probleme, je pensais que les pages etaient implicitement recherchees dans certaines requetes, ce qui n’est pas le cas.
Je devrais sortir une version 2.0.4 tres prochainement.Emmanuel.
EG-Attachments is just creating links to attachements, and doesn’t modify any parameters about download.
Your problem is coming from the web server, or PHP configuration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] Settings do not stickThe version 1.9.2 solves the bug.
Previous stable version can be downloaded here: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/eg-series/download/
The version 1.9.0 fixes bugs, and improves the security access to the attachments.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] ADD Type optionDone in the version 1.9.0
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments]Hi,
In the version 1.9.0, you can now, choose the type of link (to a WP page/post, or direct to the file).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] Change widget optionsSince 1.9.0, “Custom formats” are now integrated in the widgets
Could you tell me where in the code, you see the unecessary closing tags? I didn’t succeed to fin them.
A possible solution can be use
orderby="caption DESC"
andlimit=2 (or 3)
.Another solution is hacking the plugin:
In file eg-attachments-config.inc.php, add
'caption_filter' => ''
(near line 83)in file eg-attachments-public.inc.php, replace the conditions in lines 365 to 367, with
if ( ($doctype == 'all' || ($doctype == 'image' && $mime_type == 'image') || ($doctype == 'document' && $mime_type != 'image') ) && ($caption_filter=='' || ($caption_filter!='' && strcmp($attachment->post_excerpt,$caption_filter)>0)) ) {
Of course, no help, no support on this…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] [Plugin: EG-Attachments] DOWNLOADS 0kb pdf file@davincicook: I found the bug. The error occurs when the server option fopen_wrapper is set to off.
I will publish a new version 1.8.6 very soon (perhaps this night – european time).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EG-Attachments] EG-Attachments uses "guid" column for getting download-linkModifications are done in the 1.8.5.
Thanks for the suggestion.
The version 1.8 is now published, and takes your comment into account.