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  • Plugin Author emmanuelg


    I didn’t test the plugin with WP 3.0. EG-Series worked with previous version of WPMU.
    I plan a test within this week.

    Hi ntrantham
    Hi maliaweb

    I created the “Custom format” in Settings/EG-Attachments page, to create your own format.
    you can do what you want with these fields.
    For example, you want a numbered list

    - Before list: <ol>
    - List format: <li><a href="%URL%" title="%TITLE%">%TITLE%</a></li>
    - After list: </ol>

    You can put the HTML code you want inside these fields.

    Nevertheless, I will take a look to the concept of template. Unfortunately, I haven’t a lot of time at the moment, so, it can take some time.

    Please provide more details about your problem.

    EG-Attachments just read the list of attachments of each posts to display them. I don’t modify anything in the admin interface except adding an icon on the top of the editor.

    Hi Riffard,
    First of all, you cannot create serie from the page “EG-Series Edit”. Just because I use custom fields to manage series. So a serie exists only if it is associated with a post.

    Then, to see the EG-Series box in the “Post Editor” page, you have to check the option “Use metabox to enter the series, rather than enter custom fields manually” (second checkbox in the option page).

    To create a serie: in the EG-Series metabox, just enter the name of the serie. The serie will be create while post will be saved or published.

    After, you will see the combox with the name of your serie.

    I don’t use none of the plugins you mention, and didn’t performed with them, so I can’t say if there is a conflict. I didn’t have any comments or complaints about this kind of issue neither.

    Really don’t understand this bug. The plugin worked with 2.9 Beta, 2.9 RC1, but not with official 2.9 …

    Anyway, I published the version 1.3.2 to fix the bug.


    Just some details about the EG-Series plugin.
    This plugin is named EG-Series because I haven’t the patience to find original names (which do not exist already). So, all my plugins start therefore by my initials.

    I think that Organized-Series and EG-Series cannot be compared. The first one tries to provide a complete set of features, and the second tries to be as simple as possible.

    The main goal of EG-Series is to provide basic functions for managing series, without adding anything to WordPress. So, EG-Series uses the custom fields, and tries to be as light as possible. So I don’t know, for example, if I will add features such as “previous” or “next” links.

    If you need more features, such as thumbnail for series, series description, … I think you have to try Organized Series or In-Series.

    Sorry for the delay …

    Which version of EG-Attachments do you use? with which version of WP?


    The plugin uses only “custom fields”. So you can use the “post_meta” functions.

    Otherwise, if you want to get all series with their posts, you can request database with the following query:

    $meta_key= ... ;
    $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ID, meta_value, post_title, post_date, post_status, menu_order FROM '.$wpdb->posts.' ,'.$wpdb->postmeta.' WHERE meta_key="'.$meta_key.'" AND ID=post_id ORDER BY meta_value ASC, '.$orderby.' '.$order;
    $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

    Problem solved.
    Version 1.2.9 of EG-Attachments will be published soon, and support the HidePost plugin

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