Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page scroll to id] Text formatting plugin admin pageMany thanks for the quick fix. Keep up the good work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Removed functions in free Yoast SEO?OK, found the problem. Javascript error with the new HelpScout beacon in 12.6. Now I just need to find out why?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Removed functions in free Yoast SEO?I’m not talking about the SEO box in a single page, post, etc. Please read what I wrote. It’s the global SEO settings SEO title and meta descriptions that are gone in the free version. Go to the Yoast SEO settings and the appearance submenu and the content types tab. The fields for SEO title and meta description are missing for all post types in the free version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Unyson] Posts widget and sortingI’m also interested in this. I have tried with pre_get_posts but it doesn’t work. I need to set the sort order by meta value.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Removed functions in free Yoast SEO?Yoast have removed the functions to set SEO title and meta descriptions via snippets for content types, taxonomies and archives in the free version. Go to the Yoast SEO settings and the appearance submenu and the content types tab. The fields for SEO title and meta description are missing for all post types in the free version. When did Yoast remove this functions in the free version? The functions are still there in the paid Yoast SEO Premium plugin so they have not been moved somewhere else.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by M3.
Many thanks for quick response! It works to exclude the default urls together with some custom htaccess code to stop username enumeration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page scroll to id] Settings in the wp_options tableWe had problem with several sites today when updating to 1.6.5. Probably due to the database caching used by the hosting company. So we had to spend some time before we found out that we had to re-save to flush the database cache.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page scroll to id] Settings in the wp_options tableI’m sorry but there is no need to save all the text, comments, links, etc in a table that autoload. And the update of the plugin doesn’t work unless you re-save the settings or reset to default.
a: 1: { s: 17: "mPS2id_instance_0";a: 31: { s: 8: "selector";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 24: "a[rel='m_PageScroll2id']";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 28: "page_scroll_to_id_0_selector";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 11: "Selector(s)";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 397: "Set the links (in the form of <a href="http: //www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/" target="_blank">CSS selectors</a>) that will scroll the page when clicked (default value: any link with a non-empty hash (<code>#</code>) value in its URL) <br /><small>In addition to selectors above, the plugin is enabled automatically on links (or links contained within elements) with class <code>ps2id</code></small>";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 21: "autoSelectorMenuLinks";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 41: "page_scroll_to_id_0_autoSelectorMenuLinks";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 30: "Enable on WordPress Menu links";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 185: "Automatically enable the plugin on custom links (containing <code>#</code> in their URL) created in Appearance → Menus <br /><small>Requires WordPress version 3.6 or higher</small>";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 15: "excludeSelector";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 35: "a[href^='#tab-'], a[href^='#tabs-']";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 35: "page_scroll_to_id_0_excludeSelector";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 22: "selectors are excluded";s: 11: "description";s: 203: "Set the links (in the form of <a href="http: //www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/" target="_blank">CSS selectors</a>) that will be excluded from plugin's selectors (the plugin will not handle these links)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 11: "scrollSpeed";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";i: 800;s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 31: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollSpeed";s: 10: "field_type";s: 12: "text-integer";s: 5: "label";s: 15: "Scroll duration";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 12: "milliseconds";s: 11: "description";s: 99: "Scroll animation duration (i.e. scrolling speed) in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds equal 1 second)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 15: "autoScrollSpeed";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 4: "true";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 35: "page_scroll_to_id_0_autoScrollSpeed";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 30: "Auto-adjust scrolling duration";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 104: "Enable to let the plugin fine-tune scrolling duration/speed according to target and page scroll position";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 12: "scrollEasing";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 14: "easeInOutCubic";s: 6: "values";s: 406: "linear,swing,easeInQuad,easeOutQuad,easeInOutQuad,easeInCubic,easeOutCubic,easeInOutCubic,easeInQuart,easeOutQuart,easeInOutQuart,easeInQuint,easeOutQuint,easeInOutQuint,easeInExpo,easeOutExpo,easeInOutExpo,easeInSine,easeOutSine,easeInOutSine,easeInCirc,easeOutCirc,easeInOutCirc,easeInElastic,easeOutElastic,easeInOutElastic,easeInBack,easeOutBack,easeInOutBack,easeInBounce,easeOutBounce,easeInOutBounce";s: 2: "id";s: 32: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollEasing";s: 10: "field_type";s: 6: "select";s: 5: "label";s: 18: "Scroll type/easing";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 192: "Scroll animation easing (<a href="http: //manos.malihu.gr/page-scroll-to-id-for-wordpress/#ps2id-duration-easings-demo" target="_blank">visual representation & demo of all easing types</a>)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 15: "scrollingEasing";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 12: "easeOutCubic";s: 6: "values";s: 406: "linear,swing,easeInQuad,easeOutQuad,easeInOutQuad,easeInCubic,easeOutCubic,easeInOutCubic,easeInQuart,easeOutQuart,easeInOutQuart,easeInQuint,easeOutQuint,easeInOutQuint,easeInExpo,easeOutExpo,easeInOutExpo,easeInSine,easeOutSine,easeInOutSine,easeInCirc,easeOutCirc,easeInOutCirc,easeInElastic,easeOutElastic,easeInOutElastic,easeInBack,easeOutBack,easeInOutBack,easeInBounce,easeOutBounce,easeInOutBounce";s: 2: "id";s: 35: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollingEasing";s: 10: "field_type";s: 6: "select";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 98: "Alternative animation easing (applied when a link is clicked while the page is animated/scrolling)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 19: "pageEndSmoothScroll";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 4: "true";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 39: "page_scroll_to_id_0_pageEndSmoothScroll";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 15: "Scroll behavior";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 65: "Always scroll smoothly when reaching the end of the page/document";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 22: "stopScrollOnUserAction";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 42: "page_scroll_to_id_0_stopScrollOnUserAction";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 49: "Stop page scrolling on mouse-wheel or touch-swipe";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 127: "Enable if you want to stop page scrolling when the user tries to scroll the page manually (e.g. via mouse-wheel or touch-swipe)";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 17: "autoCorrectScroll";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 37: "page_scroll_to_id_0_autoCorrectScroll";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 99: "Verify target position and readjust scrolling (if necessary), after scrolling animation is complete";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 6: "layout";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 8: "vertical";s: 6: "values";s: 24: "vertical,horizontal,auto";s: 2: "id";s: 26: "page_scroll_to_id_0_layout";s: 10: "field_type";s: 5: "radio";s: 5: "label";s: 11: "Page layout";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";s: 24: "vertical|horizontal|auto";s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 346: "Restrict page scrolling to top-bottom (vertical) or left-right (horizontal) accordingly. For both vertical and horizontal scrolling select <code>auto</code> <br /><small>Please note that "Layout" option does not transform your theme’s templates layout (i.e. it won’t change your theme/page design from vertical to horizontal).</small>";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 6: "offset";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 18: ".nav-primary:fixed";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 26: "page_scroll_to_id_0_offset";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 6: "Offset";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 6: "pixels";s: 11: "description";s: 189: "Offset scroll-to position by x amount of pixels (positive or negative) or by <a href="http: //www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/" target="_blank">selector</a> (e.g. <code>#navigation-menu</code>)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 11: "dummyOffset";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 31: "page_scroll_to_id_0_dummyOffset";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 54: "Auto-generate <code>#ps2id-dummy-offset</code> element";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 393: "Enable if you want the plugin to create a hidden element and use its selector as offset. The element that will be created is: <code>#ps2id-dummy-offset</code> <br /><small>You should use the <code>#ps2id-dummy-offset</code> value in the <b>Offset</b> option above. You should then use the same selector/value and in your CSS and give it a height equal to the amount of offset you want.</small>";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 17: "highlightSelector";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 0: "";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 37: "page_scroll_to_id_0_highlightSelector";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 21: "Highlight selector(s)";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 181: "Set the links (in the form of <a href="http: //www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/" target="_blank">CSS selectors</a>) that will be eligible for highlighting (leave empty to highlight all)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 12: "clickedClass";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 14: "mPS2id-clicked";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 32: "page_scroll_to_id_0_clickedClass";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 31: "Classes & highlight options";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 10: "class name";s: 11: "description";s: 124: "Class of the clicked link. You can use this class (e.g. <code>.mPS2id-clicked</code>) in your CSS to style the clicked link.";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 11: "targetClass";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 13: "mPS2id-target";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 31: "page_scroll_to_id_0_targetClass";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 10: "class name";s: 11: "description";s: 413: "Class of the (current) target element. You can use this class (e.g. <code>.mPS2id-target</code>) in your CSS to style the highlighted target element(s). <br />If multiple elements are highlighted, you can use the <code>-first</code> or <code>-last</code> suffix in the class name (e.g. <code>.mPS2id-target-first</code>, <code>.mPS2id-target-last</code>) to style the first or last highlighted element accordingly";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 14: "highlightClass";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 16: "mPS2id-highlight";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 34: "page_scroll_to_id_0_highlightClass";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 10: "class name";s: 11: "description";s: 409: "Class of the (current) highlighted link. You can use this class (e.g. <code>.mPS2id-highlight</code>) in your CSS to style the highlighted link(s). <br />If multiple links are highlighted, you can use the <code>-first</code> or <code>-last</code> suffix in the class name (e.g. <code>.mPS2id-highlight-first</code>, <code>.mPS2id-highlight-last</code>) to style the first or last highlighted links accordingly";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 20: "forceSingleHighlight";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 40: "page_scroll_to_id_0_forceSingleHighlight";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 44: "Allow only one highlighted element at a time";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 22: "keepHighlightUntilNext";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 42: "page_scroll_to_id_0_keepHighlightUntilNext";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 123: "Keep the current element highlighted until the next one comes into view (i.e. always keep at least one element highlighted)";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 21: "highlightByNextTarget";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 41: "page_scroll_to_id_0_highlightByNextTarget";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 24: "Highlight by next target";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 118: "Set targets length according to their next adjacent target position (useful when target elements have zero dimensions)";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 10: "appendHash";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 30: "page_scroll_to_id_0_appendHash";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 14: "Links behavior";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 101: "Append the clicked link’s hash value (e.g. <code>#id</code>) to browser’s URL/address bar";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 12: "scrollToHash";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 32: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollToHash";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 70: "Scroll from/to different pages (i.e. scroll to target when page loads)";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 18: "scrollToHashForAll";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 38: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollToHashForAll";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 96: "Enable different pages scrolling on all links (even the ones that are not handled by the plugin)";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 17: "scrollToHashDelay";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";i: 0;s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 37: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollToHashDelay";s: 10: "field_type";s: 12: "text-integer";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 55: "milliseconds delay for scrolling to target on page load";s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 26: "scrollToHashUseElementData";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 4: "true";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 46: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollToHashUseElementData";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 87: "Use element's custom offset (if it exists) when scrolling from/to different pages.";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 25: "scrollToHashRemoveUrlHash";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 45: "page_scroll_to_id_0_scrollToHashRemoveUrlHash";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 123: "Remove URL hash (i.e. the <code>#some-id</code> part in browser's address bar) when scrolling from/to different pages.";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";N;s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 18: "disablePluginBelow";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";i: 0;s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 38: "page_scroll_to_id_0_disablePluginBelow";s: 10: "field_type";s: 4: "text";s: 5: "label";s: 20: "Disable plugin below";s: 14: "checkbox_label";N;s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";s: 11: "screen-size";s: 11: "description";s: 135: "Set the width,height screen-size (in pixels), below which the plugin will be disabled (e.g. <code>1024</code> or <code>1024,600</code>)";s: 7: "wrapper";N; }s: 21: "adminDisplayWidgetsId";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 4: "true";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 41: "page_scroll_to_id_0_adminDisplayWidgetsId";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 14: "Administration";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 28: "Display widgets id attribute";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 65: "Show the id attribute of each widget in Appearance → Widgets";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 19: "adminTinyMCEbuttons";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 39: "page_scroll_to_id_0_adminTinyMCEbuttons";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 55: "Enable insert link/target buttons in post visual editor";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 55: "<small>Requires WordPress version 3.9 or higher</small>";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 26: "unbindUnrelatedClickEvents";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 46: "page_scroll_to_id_0_unbindUnrelatedClickEvents";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 16: "Advanced options";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 70: "Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links (if possible)";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 159: "Enable if another plugin or a theme script handles page scrolling and conflicts with "Pagescrolltoid" (removes other scripts js click events from the links)";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; }s: 27: "normalizeAnchorPointTargets";a: 10: { s: 5: "value";s: 5: "false";s: 6: "values";N;s: 2: "id";s: 47: "page_scroll_to_id_0_normalizeAnchorPointTargets";s: 10: "field_type";s: 8: "checkbox";s: 5: "label";s: 0: "";s: 14: "checkbox_label";s: 30: "Normalize anchor-point targets";s: 12: "radio_labels";N;s: 10: "field_info";N;s: 11: "description";s: 86: "Force zero dimensions (via CSS) on targets created with <code>[ps2id]</code> shortcode";s: 7: "wrapper";s: 8: "fieldset"; } } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF Theme Code for Advanced Custom Fields] PHP Warning count()@aaronrutley Many thanx for the update and quick fix!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Attachment Taxonomies] Yoast SEO CompatibilityHow to remove the Prominent Words taxonomy added by Yoast SEO when using the Attachment Taxonomies plugin.
//* Remove SEO prominent words taxonomy
add_filter( ‘wpseo_prominent_words_post_types’, ‘remove_yst_prominent_words’ );
function remove_yst_prominent_words( $post_types ) {
unset( $post_types[‘attachment’] );
return $post_types;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Attachment Taxonomies] Yoast SEO Compatibility@flixos90 Any idea how to fix this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin] Download managerEDD is overkill for this projekt but probably the best anyway since I find all others to be awkward.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Missing posts in xml sitemapI did all the steps above before my post but I finally found the problem. Somehow the _yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex had been set to active (1) in the database for all posts. I suspect an Yoast update around that time I know we had problems with and the database. Thanx anyway for your quick reply and keep up the good work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disable REST API] Text link in plugin page?Many thanx for the quick update. Keep up the good work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Admin Columns] Limit notificationsMany thanx @dungengronovius