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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: categories brokenI’m having this same problem. I actually had two categories disappear from the wp_categories table in my database. Also, in my post2cat table, my first five posts now have very long numbers in all three columns of the table — upwards of nine digits — instead of the 1-2 digit numbers they should have. I get the error message described above when I go to edit any of those orginal five posts.
I’m using an old version of WP, 1.2.1, so perhaps I need to upgrade.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Get Offset Excerpt Test pluginFYI, this is now at https://www.webcommunicate.net/articles/18
(or at least it will be when my new DNS resolves)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: True Static v0.2 releasedFYI, this is now at https://www.webcommunicate.net/articles/19
(or at least it will be in a couple days when my new dns resolves)
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Choosing a hostdoorhost.net and pair.com are good hosts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Pluign: Faked FoldersThis might be a dumb question… does this plugin actually output static pages? I mean, really static, flat, html pages, with no PHP and no database dependence. I mean, can you spit out flat html pages with this plugin? Or does it just make URLs that look like static pages. Thanks much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Get Offset Excerpt Test pluginUpdate:
v0.72 now has support for “edit post link.”Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: the_category_ID()I would love to have the functionality once offered by the_category_ID(). Such a useful function, I can’t believe it’s no longer available. I understand the multiple category problem, but maybe there could be a way to assign a main category to a post and access that via the_category_ID. Then you could assign other categories to the post but still use the_category_ID to access the main category.
Is there any way to get this effect? I want to display a different sidebar for my single post pages depending on the what category the post is in, so I need to access the category ID of each single post page.
I’ll go looking for steveminutillo’s above-mentioned plugin… maybe that will help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display excerpt on index?There’s now a plugin that deals with this issue. It checks the db for an excerpt and provides different formatting options conditioned on whether there’s an excerpt:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic.php?id=19478Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 1.3 v 1.5 and nightly builds…Has anyone put together any kind of feature list for 1.3/1.5?
I’m still using 1.22 and I feel so November 2004. Would anyone who has been using nightly builds care to fire off a quick and dirty summary of what the new features are?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display excerpt on index?This will display an excerpt+link if an excerpt is present in the database or just the_content if no excerpt is present. Note that this will interpret the post_excerpt field as empty even if it contains some whitespaces. That’s just in case a user provides an excerpt and then goes back and deletes it, but doesn’t delete all whitespaces.
if (trim($post->post_excerpt) == ”) {
} else {
echo ‘excerpt:’;
echo ‘
echo ‘”>More…‘;
?>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: intermittent database errorturns out this was a hosting issue. They moved me to another db server and all is well as of now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Editing comments in the admin stationI’m not able to find anything in 1.2.1, in post.php, that closely matches the above diff, so I’m hesitant to try this fix. I’m using 1.2.1 and am having this problem. I also posted to https://www.ads-software.com/support/index.php?action=vthread&forum=3&topic=14945&page=0&anchor=103288 which also deals with this problem, but no fix is suggested there as of now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [HELP]wp-login.php?redirect_to=Is this problem being addressed by WP?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: the_time and daylight savingsSay what? I’m not following you.
In WP options there’s a setting for “Times in the weblog should differ by” X hours from GMT — this would be a way to manually adjust for daylight savings. But there must be a way to set up my site so I don’t have to remember to manually adjust every six months, right?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: the_time and daylight savingsBut the PHP date function won’t return the date/time of the post, right?
It will return the current date/time, I think.