enomoto celtislab
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Load Filter] PHP7.4 Fatal errorIf str_contains does not exist, str_contains defined in wp-includes/compat.php line.493 will be used, so I think there will be no error, but an error may occur if you are using WP5.8 or earlier.
In any case, I think it is better to keep PHP and WP relatively new, even if not the latest version, so in the next update, I plan to change the minimum version of WP to 6.0 or higher.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Load Filter] Speed up REST-API calls immensely!Thank you.
We’re glad we were able to help you.We can’t provide support for add-ons in this forum, so please contact the support email we sent you when you purchased the add-on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YASAKANI Cache] WooCommerce Cart ErrorOpen the edit page of each of the shop, cart, and checkout as shown in the links below and check the ‘Do not JS defer-asynchronously’ checkbox.
If it’s set correctly, you’ll see that, for example, defer is not set for jQuery when you view the source of the page.
If it doesn’t work, defer will remain set as shown below
<script defer src="https://example.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1" ...
If that doesn’t work, there may be some other reason, but I don’t know what it is.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YASAKANI Cache] WooCommerce Cart ErrorIf you are experiencing problems with javascript optimize only on pages such as ‘/cart/’ or ‘/checkout/’, you can exclude that page from optimization by setting the YASAKANI Cache ‘Do not JS defer-asynchronously’ on the edit screen of that page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YASAKANI Cache] WooCommerce Cart ErrorI looked at the javascript used on your site.
‘Flying pages’ may be the problem.
Try to disable ‘flying pages’ or add ‘flying-pages.min.js’ to the JavaScript Optimization exclusion scripts.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YASAKANI Cache] WooCommerce Cart ErrorI tried it in a test environment and found no issues.
I searched and found a similar report.
Is this the same?
Please check the version of WC
Also, it seems that JS is involved, so if you are using Yasakani Cache’s CSS or JavaScript Optimization, try disabling it and checking.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XO Security] Ajax使用ログイン時の CAPTCHA について早速の対応ありがとうございます
感謝 (^^)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Accept Stripe Payments] PHP error – handle variationsThe error can no longer be reproduce.
My guess is that when the error occurred, asp_variations_names was undefined, so filter_input () became null.
After that, when I corrected the code and executed it to check the operation, update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘asp_variations_names’, false ); was executed, the undefined was resolved, and the error no longer occurred.However, if you click the Create Group button in variations and update the Edit Product without creating a variation, an empty variation will be created.
When you Pay Now for this item, an empty dropdown select for variation selection will appear at the top of the purchase dialog.
Is this the expected behavior?
After all, wouldn’t it be better to add one more judgment condition ? empty( $variations_groups[0] ),
For now, I think the error no longer occurs during normal use, so I’ll mark it as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Accept Stripe Payments] PHP error – handle variationsNot resolved.
Normally, there seems to be no problem, but the problem may occur after some processing (I don’t know what I did)
stripe-payments\admin\includes\class-asp-admin-product-meta-boxes.php?on line?1058-
$variations_groups = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'asp-variations-group-names', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY );
// if ( ! empty( $variations_groups ) && is_array( $variations_groups ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $variations_groups ) && is_array( $variations_groups ) && ! empty( $variations_groups[0] ) ) {I think you normally expect $variations_groups to be null when you’re not using variations, but sometimes with array types the first array element is an empty string.
If you add one judgment condition: ! empty( $variations_groups[0] ), no errors will occur even in irregular cases like this
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Accept Stripe Payments] PHP error – handle variationsyes
I don’t use variations when saving products. However, PHP program processing determines that it is being used.
This will do the wrong thing and cause a PHP errorForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Load Filter] Query String can’t found filterI don’t use elementor, so I don’t really understand the situation. Please explain the situation in detail.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YASAKANI Cache] Can it be used on Multisite?Can also be used in multisite
However, we have very little experience with it, so if any problems occur, it would be helpful if you could provide us with a detailed report.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Load Filter] On Page working on Post notAre you sure about the user’s role?
If that is the case, the ability to filter plugins against the role of the logged in user is not implemented.
If you want to achieve this, it will be quite difficult, but it may be possible by creating a program that hooks into the filter hook ‘plf_custom_changes_to_active_plugins’ to customize the filtering
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Load Filter] On Page working on Post notAs a standard feature, there is no setting for backend OFF and front On.
The settings will be as below
2.Admin Type (Backend On and Front Off)
3.Page Type (Backend On and selective front On/Off)If you want to control the backend, you will need an add-on that can filter URLs. Please consider it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YASAKANI Cache] How to do bestView the page source in your browser
For CSS, the target is the file loaded from your own site with rel=’stylesheet’ in the link tag.
Similarly, for JavaScript, the target is the file that loads your site’s JS file in the src of the script tag.
It can be the id of that tag, or it can be part of the file path that is being read.
Errors may occur, so please make sure that there are no problems before adapting.See also this page